About us
The main purpose of the faculty is to provide the necessary conditions for obtaining bachelor’s and master’s degrees in higher education, high-quality training of highly qualified researchers based on the current level of knowledge and research, and education of professionals who can successfully work in a competitive environment in Ukraine and abroad.
The faculty trains specialists in the field of knowledge 22 “Health Care” in the following specialties:
– 222 “Medicine” of the second (master’s) level of higher education (since 2016);
– 224 “Technologies of Medical Diagnostics and Treatment” of the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education (since 2007, the specialty was called “Laboratory Diagnostics” and had the code 6.120102);
– 224 “Technologies of Medical Diagnostics and Treatment” of the second (master’s) level of higher education (since 2011, the first graduates received a master’s degree in “Laboratory Diagnostics” code 8.12010007);
– 227 “Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy” of the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education (since 2019);
– 227 “Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy” of the second (master’s) level of higher education (since 2019);
– 229 “Public Health” of the second (master’s) level of higher education (since 2019).
The faculty includes 8 departments, namely the Department of Internal and Occupational Diseases, Department of Public Health and Health Management, Department of Hygiene and Ecology No 1, Department of Epidemiology, Department of Infectious Diseases and Physiatrics, Department of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics, Department of Sports, Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Department of Surgery No 3.

- History of the faculty
- Faculty Today
- Therapeutic Activities
- Research Activities
- Student Life
- International Activities

The history of the IV Medical Faculty of KhNMU dates back to 1930–1931. During this period the Faculty of Sanitation and Hygiene was established as part of the Kharkiv Medical Institute. General sanitary doctors, epidemiologists, food hygiene doctors, industrial and municipal doctors were trained. Initially, students studied for 4 years at the Faculty of Sanitation and Hygiene.
The Head of the Faculty (this was the name of the deans since 1930) was M. Zotin. On February 28, 1931, the first graduation of doctors of the Faculty of Sanitation and Hygiene took place.

Nowadays the faculty is one of the leading faculties of medical health care in Ukraine in training specialists in laboratory diagnostics, rehabilitation medicine and public health. Training of future medical workers is performed on an innovative basis with the involvement of the most qualified specialists in medicine by students mastering the humanities, socio-economic, natural sciences and professionally oriented medical disciplines under the guidance of experienced teachers – professors, associate professors, DScs and PhDs. Teaching is conducted in accordance with modern requirements of higher education.
Clinical and diagnostic laboratories of medical research institutes and leading laboratories of the city are used for professional practical training of bachelors and masters in the specialty “Technologies of Medical Diagnostics and Treatment”.
Future specialists in the specialties “Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy” and “Public Health” have the opportunity to undergo a cycle of training at specialized bases in Kharkiv and the region.
Educational and pedagogical staff of the faculty and students profess the principles of academic integrity, have a responsible civic position, take an active part in programs of academic mobility, research, social activities, sports and cultural life of the faculty and university.

Education and practical training of students studying at the faculty are performed not only on a fundamental but also on a clinical basis. Clinical departments of the faculty are located on the basis of leading clinics and specialized hospitals in Kharkiv, including the Regional Clinical Hospital of Infectious Diseases, Clinic of Occupational Diseases the Institute of Occupational Health and Occupational Diseases of KhNMU, and University Clinic of KhNMU. For professional training of bachelors and masters in the specialty “Technologies of Medical Diagnostics and Treatment”, additional clinical and diagnostic laboratories of research institutes are used: “Institute of Dermatology and Venereology of the NAMS of Ukraine”, “Institute of Endocrine Pathology named after V.Ya. Danilevsky of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”, “Institute of Spine and Joint Pathology named after prof. MI Sytenko of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”, Kyiv municipal Clinical Hospital No 2 named after prof. O.O. Shalimova” and the leading laboratories of the city: “Ecomed”, “Zdorovye”, “Analitika” and “Metrolab of Kharkivstandartmetrologiya”. Future specialists in the specialty “Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy” have the opportunity to undergo a cycle of training at specialized bases of the Ukrainian Research Institute of Prosthetics and Rehabilitation; Kharkiv Regional Medical and Physical Dispensary; “Regional Clinical Specialized Dispensary for Radiation Protection of the Population” and, of course, at the University Clinic of KhNMU, where all the conditions for their professional development are created. When studying the disciplines of “Internal Medicine”, “Surgery”, “Pediatrics”, “Obstetrics and Gynecology”, “General Practice-Family Medicine” during practical classes, students understand the principles of evidence-based medicine, familiarize themselves with international and national protocols, guided by the practices of GLP, GCP, GMP.

Research at the faculty is continuous. Analysis of scientific literature, monitoring of clinical trials is constantly performed. Over the past 5 years, at the faculty 10 PhD theses were defended. In addition, 27 monographs, 2 textbooks, over 700 articles, including more than 45 articles published in Scopus and Web of Sience databases, have been published. Sixteen students became prize-winners of the II stage of the All-Ukrainian Olympiads in the disciplines “Social Medicine and Health Care Organization”, “Preventive Medicine”, and “History of Medicine”.

While studying at the faculty, students are immersed in an interesting life that expands their worldview and encourages new discoveries. Applicants for higher education profess the principles of academic integrity. They are members of student government, union of students of KhNMU, student scientific society, volunteer movement of KhNMU, student council of the dormitory No 6. They have a responsible civic position. They actively participate in academic mobility programs, sports life of the faculty and the university. Most graduates of the faculty after graduation are employed in the specialty. Upon successful completion of their studies, bachelors and masters have the opportunity to work not only in medical institutions of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, but also in research institutes and medical free educational institutions of Ukraine in positions provided by relevant state regulations.

Students of the 4th Medical Faculty are actively involved in the implementation of international activities of the university. Many different academic mobility programs have been implemented at the university. Students of the 4th Medical Faculty have the opportunity to undergo practical training, carry out semester training, choose thematic internships in certain disciplines in both foreign and domestic institutions – partners. Among the countries already visited by students of KhNMU Germany, USA, Bulgaria, Poland, Lithuania, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Japan, Canada, Iran, Kazakhstan and others can be mentioned. Academic mobility programs allow our students not only to deepen their professional knowledge and skills, get acquainted with the peculiarities of medical care in different countries, but also help them to immerse in the culture and traditions of peoples, meet colleagues, find like-minded people in various fields of medicine. This will promote the development of competitiveness, acquisition of competencies and skills in the context of internationally approved educational practice. On the other hand, due to the fact that mobility programs provide a two-way format, our students have the opportunity to join the organization of the reception of foreign delegations in Kharkiv. Students enthusiastically acquaint guests not only with the university and the system of classes, but also organize leisure. This creates an atmosphere of unity and mutual understanding. Future doctors from different countries find like-minded people and new friends, get the opportunity to see the world, learn about the specifics of medical training in different countries, reach their own heights on the way to the dream goal of becoming skilled professionals and serve humanity.