About us
Department of Forensic Medicine, Medical law named after prof. M.S. Bocarius was founded in 1804. The main activities of the department include educational, scientific, methodological, expert and advisory work.
The educational activity of the department is to teach 3rd and 4th year students of Kharkiv National Medical University on the subject “Forensic Medicine. Medical Law”, as well as the training of masters, graduate students, interns.
The scientific direction of the department includes the development and implementation of issues: examination of physical evidence; establishing the degree of reliability of the expert’s conclusions about the cause of death; forensic histological diagnosis of changes in some endocrine glands in the post-traumatic period in the dead; forensic diagnosis of fatal alcohol poisoning; diagnostics of damages as a result of shots from the pneumatic weapon; assessment of the severity of injuries as a result of injury to the organs of hearing, vision, cervical spine, respiratory system, lower extremity; forensic diagnosis of sudden cardiac death; prescription of death, etc. Historical research on the formation and development of the Kharkiv forensic school is known.
The clinical (expert) base of the department is the Kharkiv Regional Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination. Together with the staff of the thanatology department, departments of commission examinations, examinations of victims, accused and others, carrying out conferences and methodical meetings, open practical classes and lectures of forensic days for doctors of forensic experts of the city and region.

- History of the department
- Educational process
- Scientific work
- Clinical Activity
- International Activity
- Postgraduate education

The Department of Forensic Medicine, Medical Law is currently one of the oldest departments of Kharkiv National Medical University – was founded in 1804. For significant contribution to the pedagogical, methodological, scientific and educational work by order of the Rector of the University 229 from 01.08.2016 the department was awarded an honorary the name of Honored Professor M.S. Bocarius, and in 2009 the lecture hall of the department – the honorary name of prof. F.O. Patenko

The department trains students in educational and professional programs in the areas of training “Health”, “Public Administration”, “Social Work” and studies the following disciplines:
«Forensic Medicine. Medical law of Ukraine»
«Forensic medicine (dentistry). Medical law of Ukraine»
«Forensic Medicine»
«Forensic medical expertise»
«Modern aspects of forensic medical traumatology»
«Forensic aspects of medical activity»
«Jurisprudence and Medical Legislation»
«Fundamentals of Law»
«Medical law of Ukraine»
«Medical law. Professional ethics and deontology»
«Legal aspects of medical activity»
«Legal principles of administrative activity»
«Legal regulation of social provision»
«Legislative support of medical activity»
Modern training methods are widely used in the training of students at the department. The educational material provided to applicants for higher education, interns, graduate students is scientifically substantiated, illustrated, consistent, systematized, which is also based on a large number of museum natural exhibits. Lecture material is taught using modern multimedia equipment (multimedia projectors, interactive whiteboards). The department has a modern computer class with high-speed Internet (Wi-Fi). Applicants for higher education are shown educational and methodical, documentary films. For high-quality educational work at the department, methodical recommendations according to the curriculum have been developed and implemented in the educational process.
Practical training of students takes place on the clinical (expert) base of the department – Kharkiv Regional Bureau of Forensic Medical Examinations.
Elective courses are taught at the department:
“Jurisprudence” – for 1st year students of the Faculty of Dentistry, “Modern aspects of forensic traumatology” and “Forensic medical aspects of medical activities” for 5th year students of medical faculties, “Legislative support of medical activities” for 6th year students medical faculties.
The department has created 8 textbooks, 18 guidelines, etc.
Training of scientific personnel under the educational-scientific program “forensic medical examination” and postgraduate training of specialists is carried out.

