Nursing (bachelor), 2021

Code and name of the specialty 223 Nursing
Educational degree Bachelor
Structural subdivision medical faculty ІІІ
Graduation department Department of Propedeutics of Internal Medicine, Nursing and Bioethics
Head of the Educational Programme Pionova Olena
Implemented in action: from 01.09.2021
Discussion of the educational program

We invite employers, labor market representatives, graduates and all stakeholders to discuss projects of educational programs in order to confirm their relevance, compliance with learning outcomes (knowledge, skills, competencies) to the needs of the modern labor market. You can send your suggestions and comments to the mailbox or fill out the online form

Pionova Olena
Candidate of Medical Science, Associate professor of the Department of Propedeutics of Internal Medicine, Nursing and Bioethics
  • General information
    Full name of the higher educational institution and structural unit Kharkiv National Medical University
    The degree of higher education and the title of the qualification in the original language Degree of higher education: first level (bachelor degree) Qualification:
    education – bachelor’s degree; professional – medical nurse
    The official name of the educational program Nursing
    Type of diploma and scope of the educational program Bachelor’s degree, single, 240 ECTS based on complete general secondary education
    Accreditation availability Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;
    National Agency for Quality Assurance of Higher Education
    – Ukraine
    – Accredited
    Cycle/level First (undergraduate) level/seventh qualification level of the National Qualifications Framework
    Prerequisites Full-time education (day and evening classes): a certificate of complete general secondary education (based on certificates of external independent testing/or entrance exams).
    Part-time education: only on the basis of the educational degree “junior bachelor” (educational and qualification level “junior specialist”) in the field of “Health care” specialties, an institution of higher education has the right to recognize and transfer ECTS credits received as part of the previous educational program of junior training bachelor (junior specialist).
    The “Rules of admission to the Kharkiv National Medical University” approved by the Academic Council of KhNMU determine the admission conditions.
    Language(s) of teaching Ukrainian, English
    The validity period of the educational program from 2020 year to the next revision
    Internet address of the permanent posting of the description of the educational program
  • The object of the education program

    Preparation of a competitive, highly qualified, competent specialist capable of solving practical problems and tasks in the field of healthcare using the provisions, theories and methods of fundamental, medical and clinical sciences.

  • Characteristics of the educational program
    Subject area (field of knowledge, specialty) Field – 22 “Health care”
    Specialty – 223 “Nursing”
    Forms of education Full-time (day and evening classes)
    Orientation of the educational program Educational – professional
    The main focus of the educational program and specialization A general program in the field of health care, aimed at the knowledge of public health, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases, necessary for professional activities. Basic higher education.
    Keywords: medicine, nurse
    Features of the program The program provides theoretical, practical and research training; forms of education: full-time (day and evening classes) and part-time. The program also provides for curricular practical training and pre-diploma practice. The program provides for the possibility of international mobility, including the specialty practical training.
    This educational program has a conformity with the programs of other countries, the experimental nature of the educational program provided by the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education” in the context of academic autonomy Unified State Qualification Exam “Krok B”
  • Graduates' suitability for employment and further education
    Employment suitability The specialist is trained to work according to State Classification DK 009:2010
    Section Q. Health care and social assistance.
    Chapter 86.1 Activities of hospitals
    Group 86.10 Activities of hospitals
    Class 86.21 General medical practice
    Class 86.9 Other health care activities
    After graduating from the bachelor’s degree program in the specialty “Nursing”, the specialist is able to perform the professional work specified in State Classification 003-2010:
    -1229.5 Head (manager) of the structural division of the medical institution
    -1229.5 Chief nurse
    -3231 Medical nurse
    A specialist can hold an initial position in accordance with the current list of specialties;
    Chapter 2 Professionals
    PC  Professional job title
    1229.5 – deputy chief physician for nursing;
    1229.5 – chief nurse officer;
    3231 – senior nurse;
    3231 – nurse anesthetist;
    3231 – emergency and intensive care nurse;
    3231 – cosmetic procedure nurse;
    3231 – medical statistician
    Further education Obtaining the second (master’s) level of higher education
  • Teaching and evaluation
    Teaching and learning Competent, student-centered, problem-oriented approaches and proactive self-learning;
    Lectures combined with multimedia, e-learning, group work, interpersonal learning and peer assessment, self-directed learning, inquiry-based learning, reflective learning, internships, individual training, practical training.
    Assessment The methods and forms of control and assessment of students’ success are carried out in accordance with the requirements of the program and the Instructions for evaluating the educational activity of students in the context of the implementation of the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System for organizing the educational process, approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine (letter of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No. 08.01-47/10395 dated 04.15.2014).

