The I Medical faculty
The oldest faculty of Kharkiv National Medical University
The I Medical faculty
The students of faculty during the studying

About us

The Medical Faculty provides training of students in the specialty “Medicine” (level “master”), which allows you to get education and acquire the title of highly qualified professionals for the health care system of Ukraine in any field of study: obstetrics and gynecology, surgery, neurology, psychiatry, anesthesiology and intensive care, urology, etc. Training of future physicians is conducted at the professional chairs, clinical bases are leading research and evidence-based treatment facilities and multi-disciplinary hospitals in Kharkiv: KhRI of General and Emergency Medical Care NAMS of Ukraine, KhRI of Therapy named after acad. L.T. Malaya NAMS of Ukraine, KhRI of Medical Radiology named after S.P. Grigoriev NAMS of Ukraine, The Regional Clinical Centre for Urology and Nephrology named after V.I. Shapovalov.

The faculty includes 9 departments, such as: Department of Human Anatomy, Clinical Anatomy and Operative Surgery, Department of Biological Chemistry, Department of Histology, Cytology and Embryology, Department of Emergency and Emergency Medical Care, Orthopedics and Traumatology, Department of General and Clinical Pathological Physiology named after D.O. Alpern, Department of Medical Biology,  Department of Medicine of Catastrophes and Military Medicine, Department of Pathological Anatomy, Department of Physiology.

Nauki Ave, 4, Kharkiv, 61022
Acting Dean
Deputy deans
Fedorov Volodymyr Oleksandrovych
Candidate of Medical Science, Associate professor of the Department of internal medicine № 3
+38 057 707 72 22
Ivashchenko Roman Olehovych
Assistant of the department of Public Health and Healthcare Management
Konoval Natalia
Candidate of Medical Science, Associate professor of the department of Human Anatomy, Clinical Anatomy and Operative Surgery

The origins of the I Medical Faculty date back to 1804, when the Imperial University of Kharkiv, founded on the initiative of an outstanding cultural and scientific leader of Ukraine V.N. Karazin at the beginning of the 19th century, was opened. The statute of the university signed by the Emperor Olexander I in February 1804 included the division of medical and curative sciences among the 4 university departments (in future the faculties) which later became the Medical Faculty that a century later was divided into the I and II faculties.

According to the university statute of 1804, the department of medicine had a total of 6 specialized departments: 1) anatomy, physiology and forensic medicine; 2) pathology, therapy and clinical medicine; 3) nursing, pharmacy and pharmacy diction; 4) surgery; 5) medical art; 6) animal medicine.

In 1814 the first clinics of the university opened. In one of the university’s flagships a therapeutic and surgical unit was set up with 6 beds each.

The Faculty of Medicine played a special role in the activities of the university and the life of the city, and this was reflected not only in the training of specialist physicians and medical scientists, but also in the overall cultural development of the Kharkiv region.

It was the professors of the Medical Faculty who performed the first ovariotomy, total resection of the stomach, open-heart surgery in the Russian Empire and made significant scientific breakthroughs. The best representatives of the medical profession provided qualified medical aid to soldiers during wars, and to the civilian population during various epidemics. The Medical Faculty was approached by the local authorities with a request to develop proposals and measures for combating contagious diseases and to make recommendations for the further development of medical education.

Today, the I Medical Faculty at KhNMU is one of the leading medical faculties in Ukraine for the training of physicians. There are 1000 students studying at the faculty. The annual number of students enrolling for the program is around 200.
The Faculty is equipped with classrooms for lectures, seminars, practical classes, which are equipped with modern multimedia equipment.
The training of future physicians is carried out at the professional departments, the clinical bases of which are the leading scientific-research treatment institutions and multi-profile hospitals of Kharkiv: KhRI of General and Emergency Medical Care NAMS of Ukraine, KhRI of Therapy named after acad. L.T. Malaya NAMS of Ukraine, KhRI of Medical Radiology named after S.P. Grigoriev NAMS of Ukraine, The Regional Clinical Centre for Urology and Nephrology named after V.I. Shapovalov.
The faculty has created all the conditions for a productive and varied learning experience. Every student has the opportunity to develop their talents, expand their communication and creative abilities.

