About us
The Department of Physical Education and Health of Kharkiv National Medical University was founded in 1928. The main activities of the department include educational, scientific, methodological work.
The Department of Physical Education and Health conducts training of students at two educational and qualification levels – “Bachelor” and “Master” and 2nd year of I, II, III, IV medical faculties and dental faculty (domestic students), V, VI and VII faculties for training foreign students (English-speaking foreigners); and “Physical Education and Health” (elective course) for 2-6 courses.
One of the main directions of the department – modern research in the field of “Physical Education and Health”, conducting among students a wide range of practical and educational work on rehabilitation and promotion of a healthy lifestyle, based on national traditions of physical culture and sports.

- History of the department
- Educational process
- Scientific work
- Sports and mass work
- International Activity

The department of physical culture in the Kharkiv Medical Institute was founded in 1928, and was first supervised by prof. Blyakh V.A. In 1936 the department was cheated by: associate professor Moskovkin V.A., Pelepeychenko P.L., Tsotsokha V.A., Zarya V.I., associate professor Teslenko N.N., Stanislavsky I.T., Ussi – Uzing A.G. … (1950–1962), Machkovsky M.B., Koval M.I., Maksimova V.M., senior teacher Kharchenko A.I. (1965–1981), Klepikova S.O. (1981–1984). From 1985 p. associate professor Shapoval O.M. became Head of the department.

The Department of “Physical Education and Health” teaches the following disciplines: “Physical Education” – in the first and second courses of medical and dental faculties, in the first and second courses of studies in the specialty “Technology of medical diagnostics and treatment”; “Physical education and health” – in II-VI courses of medical and dental faculties; “Physical culture and psychophysical training” – in the 1st year of study in the specialty “Educational Pedagogical Sciences” (correspondence form of study); “Physical education (gymnastics, types of health fitness), “Athletics” – in the first year of study in the specialty “Physical therapy”; “Theory and methodology of physical education in special medical groups”, “Therapeutic swimming” – in the second year of study in the specialty “Physical therapy”; “Theory and practice of health-recreational motor activity”, “Modern fitness technologies”, “Personal training” – in the IV course of study in the specialty “Physical therapy”.
A significant place in the work of the department is the preparation and publication of educational and methodical literature. All academic disciplines of the department are provided with their own methodical developments.

At the Department of Physical Education and Health, together with the Department of Physiology, the NDR “Peculiarities of intersystemic cardiorespiratory integration in young people with different types of autonomic regulation” is being carried out. The purpose of the study is to clarify the regularity of the influence of the vago-sympathetic ratio on the effectiveness of the cardiorespiratory interaction, which will be the basis for the development of new algorithms for diagnosing the functional state of the body and predicting the development of maladaptation disorders; improvement of the results of pre-hospital diagnosis of the state of health and primary prevention of the development of diseases, which will increase the quality of human life; reduction of financial costs due to the prevention of the development of autonomic regulation disorders or their early diagnosis.

The staff of the department conducts significant sports and mass and educational work with university students. Sections for basketball, volleyball, table tennis, athletics, powerlifting, futsal, arm sports, checkers, chess, etc. worked at the university to attract students to sports. To popularize sports, stands with photos of the best KhNMU athletes have been created, the results of the competition are published on the official website of KhNMU.

The teachers of the department take an active part in international scientific and pedagogical internships:
- 2021: “Innovative methods of remote learning with using ZOOM and MOODLE platforms” (Instytut Badawczo-Rozwojowy Lubelskiego Parku Naukowo Technologicznego Sp.zo.o, Lublin, Republic of Poland).
- Online studying as the latest form of modern education on the example of google meet and google classroom platforms. (Instytut Badawczo-Rozwojowy Lubelskiego Parku Naukowo Technologicznego Sp.zo.o, Lublin, Republic of Poland).
- Distance learning tools for training specialist in physical culture and sports, physical therapy and ergotherapy: Zoom and Moodle platforms (Instytut Badawczo-Rozwojowy Lubelskiego Parku Naukowo Technologicznego Sp.zo.o, Lublin, Republic of Poland).
- 2022: “How health care works” (Swiss Confederation, Swiss TPH, Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Ukrainian-Swiss project “Development of medical education”, UHC).
- 2023: Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential (McMaster University, Canada: Institute for Leadership, Innovation and Excellence in Teaching).
- Learning how to learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects (The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand).
- The science of learning (Teachers College Columbia University, USA).
The teaching staff of the department also constantly participates in international conferences, congresses, and symposia.
Traditionally, the department holds meetings of the scientific student group. At the beginning of the academic year, the work plan of the circle was drawn up, which was approved at the meeting of the department in September 2020 (5 meetings of the first semester) and in January 2021 (5 meetings of the second semester). According to the work plan, it was proposed to hold 10 meetings of the circle for the 2020/2021 academic year. All meetings were held on time and regularly according to the plan once a month. All teachers of the Department of Physical Education and Health took part in the work of the group.