The I Medical faculty today

Today, the I Medical Faculty at KhNMU is one of the leading medical faculties in Ukraine for the training of physicians. There are 1000 students studying at the faculty. The annual number of students enrolling for the program is around 200.

The Faculty is equipped with classrooms for lectures, seminars, practical classes, which are equipped with modern multimedia equipment.

The training of future physicians is carried out at the professional departments, the clinical bases of which are the leading scientific-research treatment institutions and multi-profile hospitals of Kharkiv: KhRI of General and Emergency Medical Care NAMS of Ukraine, KhRI of Therapy named after acad. L.T. Malaya NAMS of Ukraine, KhRI of Medical Radiology named after S.P. Grigoriev NAMS of Ukraine, The Regional Clinical Centre for Urology and Nephrology named after V.I. Shapovalov.

The faculty has created all the conditions for a productive and varied learning experience. Every student has the opportunity to develop their talents, expand their communication and creative abilities.

Student life

Student government plays an important role in the Faculty as a link between the university administration and students. Also, the main objectives of the student government are: improvement of the quality of student life, admissions and studies, and the uniformity of students’ interests.

The student council of the First Medical is involved in a variety of issues such as: organization of physical culture, promotion of healthy lifestyles, international student exchanges, also contributes to improving the educational process and the formation of active civic position among the people who study at our faculty. Protects the rights and interests of the students and improves the living and camping conditions of the students.

The Faculty has multiple sectors where students are united by common interests such as: Media Sector, Sector of Art and Ethics and Intellectual Development, Academic Sector, Sector of Physical Education and Sports, Sector of Public Education and Volunteering. The Primary Professional Organization of Students, Graduates and Clinical Residents of Kharkiv National Medical University is the only community-based organization of KhNMU that represents and protects educational and social rights and interests of its members.

Trade union organization is an independent organization that cooperates with the university administration, self-governing institutions and other organizations. The main activity – protection of the rights of students who are members of the trade union association is carried out in accordance with the Constitution of Ukraine and the laws of Ukraine.

It also organizes cultural and charity events, concerts and donor days. Also, the student life of the First Medical Faculty gives the opportunity to implement meaningful projects and unite the students into a single community, to unlock their potential and leadership skills.