About us
The Department of Physiology of Kharkiv National Medical University was founded in 1805, when Kharkiv University was organized and a joint Department of Anatomy, Physiology and Forensic Science was established at its Medical Faculty.
The main activities of the department are educational, methodical, scientific, organizational work and international activities.
Educational and methodical activities of the department are aimed at preparing applicants for the first (“Bachelor”) and second (“Master”) levels of higher education in the field of knowledge 22 “Health” in the framework of educational and professional programs (OPP): “Medicine”, “Pediatrics”, “Dentistry”, “Physical therapy, occupational therapy”, “Physical therapy”, “Laboratory diagnostics”, “Medical diagnostics and treatment technologies”, “Nursing “(bachelor); and areas of knowledge 23 “Social work” in the framework of the Educational and Professional Program (OPP): “Social Work” (bachelor).
Educational and methodical activities of the department are also aimed at educational and scientific training of doctors of philosophy in relevant specialties. An integral part of educational and methodical work is the publication of textbooks, manuals, guidelines, etc.
The level of professional skill of the scientific and pedagogical staff of the department is constantly increasing due to the cycles of advanced training, internships (including abroad), attending trainings, webinars.
The department cooperates with other institutions. Cooperation agreements have been concluded with Scholarly Publisher RS Global Sp. z O.O (Warsaw, Poland), State Institution “Kharkiv Regional Laboratory Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine” Kharkiv City Branch, NNMC “University Clinic” KhNMU.

- History of the department
- Department today
- Educational process
- Scientific work
- International Activity

The Department of Physiology of the Kharkiv Medical University was founded in 1805, when Kharkiv University was organized and a united Department of Anatomy, Physiology and Forensic Science was established at its Medical Faculty.

The department has 19 teachers, including 1 professor (Doctor of Medical Sciences), 11 associate professors, 12 PhD in medical and biological sciences, 3 senior teachers, 3 assistants.

The Department of Physiology teaches students at two educational and qualification levels – “Master” and “Bachelor”. Educational and qualification level “Master” comprises the study of the discipline “Physiology” exclusively in the 2nd year of I, II, III, IV medical faculties and dental faculty (Ukrainian students), V faculty for training foreign students, VI and VII faculties for training foreign students (English-speaking foreigners); disciplines “Physiology with features of children’s age” – III medical faculty (pediatrics).

Since 2015, the research of the department is aimed at determining the features of integrative and autonomic functions in the process of adaptation to intellectual, emotional and physical stress in medical students in the dynamics of the first three years of study, as well as the state of autonomous regulation in social, temporal and natural factors (research supervisor – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Dmitry Igorevich Marakushin).

The Physiology Department staff takes an active part in international cooperation with foreign countries. A cooperation agreement has been concluded with Scholarly Publisher RS Global Sp. z O.O (Warsaw, Poland).
The student scientific physiological society works at the department. At its meetings students have the opportunity to study physiology more deeply, learn to perform independent research work, deepen their experience in practical activities. Training of participants in physiology competitions takes place. Members take an active part not only in competitions, but also in Ukrainian and international conferences. Much attention is paid to the interdisciplinary connections of physiology with other disciplines.