    Subject to verification:

    1. The level of theoretical knowledge.
    2. Development of creative thinking.
    3. Independent work skills.
    4. Competencies (the ability to synthesize the acquired knowledge and apply them in solving practical exercises).
    5. The level of formation of mandatory abilities and skills included in the section.
    6. Fulfillment of individual student task.

    Intermediate control in the form of final classes, credits, differential credits, exams in accordance with the curriculum.

    Practical training ends with a differential credits according to the curriculum.

    Certification is carried out in the form of a single state standardized test exam – a licensed integrated exam and a practically oriented exam (s).

    -the Unified State Qualification Exam is conducted in accordance with the Regulations on the System of the Unified State Qualification Exam, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated August 14, 1998, No. 251 and is carried out by the Examination Commission of Universities and the Testing Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

    -The practical-oriented exam is conducted in the form of certification exams or a comprehensive certification exam. The practical-oriented exam assesses the acquisition of general and special competencies in conditions close to professional activity.

  • Program competences
    Integral competence A bachelor of nursing is able to solve complex specialized tasks and practical problems in the field of nursing or in the learning process, which involves the application of certain theories and methods of the relevant science and is characterized by the complexity and uncertainty of conditions.
    Genaral competencies (GC) GC 01. The ability to realize one’s rights and responsibilities as a member of society, to realize the values of a civil (free democratic) society and the need for its sustainable development, the rule of law, the rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen in Ukraine.
    GC 02. The ability to preserve and multiply moral, cultural, scientific values and achievements of society based on understanding the history and patterns of the subject area development, its place in the general system of knowledge about nature and society, in the development of society, technology and technology; the ability to use various types and forms of motor activity for active recreation and leading a healthy lifestyle.
    GC 03. Ability to abstract thinking, analysis and synthesis.
    GC 04. Ability to apply knowledge in practical situations.
    GC 05. Knowledge and understanding of the subject area and understanding of professional activity.
    GC 06. Ability to communicate in the national language both orally and in writing.
    GC 07. Ability to communicate in a foreign language.
    GC 08. Skills in using information and communication technologies.
    GC 09. Determination and persistence in relation to assigned tasks and assumed responsibilities.
    GC 10. Ability to make informed decisions.
    GC 11. Ability to work in a team.
    GC 12. Interpersonal skills.
    GC 13. Ability to act on ethical grounds.
    Professional competences (PC) PC 01. The ability to apply professional and legal standards in daily professional practice.
    PC 02. The ability to recognize and interpret signs of health and its changes, illness or disability (assessment/diagnosis), limitations of the possibility of full-fledged life activities, and to determine the problems of patients with various diseases and conditions.
    PC 03. The ability to meet the needs of the patient/client throughout the lifetime (including the dying process) by planning, assisting and executing nursing interventions, evaluating and correcting individual care plans created in collaboration with the patient/client, caregivers, family members and other medical and social workers.
    PC 04. Application of professional skills (abilities), medical means, interventions and actions to ensure the patient/client’s with dignity, privacy (intimacy), confidentiality, protection of his rights, physical, psychological and spiritual needs on the basis of transcultural nursing, tolerant and non-judgmental behavior.
    PC 05. The ability to effectively apply a combination of nursing skills (abilities), medical supplies, interventions and actions to ensure care based on a holistic approach, taking into account the satisfaction of the patient’s needs for comfort, nutrition, personal hygiene and the ability of the individuals to meet their daily needs.
    PC 06. The ability to effectively apply a set of professional skills (abilities), medical supplies, interventions and actions in assessing the functional status of patients/clients, preparing them for diagnostic examinations and taking biological material for laboratory examinations.
    PC 07. Preservation of specialist’s own health in the implementation of care, performing manipulations and procedures, when moving and transporting the patient/client.
    PC 08. Preventive activities of a nurse aimed at preserving and strengthening health, preventing diseases, informing, and educating the patient and his family members.
    PC 09. The ability to organize, implement and control the nursing process in palliative and hospice care.
    PC 10. The ability to organize the provision of medical care according to the principle of the family medicine.
    PC 11. The ability to execute the medical and social rehabilitation in order to restore the population health.
    PC 12. The ability to orientate in determining the group belonging of drugs, the peculiarities of their pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics.
    PC 13. The ability to identify the relationship between clinical manifestations of diseases and the results of additional methods of examinations.
    PC 14. The ability to organize and provide emergency care in various acute conditions.
    PC 15. The ability to organize and provide emergency assistance in peacetime and wartime emergencies.
    PC 16. The ability to organize and manage the relevant structural unit (leadership and management).
  • Program learning outcomes

    PLO 1. Conduct a nursing subjective and objective examination of various organs and systems of the patient and evaluate the obtained data.

