Project activity in KhNMU

One of the priority areas in the field of international activities of Kharkiv National Medical University is project activities. International project activity is a tool for identification and recognition of the University in the domestic, European and world educational space, provides new opportunities in the field of international cooperation, mobility, exchange of experience and cooperation with other government agencies, foundations, etc. and universities in other countries; is useful as a means of activating the educational and cognitive activities of students, mastering new technologies, creative application of knowledge in an unfamiliar situation, improving the professional and pedagogical activities of teachers; expanding the areas of research and exchange of experience for both young and experienced scientists; creates prospects for access to high-quality education at the international level by exchanging students to implement the principle of “education without borders”, including the use of innovative technologies, and also serves as a basis for developing the institutional capacity of the University.

Kharkiv National Medical University is an active participant in this international process.

The University is the executor of the projects are following:
  • Simulation medicine and Scenario-based learning for emergency care “SimS”

    Program: Erasmus+ KA2

    Type of activity: ERASMUS Lump Sum grants

    Project coordinator: Bukovinian State Medical University

    National partners: National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance, National Academy of Internal Affairs, Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, Odessa National Medical University.


    Project terms: 01.01.2023 – 31.12.2023

    Project number: 101082077 — SimS — ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE

    Main goal:

    The project aims to improve first aid (including psychological) and emergency care training and delivery through the implementation of innovative integrated training courses based on the scenario-based learning methodology and simulation technologies for physicians, first responders (“first on the scene” category) and others present on an accident scene.

    Specific Objectives:

    • to foster the development of the medical education system through training of teaching staff of the partner Ukrainian universities using scenario-based learning and simulation medicine technologies
    • to increase the expertise of medical teachers through training on the delivery of psychological first aid to affected individuals, physicians and first responders, and others present on an accident scene
    • to improve emergency care teaching/learning by designing realistic simulation scenarios on the tactics of patient management during pre-hospital and hospital phases of emergency care
    • to modernise the curricula in the partner Ukrainian universities by implementing developed courses
    • to disseminate and sustain the developed innovative approach through creating a network of educational and training centres for first aid and emergency care
    • to evaluate the effectiveness of the new methodology and approach to teaching first aid and emergency care using SBL and simulation technologies in the partner Ukrainian universities

    Results to be achieved:

    • trained staff of the partner Ukrainian universities competent to assist in emergencies (minimum 10 persons in each partner university)
    • a network of educational and training centres for first aid and emergency care (one in each of the partner Ukrainian universities)
    • designed scenarios for the most common emergencies (10 scenarios for each target group)
    • implemented training course for medical students/physicians, police officers, and teachers on the delivery of first aid (including psychological) and emergency care using scenario-based learning methodology and simulation technologies
    • modernized curricula for undergraduate and postgraduate education in the partner Ukrainian medical and internal affairs universities
    • evaluation of the learning materials and implemented courses
    • ready-to-use learning materials on first aid and emergency care available for a wide range of target groups, including the general public
    • higher quality of the delivery of first aid and patient management during pre-hospital and hospital phases of emergency care, reduction of the mortality rates during the first hours after the accident as a result of the provided proper medical assistance
    • widely disseminated project result

    Project site


    Goal of the MED project:Quality of healthcare services, especially on the primary care level is improved due to better medical and managerial education. As a result, primary healthcare providers are more competent, motivated for professional development and for the provision of patient-focused and safe healthcare services.

    The second four-year phase of the project began in July 2023 and will last until June 2027. The budget for the second four-year phase of implementation is CHF 6.8 million.

    Outcome 1: Capacities and capabilities of higher education institutions HEI (training family doctors, family nurses, and managers) are improved and assure student-oriented education of higher quality. 

    – Better teaching practices at the medical HEIs are established

    – Medical doctors and nurse trainees receive practice-oriented and relevant clinical skills

    – The establishment of a new ‘medical faculty’ based on NaUKMA and Dobrobut Academy is supported

    – Digital solutions for higher education institutions (HEIs) are developed and implemented

    – Transparent and effective management (policies and practices) at the level of autonomous medical HEIs is practiced

    – Consistency of policies and practices through the stronger agency of medical HEIs is put in place

    – The new master programme in health care management is operating for better managerial competencies of health care providers. To strengthen the expertise provided by the project, technical support is provided by key project partners: Maastricht University and the Ukrainian Health Center.

    The activities under the first result will be implemented in pilot and partner higher education institutions, which were selected on a competitive basis at the beginning of the second phase of the project:

    • Dobrobut Academy
    • Bukovinian State Medical University (BSMU)
    • Zhytomyr medical institute
    • Zaporizhzhia State Medical and Pharmaceutical University
    • Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University
    • National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy
    • Andrei Krupynskyi Lviv Medical Academy
    • Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University
    • Bogomolets National Medical University
    • Yuri Semenyuk Rivne Regional Clinical Hospital
    • Sumy State University
    • Horbachevsky Ternopil  State Medical University
    • Uzhhorod National University
    • Kharkiv National Medical University

    Outcome 2: Primary Health Care, PHC personnel have improved competencies and enhanced teamwork capabilities and thus users have more trust and satisfaction.

    – At the PHCs the teamwork of family doctors and family nurses is strengthened

    – Primary healthcare providers efficiently use new CPD modalities

    – Occupational standards for PHC providers are developed and implemented

    Outcome 3: An enabling policy development and work environment for enhanced medical education and HRH is established. Educators, practitioners, and policy-makers form a learning community and adapt good international practices.

    – Building community for evidence-based and good practices for better policies

    – Transversal educational topics (e.g. empathy, humanity) are integrated into education and practice

    – National and regional exchanges among educators, practitioners, and policy-makers for better HRH policies and practices conducted

    This is the second phase of our project.


