About us
The Research Institute of Occupational Hygiene and Occupational Diseases of the Kharkiv National Medical University is the legal successor of the second in the world and the first in the country the glorious Institute of Occupational Medicine, created by the decision of the historic first congress of occupational medicine on May 7, 1923 in Kharkiv, which first scientifically substantiated and developed the fundamental methodology and state essence of the scientific field and educational medical discipline of occupational hygiene and occupational diseases. The Institute is an undisputed world and domestic leader in the problems of diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, prevention and examination of occupational diseases, as well as the development of hygienic programs for improving the industrial environment at industrial enterprises and measures to preserve the working population of Ukraine.

- Research on the optimization of medical examination to establish the presence (absence) acute of occupational disease (connection of disease with profession) based on the introduction of objective criteria for assessing the clinical, epidemiological and hygienic situation and the use of methodological principles of expert assessment.
- Systematic analysis and evaluation of the results of preliminary and periodic medical examinations in order to develop a scientific basis for improving the effectiveness of preventive measures to protect the health of workers whose work is associated with the impact of harmful and dangerous factors of the working environment.
- Scientific developments on the preparation of draft documents of sanitary legislation based on the results of scientific research on the problems of hygienic regulation of harmful factors of the production environment and hygienic examination in particularly difficult cases.
- Carrying out of target complex scientific researches on problems of development of hygienic measures on optimization of working conditions and health protection of workers to order of concrete manufactures of machine-building, chemical, etc. industries.
- Educational process of training medical staff at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels of education based on the use of specialized base of the clinic of occupational diseases and cooperation with clinical and hygienic departments located at the institute.