    In the conditions of health care facilities and at home, by communicating with patients of different ages, their relatives or close friends, a sick child and his parents, be able to collect complaints, disease history, life history, allergic history, epidemiological history, evaluate anamnestic data.

    PLO 2. Conduct nursing diagnosis: identify and assess patient problems.

    In the conditions of health care facilities, at home, predictable circumstances, to be able to identify the real problems of the patient, assess their priority and establish a nursing diagnosis.

    PLO 3. Plan nursing interventions.

    In the conditions of health care facilities, at home and under unforeseen circumstances, be able to make a plan of nursing interventions to solve real and related problems of patients of various ages.

    PLO 4. Monitor the work of junior medical staff and the state of inventory.

    In the conditions of health care facilities, in accordance with job duties, in order to comply with the sanitary and anti-epidemic regime, be able to:

    • Conduct training of junior medical personnel on the performance of functional duties and occupational health and safety; monitor compliance with safety rules by junior medical personnel.
    • Monitor the work of junior medical staff; control the implementation of the rules of the internal procedure by staff and patients; monitor compliance with measures of sanitary and hygienic regime in wards and medical offices.

    PLO 5. Execute nursing administration.

    In the conditions of health care facilities, in order to implement organizational and management competencies, to be able to:

    • make management decisions, ensure their implementation based on the application of nursing management models;
    • ensure the implementation of orders and resolutions on health care issues;
    • master the functional duties of the head of nursing services;
    • know the procedure for licensing and accreditation of medical and preventive facilities, laboratories of various profiles, etc.

    PLO 6. To ensure a healthy microclimate in the team, using the principles of nursing ethics and deontology, the rules of interpersonal communication in order to create a favorable psychological microclimate, to be able to:

    • communicate with the patient and members of his family or close friends, medical staff;
    • to solve ethical and deontological problems in the process of working with the patient and his family members; consider and analyze professional mistakes in the team; conduct training for junior and technical personnel.

    PLO 7. To participate in the monitoring of healthy and sick population, rehabilitation and dispensary supervision.

    In the conditions of health care facilities, at home and in the community, using the current orders of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, in order to form, preserve and improve the health of the adult and child population, to be able to:

    • keep records of dispensary population groups;
    • to calculate and analyze statistical data of dispensation efficiency;
    • conduct explanatory work among patients of different dispensary groups;
    • keep records of health groups;
    • calculate and evaluate individual indicators and indicators of the complex effect of the microclimate on the human body;
    • to determine the stages of medical and social rehabilitation of the patient, tasks for each stage;
    • make a complex of rehabilitation measures depending on the profile, course, period of the disease or injury;
    • conduct a census of the child population.

    PLO 8. To perform medical manipulations in order to ensure a sanitary and anti-epidemic regime.

    PLO 9. Correctly perform medical manipulations in order to ensure the personal hygiene of the patient.

    PLO 10. To perform the simplest methods of physiotherapy.

    PLO 11. To coordinate activities using a combination of multiple skills to ensure patient nutrition.

    PLO 12. Correctly perform medical manipulations in order to take measures to stabilize the functional state of the body.

    PLO 13. To prescribe, store and apply pharmacological agents.

    PLO 14. Be able to prepare the patient, collect and send biological material for laboratory and instrumental examinations.

    PLO 15. To provide an emergency medical care based on the diagnosis of an emergency.

    PLO 16. The ability to be accurate in performing interdependent nursing functions.

    PLO 17. To plan and execute a preventive and an anti-epidemic measures for infectious diseases.

    PLO 18. To organize and conduct training of patients and their family members on medical issues.

    PLO 19. To conduct medical and hygienic propaganda.

    PLO 20. Properly maintain appropriate medical records.

