About us
The Educational and Scientific Institute of Education Quality (ESI of EQ) unites the departments of the university responsible for the activity and development of the educational, educational and methodological, social and psychological, scientific and intellectual, information and technological areas of the work of the university and reports to the rector and the first vice-rector from scientific and pedagogical work. It was created in September 2016 by order of the rector based on the decision of the Academic Council of the university through the reorganization of the Educational and Scientific Center.
The main goal of the institute is the improvement and development of:
- systems for ensuring the quality of educational activities at the University;
- scientific and educational-methodological support for the modernization of the content of education, the process of upbringing, development and socialization of the individual by conducting fundamental and applied scientific research and implementing the obtained results into practice;
- the organization and specialized implementation of a number of measures aimed at improving the quality of educational services and the professional competence of education seekers by updating and expanding methods, systems, tools and the innovative component of conditions for providing professional knowledge, skills, and practical experience;
- creation of conditions for the continuity and continuity of education, implementation of educational and research tasks of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.