Event to the Anti-Obesity Day


The Department of Internal Medicine № 3 and Endocrinology took part in the event to the Anti-Obesity Day, at the initiative of students from the organization “Sector of Public Education and Volunteering” KhNMU.

Head of the Department of Internal Medicine № 3 and Endocrinology, Professor Larysa Zhuravlyova opened the event with a welcoming speech for students and a report on current issues of obesity, which aroused great interest. Then there was a quest among students, which was attended by 8 teams. There were a total of 5 locations located in different halls of the library of building B, as well as in the main building. Tasks were in the form of discussions, solving crossword puzzles, situational and theoretical problems of knowledge of the material. It should be noted that the organizers have prepared for each participant leaflets for the correct calculation of the diet in order to promote a healthy diet. Students posted posters with basic information about the risks of obesity, which also aroused additional interest. In the end, all teams received gifts from the organizers. The curator of the event was Associate Professor of our department Olena Valentynivna Elhaj, who was helping students in the preparation and throughout the event.

The scientific and entertainment event was held taking into account all anti-epidemic measures. We look forward to new meetings!