  • Educational components

    Curriculum 2021

    The list of normative components of the curriculum of EP “Nursing”” of the specialty “Nursing” of the educational degree “Bachelor”:

    1st year
    2st year
    3st year
    4st year

    The list of elective components of the curriculum of EP “Nursing”” of the specialty “Nursing” of the educational degree “Bachelor”:
    1st year
    2st year
    3st year
    4st year

  • Resource support for program implementation
    Staffing The higher medical educational institution, which conducts the training of undergraduate medical nurses, is responsible for compliance with state requirements regarding the quality of educational and professional training of graduates in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education”, other normative legal acts of Ukraine, and provides the appropriate teaching staff.
    Project group: 2 doctors of medical science, professors and 3 candidates of science, associate professors.
    Developer of the educational program (project team leader): Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, head of the department of propaedeutics of internal medicine No. 2  and nursing T.S. Ospanova has 38 years of scientific and pedagogical work experience, is a recognized professional with experience in research activities in the field of health care.All teachers of this specialty must have an appropriate professional higher education (doctors of sciences, candidates of sciences, professors, associate professors, teaching methods, teachers of the highest category).
    Material and technical provision Provision of educational facilities, computer workplaces, and multimedia equipment meets the need. The entire necessary social and household infrastructure is available; the number of places in the dormitories meets the requirements. The presence of the educational and scientific medical complex “University Clinic”, Research Institute of Occupational Health and Occupational Diseases, the University Dental Center, Centre of Preclinical and Clinical Researches, Center for Gender Education, Center for Palliative Medicine, 4 problem laboratories, an anatomical museum, a vivarium, a testing center, classrooms for simulation training (phantoms), Central Research Laboratory of the University, Education and Research Institute for Training of International Citizens, Educational and Scientific Institute of Education Quality, 6 educational scientific and industrial associations. KhNMU has 32 local computer networks and 55 wireless Internet access points. Use of the Internet is unlimited.
    Informational and educational and methodological support The presence of the official website of the KhNMU
    A scientific library with a complete set of educational literature from all disciplines studied (in the national, Russian, English languages). The website of the Scientific Library of the KhNMU works (, which provides convenient remote access to various information resources, including electronic catalog – more than 210 thousand bibliographic descriptions, including links to full texts – more than 2.2 thousand (textbooks, educational and methodological literature, materials of congresses and conferences, periodicals, etc.). Problem-oriented databases have been created and are constantly updated according to the main directions of scientific research of the university – “Health of the healthy”, “Mini-invasive interventions”, “Cardiovascular diseases”, “Viral and bacterial infections”, as well as from current topics – “Evidence-based medicine”, “Military medicine” and “Diseases of the “big” (full text). The KhNMU repository is the first among medical universities of Ukraine with free access to educational, methodological and scientific materials; it has more than 12,000 full-text documents, including 1.3 thousand – educational and methodical and lecture materials. The inclusion in the Repository of not only purely scientific, but also educational and methodological, lecture materials provides students with the opportunity for self-training in the 24/7 mode; databases, primarily of biomedical profile, among which Medline, Cochrane Library, Academic Search Premier, Health Sourse, PubMed, DOAJ, Open J-Gate, BioOne etc. According to the program of the project “Electronic information for libraries” (eIFL Direct), we are given free trial access to scientometric databases Web of Science from Thomson Reuters publishing house, East View Information Services resources, JSTOR Consortium of various foreign publishing houses, such as Royal Society Publishing, Nature, Academic Press, Springer International Publishing AG, Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP Publishing), to electronic versions of The New England Journal of Medicine, Pediatric Neurology Briefs, to Elsevier journals and books, Ovid resources – “Primal Interactive Human: the 3D Real-time Body” (Multimedia interactive 3D human anatomy), Reactions Pharmacovigilance Insight, APA PsycINFO™, PsycTESTS, etc.; web index of medical journals with interactive links to electronic archives. All reading rooms and electronic information rooms work in the Wi-Fi zone and provide free access to the Internet.
  • Academic mobility
    National academic mobility Agreements have been concluded on academic mobility, which provide for the included study of students within the framework of the credit-transfer system with the possibility of re-enrollment of credits (the amount of one credit is 30 hours)
    Training of foreign higher education students Agreements on international academic mobility have been concluded, which include student training, interchangeability of credits with the Academy named after Jan Dlugosz in Częstochowa, Poland; work is being conducted in the form of online negotiations and contracts are being prepared with the University of Central Lancashire (Great Britain), Madonna University, Jacksonville University, Arkansas State University, Hartwick College (USA)
    Training of foreign higher education students Education of foreign students of higher education is conducted under general conditions or according to an individual schedule.