All departments of the faculty are involved in the implementation of scientific work. Scientific activity was and remains the basis of high-quality training of highly skilled professionals at the undergraduate and postgraduate stages of training, the implementation of urgent tasks of medical theory and practice.

Scientific life of the First Medical Faculty is actively growing. Now most of our students take part in scientific activities: conferences, preparation and publication of scientific papers in journals, joint seminars, post-graduate works.

The intensification of scientific research is positively influenced by the number of publications by the Faculty’s students, which is constantly increasing. Scientific work at the First Medical Faculty enables students to maintain scientific ties with various national and foreign institutions of higher education and scientific establishments, to develop their own scientific and research potential.

The 152 lecturers, 23 professors and 55 associate professors are working in the departments, taking an active part in scientific activities. Scientific events, internships, congresses and practical conferences for students and young scientists from different European countries are regularly held. Student research groups are in operation, which allow students to independently carry out research work and present the results of their own research at various scientific events in Ukraine and abroad, which allows them to win prizes at scientific research competitions.

Programs of teaching disciplines for the training of teachers are developed, monographs are published under the stamp of the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education and Science.

Articles in the international database SCOPUS and Web of Science are published.

Faculty teachers are dedicated to ensuring that all graduates are fully aware of their professional skills and new methods of treatment of patients.

The Department of Pathological Anatomy is involved in the treatment work at the I Medical Faculty, providing highly qualified medical and counselling support to the residents of the city and the region.

Clinical bases of the department:
– Pathology department MNE KhRC «The Regional Clinical Hospital»;
– Pathology department MNE KhLC «The Municipal Clinical Hospital for urgent and non-emergency medical care in the name of Prof. O.I. Meshchaninov»;
– Pathology department MNE KhRC «Regional Clinical Specialised Dispensary for Radiation Protection»;
– Pathology department MNE KhLC «Municipal Perinatal Centre».
The medical practice involves 5 professors, 11 associate professors, 1 assistant and graduate students.

On the clinical bases co-workers of the department regularly perform and consult nearly 300 autopsies and more than 15000 biotical examinations. On the basis of the department works the municipal advisory center, which provides advisory assistance to medical and preventive institutions of the city, region and other cities of Ukraine.

Every year the department workers improve their medical qualification – they undergo thematic upgrading courses on current issues of pathological anatomy and upgrade their medical category.

Professors and associate professors of the department carry out up to 30 demonstration of the bodies of dead patients and 25 demonstration samples of operative and biopsy material.

The students of the I Medical Faculty are actively involved in the international activities of the university.

KhNMU has implemented a number of varied programs of academic mobility. Educational and medical faculty students have the opportunity to undergo practical training, to carry out semester studies, to choose thematic internships in specific disciplines in both foreign and national partner institutions. Some of the countries visited by KhNMU students are Germany, USA, Bulgaria, Poland, Lithuania, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Japan, Canada, Kazakhstan, etc. Academic mobility programs enable graduates not only to develop their skills and knowledge, but also to learn about the specifics of medical care provision in different countries, get to know your colleagues and find colleagues from different fields of medicine, which will ultimately contribute to the development of competitiveness, competencies and skills in the context of international best educational practice.

On the other hand, thanks to the bilateral format of the mobility programs, our students have the opportunity to participate in the organization of the reception of foreign delegations in Kharkiv. Education specialists enthusiastically introduce guests not only to the university and the system of training, but also organize the permits, opening the great opportunities of our beautiful city. This creates an atmosphere of inclusivity and mutual understanding. Future physicians from different countries find like-minded people and new friends, have the opportunity to see the world, learn about the specifics of medical training in different countries, reach their own peaks on the way to the ambitious goal of becoming fully qualified specialists and serve the people.

Students of the I Medical Faculty have had internships in various European countries (Munich, Frankfurt am Main), work placements (Andijan, Uzbekistan; Aktobe, Kazakhstan; Tbilisi city, Georgia; Baku city, Azerbaijan). The students took an active part in working with the students of the Higher Education Institution of the partner university, namely the Marat Ospanov Western Kazakhstan State Medical University, who came to the university for the purpose of carrying out industrial practice.