VI Faculty for International Students
The best conditions for learning

About us

VI faculty for international students offers the graduate degree programmes in Medicine (Master’s degree).

The University studies entail English-medium instruction. The degree seekers have the opportunity to obtain deep theoretical knowledge in various fields of medicine, as well as to develop practical skills in diagnosis and management of diseases.

The degree seekers are provided with comfortable living environment, accommodation and recreation. Dormitory accommodations and student canteens are available.

The degree seekers demonstrate proactive attitude, they are fully engaged in amateur performances and sports events. The authorities of the VIth faculty and the University favour the students’ initiative to set up and develop student research organizations, within which framework they can gain experience in making presentations and mastering skills of how to organize public events. Our graduates successfully pass professional exams in the USA, Great Britain and other countries. Excellent performance of the VIth faculty graduates confirms the excellence and efficiency of training in Kharkiv National Medical University.

Graduate degree programmes majoring in Medicine.
Language of instruction – English.
Academic level – Master, qualification – Doctor in Medicine.

Mode of studies – full-time, length of schooling majoring in Medicine – 6 years.

6 departments are affiliated to the VIth faculty for the international students:

  • the department of internal medicine No. 3 and endocrinology;
  • the department of foreign languages;
  • the department of medical and bioorganic chemistry;
  • the department of pediatrics No. 2;
  • the department of pharmacology and medical prescription;
  • the department of physical education and health.
Training and laboratory building, first floor, 4 Nauky avenue, Kharkiv, 61022
Sinaiko Vadym Mykhailovych
Dr. habil. in Medicine, Professor at the department of psychiatry, narcology, medical psychology and social work
+38 057 707 72 71
Deputy deans
Konoval Natalia Stanislavivna
PhD, teaching assistant, department of Forensic Medicine, Medical law named after prof. M.S. Bocarius

Харківський національний медичний університет має давні традиції підготовки медичних кадрів для різних країн світу. Набір іноземних громадян на навчання в Харківському медичному інституті почали у 1951 році, з того часу контингент іноземних студентів постійно збільшувався. У 1996 році почали підготовку іноземців англійською мовою за спеціальністю «Лікувальна справа», а з 2008 року – за спеціальністю «Стоматологія». Перехід на англомовне навчання іноземців потребував проведення величезної організаційної роботи: сформовано штат викладачів, які поряд із фундаментальними професійними знаннями могли вільно спілкуватись англійською мовою; підготовлено в достатньому обсязі навчально-методичну літературу з урахуванням сучасних вимог.

1 вересня 2010 року було сформовано VІ факультет з підготовки іноземних студентів із навчанням англійською мовою, який поступово став найбільшим за кількістю студентів факультетом у ХНМУ. З 2010 по 2014 рік факультет очолював доцент кафедри інфекційних хвороб Д.В. Кацапов. З жовтня 2014 і до сьогодні деканом VI факультету з підготовки іноземних студентів є професор кафедри психіатрії, наркології, медичної психології та соціальної роботи В.М. Сінайко.

VIth faculty for international students today

About 1000 international students from 64 countries all over the world attend the VIth faculty of KhNMU for a Master’s degree in Medicine.

The classes are held at the theoretical departments and clinical sites that are located in various medical institutions in Kharkiv. Training is also carried out on the premises of ERMC (Education and Research Medical Complex) “University Clinic” and the University Dental Center. Besides, the VIth faculty students acquire their theoretical knowledge and develop their practical skills due to the facilities provided by the ERI (Education and Research Institute) for the assurance of academic quality, specifically by the center of three-dimensional technologies and interdepartmental simulation training.

The students are well-off for the educational and methodological literature; they have an access to a great deal of electronic learning resources provided by the Scientific Library of KhNMU.

One of the main aspects of the faculty staff activity is to adapt the international degree-seeking students as to their stay and studies in Ukraine. Cultural and educational activities enable the junior students to get acquainted with the traditions of Ukraine and its history. Regular cultural fairs are popular with the students who come from different countries as they may present and demonstrate their traditional clothes, dishes and folk medicine. The tours around Kharkiv are proposed, to let the students get acquainted with the outstanding sights and beauties of Kharkiv and the region.

The VIth faculty for international students keeps in contact with the graduates who, by their personal example, demonstrate the high quality of the training provided by KhNMU and a high level of knowledge and practical skills acquired during the studies at the faculty. The graduates are ready to give advice to the students who are going to take licensed USMLE, PLAB exams and as to the further employment in different countries.

Students of the VI faculty for international students are actively involved in the international activity of the University. The University has implemented a variety of academic mobility programs. The degree-seeking students of the VIth faculty for international students are given a chance to do practical training, be engaged into the semester training or undertake thematic internships in certain disciplines both in foreign and domestic partner institutions. This is the list of the countries that KhNMU students have already visited: Germany, the USA, Bulgaria, Poland, Lithuania, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Japan, Canada, Iran, Kazakhstan and Georgia.

Academic mobility programs make it possible for the degree-seeking students not only to improve their professional skills, enlarge their knowledge and get acquainted with the peculiarities of the organization of medical care in different countries; participation in the academic mobility programs also helps the students to immerse themselves in the culture and traditions of different peoples and communities, get acquainted with new colleagues. Besides, this will help to come across like-minded fellows in various fields of medicine, which finally will contribute to the development of competitiveness, acquisition of competencies and skills in the context of the best international educational practice.

Moreover, due to the fact that the academic mobility programs presuppose a two-way format, KhNMU students have the opportunity to join in and take part in the organization of the reception of international delegations in Kharkiv. The degree-seeking students may enthusiastically show the guests about the University and let them get familiar with the University system of studies. They may also organize the guests’ leisure time and let them know about great possibilities of this beautiful city. This would create an atmosphere of unity and mutual understanding.

Within the framework of the academic mobility programs the future doctors can get an opportunity to come across like-minded fellows, learn the specificity of medical training in different countries, master their skills and excel in gaining the best knowledge to reach the topmost rung of the profession and the longed-for goal to become skilled specialists and serve the humanity.