From the end of the XIX century and by the end of the ХХ century the scientific credo of the department was a forensic examination of material evidence. Since the 90 of the twentieth century and today the department is subject to careful forensic examination to establish the degree of reliability of expert conclusions about the cause of death (due to hanging, drowning, alcohol poisoning, carbon monoxide poisoning, hypothermia, sudden cardiac death) based on mathematical methods. Also, the scientific interests of the department include research on forensic histological diagnosis of changes in some endocrine glands in the post-traumatic period in the dead; forensic diagnosis of fatal alcohol poisoning; diagnostics of damages as a result of shots from the pneumatic weapon; assessment of the severity of injuries as a result of injury to the organs of hearing, vision, cervical spine, respiratory system, lower extremity; forensic diagnosis of sudden cardiac death; prescription of death; antiquity of blood stains formation, etc. Historical research on the formation and development of the Kharkiv forensic school is known.
– topics of scientific research, scientific research work of the department;
The topic of research of the department “Determination of the time of death and the severity of injuries on forensic diagnostic sings”. Term of implementation 2021–2023.
– preparation of PhD, doctors of sciences;
Currently, the department is conducting 2 doctoral dissertations and one dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).
– dissertations approval;
In recent years, the employees of the department has defended and approved 11 PhD dissertations. This year, two PhD dissertations were defended at the department.
– participation in research projects, including international ones;
Currently, the department does not participate in research projects
– scientific products of the department: patents, monographs, copyright certificates, articles, etc .;
Over the past 10 years, the employees of the department has published 350 articles in journals and in collections of scientific works, published 7 monographs and 2 patents of Ukraine
– scientific and practical conferences held by the department;
In 2019, the department held an international scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of honored prof. M.S. Bocarius
– and other

Clinical (Expert) base of the Department of KRBFME
The treatment (expert) work of the department is carried out on the clinical base of the department – Kharkiv Regional Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination (KRBFME)
Brief description of clinical bases, logistics
Kharkiv Regional Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination is located at Kharkiv, st. Dmytrivska 14/16, contains the following main subdivisions: the department of forensic medical examination of corpses, the department of forensic medical examination of victims, accused and other persons, the department of commission forensic medical examinations, the forensic laboratory, the department of duty forensic medical experts. Forensic medical, including training demonstration autopsies of corpses are carried out in the section hall of the department of forensic examination of corpses KRBFME, which is equipped with modern section tables.
Participation in providing medical care to the population and other (membership in professional associations, expert work)
The main areas of expert activity of the department are: forensic autopsies (in cases of violent and sudden death); forensic medical examinations of victims, accused and other persons; scene of crime inspections; conducting especially complex commission forensic medical examinations; participation in court hearings; consultations with KRBFME staff and law enforcement agencies; participation in the meetings of the methodical council of KRBFME.
Employees of the department are members of the Association of Forensic Physicians and Criminologists of Ukraine

– participation in international projects,
The department currently does not participate in international projects
– international associations,
The department currently does not participate in international associations
– international cooperation agreements,
The department currently has no international cooperation agreements
– international grants,
The department currently has no international grants
– traineeship,
Teachers of the department undergo traineeships abroad. Associate Professor Peshenko O.M. in June 2018 underwent a traineeship at the Paul Josef Šafárik University in Košice (Slovakia) on the topic: “Improvement of forensic examination”.
Associate Professor Krivenko O.I. in March 2019 underwent an traineeship at the Higher School of International Relations and Public Communication in Helma (Poland) on the topic: “Processes of systemic changes in higher education in the European Union. Polish legal and social context».
Associate Professor A.Yu. Stashchak in September-October 2019 underwent a traineeship at the Higher School of International Relations and Public Communication in Helma (Poland) on the topic: “Assessment of the quality of higher education in Europe – the Polish experience”
– Involvement of foreign teachers
Currently, the department does not attract foreign teachers
– opportunities for academic mobility and more.
The department currently does not use the opportunities for academic mobility

The department trains interns in the specialty “Forensic Medical Examination”. The educational material presented to interns is illustrated, consistent, systematized, which is also based on a significant number of museum natural exhibits. Lecture material is taught using modern multimedia equipment (multimedia projectors, interactive whiteboards).
The department provides training for postgraduate students at the Educational and Scientific Institute of Postgraduate Education, in particular, the course “Medical Law” is taught to interns of all specialties, the course “Forensic Medicine” is taught to interns specializing in “Pathological Anatomy”.
1) the head of the student circle:
Associate Professor Mykola Volodymyrovych Gubin, PhD
2) format:
meeting once a month in online format (Zoom, Google-meet) or in directly at the department
3) schedule:
The meeting is held every first Thursday of the month at 5:00 p.m.
4) directions of work
At the meetings, the teacher introduces students to interesting topics and issues of forensic medicine. Students give mini-presentations on the results of search work. After the speeches there is a deliberation of reports, discussions
5) student conferences
Students of circle annually make reports at the reporting student scientific conferences, in particular at the interuniversity conference of young scientists and students “Medicine of the third millennium”. According to the results of presentations with reports, students receive prize places.