  • Academic IQ

    Administered by the American Councils for International Education in partnership with the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and National Agency for Education Quality Assurance, Academic IQ project aims to develop a professionalized workforce of educators and administrators who collaborate to support academic integrity across Ukrainian HEIs and secondary schools.

    AcademIQ project will:

    – equip and empower EQACs and administrators with tools and knowledge to sustainably facilitate academic integrity on campus;

    – develop a uniform approach in implementation of academic integrity laws and requirements on campus;

    – develop teaching methodologies and curricula that cultivate academic integrity in classrooms.


    American Councils will equip representatives of EQAC (Universities Eternal Qualification Assurance Centers) with the knowledge and competence to develop efficient quality education monitoring, identify critical factors of violations of academic integrity by the beneficiaries of an educational system and give recommendations on how to improve education quality within their institutions.

    American Councils will support 60 EQACs over two-year-long training cycles held over the two-year project period. Universities and EQACs have been selected through an open application process.

    Under this component American Councils has developed and provided selected Universities with Institutional Self-Evaluation Toolkit that aims to enhance EQAC`s capacities to collect transparent and accurate data and make data-driven decisions necessary. American Councils provides EQAC’s staff with training on how to adapt and use the Toolkit, analyze data received, identify areas for improvement, and develop a strategy for implementing the changes necessary to strengthen academic integrity in their institutions.


    American Councils provides advice and support to NAQA experts and its Ethics Committee in developing capacity and expertise in academic integrity. American Councils also supports the advancement of the NAQA Transparent Accreditation Platform (NAQA TAP) software, including integration with AcademIQ and training on the use of the software to ensure that the technical capacities of the accreditation process are sound.


    American Councils provides guidance and training to Ukrainian educators on how to approach cultivating academic integrity in secondary and post-secondary school classrooms.  American Councils will develop an online academic integrity course for HEIs faculty aiming to enhance their capacities to build a culture of academic integrity within their institutions.

    The launch of Acacemic IQ Initiative Project was preceded by American Councils’ successful administration of the Strengthening Academic Integrity in Ukraine Project – SAIUP (2016-2019) and the Seeding Academic Integrity in Secondary Schools Project – SAISS 92017-2019).


  • Twinning - supporting Ukrainian universities

    The Twinning scheme is an institution-to-institution collaboration model aimed at supporting universities in Ukraine amids and post-war by creating meaningful partnerships between Ukrainian and international higher education institutions.

    The Initiative is coordinated by Cormack Consultancy Group with the support of Universities UK International the President’s Fund of Ukraine for Education, Science, and Sports.

    KhNMU has become a twin of the School of Clinical Medicine under the Rector, Masters and Scientists of the University of Cambridge. Activities within the Twinning program are planned and already implemented:

    – Academic mobility;

    – Research;

    – Joint educational and scientific events;

    – Project activities.

  • Women philosophers and scientists: ecofeminism against war and ecocide

    Scholars at Risk Europe, hosted at Maynooth University, Ireland is the European office of the global Scholars at Risk network. Scholars at Risk is an international network of higher education institutions and individuals working to protect threatened scholars and to promote academic freedom.

    MSCA4Ukraine fellowship programme
    The MSCA4Ukraine Programme of the European Commission is implemented by a consortium comprised of Scholars at Risk Europe hosted at Maynooth University, Ireland (project coordinator), the German Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and the European University Association, with the French national PAUSE programme, hosted by the Collège de France, and the global Scholars at Risk Network participating as associated partners.

    Project coordinator:  Paderborn University

    Project partner: Kharkiv National Medical University

     Project number: ID number 1232949 – MSCA4Ukraine grant, Prof. Kateryna Karpenko

    The main purpose:

    The project is aimed at understanding the essence and meaning of ecocide during and after Russia’s war against Ukraine on the basis of multidisciplinary practices and intellectual production of ecofeminist women thinkers (philosophers, sociologists, historians and other types of scientists) from various intellectual and methodological traditions (i.e. phenomenology, analytical philosophy, structuralism, existentialism, ethics of justice and care and others).

    Specific goals:

    • to contribute to the understanding of the problems of ecocide through a scientific study of coverage of this problem in the media, in legislative documents, in sociological studies regarding public opinion regarding the aggravation of environmental problems during the war and the conditions for their development into a threat of ecocide;
    • holding the International Conference “Women Philosophers and Scientists Against War and Ecocide” (October 27-28, 2023);
    • Publication of the collective monograph “Women philosophers and scientists against war and ecocide” (based on the results of the International Conference);
    • a creative meeting with the outstanding Ukrainian writer, philosopher, social activist Oksana Zabuzhko based on the materials of her book “The Longest Journey”, which was written already during the war and touches on the problems of Ecocide;
    • publication of scientific articles together with foreign co-authors (Ruth Hagengruber (Germany), Cynthia Nielsen (USA) on the topic of ecofeminist criticism of threats of ecocide during the full-scale war of Russia against Ukraine.
    • disseminate information about threats of ecocide during Russia’s full-scale war against Ukraine among foreign colleagues at scientific and scientific-practical conferences and public events dedicated to the days of Ukraine in certain German cities.

    Expected results:

    • increasing informative coverage of the real situation regarding ecocide in war and post-war times;
    • expansion of the scientific base for the study of ecocide problems in the context of ecofeminist methodology and its heuristic and moral-applied principles;
    • introduced the subject of ecocide into the basic and optional courses in philosophy and social disciplines of the educational course for medical students.
    • wide dissemination of project results.

    Project activity: