Student volunteers visit labour veterans


Students join the rounds of veterans by the administration of the clinic and members of the medical and social commission of the HOOVU. During such direct communication, veterans can express their personal wishes or submit additional requests to the Kharkiv Regional Organization of Veterans of Ukraine.

Such effective assistance to veterans from the university volunteer movement is an important component of the educational work of the Kharkiv National Medical University and is carried out on an ongoing basis.

Young people listen with interest and respect to the experience of the older generation, parables, stories from life, talk about their learning and development, share their thoughts and receive invaluable advice.

On the next visit to the Research Institute of Occupational Hygiene and Occupational Diseases, which took place on October 25, the volunteers brought snacks – fruit, cookies, juice.

Veterans advise students to keep healthy from a young age, not smoke, do sports, love life and live and develop the future!