About us
The department studies dental diseases in children and adolescents in the Kharkiv region. In particular, the impact of certain factors on the development of teeth hard tissue and periodontal diseases in children is studied, intense outreach is conducted to optimize methods of prevention and treatment of oral pathology.
Scientific research on prevention and treatment of most common dental diseases allow to make individual prevention programs for patients of surgical, orthodontic and therapeutic profiles and implement them in the department.

- History of the department
- Educational process
- Scientific work
- Clinical work
- International Activity
- Postgraduate education

The department was founded on May 14, 1981. It was founded and headed by Valeriy Isayovych Kutsevliak, Candidate of Medical Science, Associate Professor.
The staff of the department of paediatric dentistry in 1997 (picture “The staff of the department of paediatric dentistry in 1997”).
An important milestone in the history of the department was the opening ofInterregional Centre for Paediatric Maxillofacial Surgery and Department of Paediatric Dentistry with 30 hospital beds located in the Regional Children’s Clinical Hospital No. 1 in 1999. The Centre organized the provision of specialist emergency care and elective surgery for children with congenital and acquired diseases of the maxillofacial area in Kharkiv and other regions of Ukraine.
З вересня 2024 року кафедру очолює доктор медичних наук, професорка Григорова Аліна Олександрівна. Має близько 60 наукових статей, з них 8 публікацій у виданнях бази Scopus.

The department trains students according to the educational and professional program “Dentistry”, Masters, and teaches the following disciplines:
Propaedeutics of paediatric therapeutic dentistry
Prevention of dental diseases
Paediatric therapeutic dentistry
Paediatric surgical dentistry
Internship (dental nurse apprenticeship)
Medical internship
Dental internship
The department leads the following elective courses: “Paediatric endodontics”, “Modern technologies of nonremovable orthodontic appliances” and “Preparation for the Unified state qualifying exam in the specialty 221 “Dentistry”.
The department broadly use modern teaching methods using information and computer, interactive and communication, professional and business, gaming technologies etc. in student programs.
The internship for 2nd, 3rd and 5th year students is conducted at the department throughout the academic year allowing students to acquire practical skills in the context of the disciplines. The internship is conducted on the following clinical sites:
– University Dentistry Centre (Peremohy Ave., 51)
– Municipal Non-profit Enterprise “City Children’s Polyclinic No. 23” of Kharkiv City Council (Shevchenka Str., 133)
– Municipal Non-profit Enterprise “Regional Children’s Clinical Hospital No. 1” (Klochkivska Str., 337a)
– Dental Clinic “Diadent” (Plakhodko Str., 11)
– Dental Clinic “Doctor OK” (Poltavsky Shliakh Str., 175)
The department leads the following courses as part of the postgraduate education program:
1.“Modern orthodontic research” (distance education) (third (educational and scientific) level – Ph.D.; specialty 22 “Healthcare”; specialty 221 “Dentistry”; specialty “Paediatric dentistry”; 240 hours)
2.“Modern paediatric dentistry research” (distance education) (third (educational and scientific) level – Ph.D.; specialty 22 “Healthcare”; specialty 221 “Dentistry”; specialty “Paediatric dentistry”; 240 hours).

The main areas of research today:
– study of the characteristics of the course of dental diseases in medically ill children, justification of prescribing comprehensive prevention and treatment, evaluation of the effectiveness of individualized treatment regimens;
– study of the prevalence of oral pathology, risks of dental diseases in children with smoking addiction, development of a comprehensive program for diagnosis, prevention and treatment of oral soft tissue diseases in smoking children;
– study and improvement of treatment of children with inflammatory diseases of the maxillofacial area, injuries, benign tumours of the face and jaws, congenital pathology and temporomandibular joint disorders.
Over the years the scientific activities of researchers of the department is closely connected with the leading scientific institutions of Ukraine – Science and Technological Complex “Institute of Single Crystals” of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute for Problems of Cryobiology and Cryomedicine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute (KhPI)”, M.I. Sytenko Institute ofSpine andJoint Pathology, NGO “Stoma”, NGO “Biolik”, Biopromin, LLC, Centre for Medical and Environmental Research Ltd., LLC, Sumy State University, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Research Institute of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, KhNMU, etc.
Topics of the department scientific research: “Optimization of methods of diagnosis and treatment of the most common dental diseases”, deadline for completion 2019-2021 (state registration No. 0119U002899) and “Optimization of early diagnosis, prevention and treatment of periodontal diseases in children with smoking addiction”, deadline for completion 2020-2022 (state registration No. 0120U102057).
Three theses are currently read for.
In 2021, the department staff read for and defended two doctoral dissertations.
The department employees actively study domestic and foreign publications and improve methods of prevention and treatment of oral pathology in children.
Research products of the department are represented by 6 patents, 1 inventor’s certificate, 9 articles and 3 information letters.
The Department of Paediatric Dentistry and Implantology annually (for ten years in a row) holds scientific and practical international conferences as part of the student competition “Siayvo posmishky. Creative workshops”.

Clinical care of the Department of Paediatric Dentistry and Implantology is conducted on the following clinical sites:
– University Dentistry Centre (Peremohy Ave., 51) (10 classrooms, 16 dental treatment units)
– Municipal Non-profit Enterprise “City Children’s Polyclinic No. 23” of Kharkiv City Council (Shevchenka Str., 133) (3 classrooms, 3 dental treatment units)
– Municipal Non-profit Enterprise “Regional Children’s Clinical Hospital No. 1” (Klochkivska Str., 337a)
(20 hospital beds, 2 dental treatment units, 2 classrooms)
– Dental Clinic “Diadent” (Plakhodko Str., 11) (2 classrooms, 5 dental treatment units)
– Dental Clinic “Doctor OK” (Poltavsky Shliakh Str., 175) (2 classrooms, 2 dental treatment units)
Where specialist dental care is provided to children and adolescents in Kharkiv and Kharkiv region.
The department employees are full members of the Associations of Specialists, namely:
Eastern Ukrainian Academy of Paediatrics
League of Ukrainian Orthodontists
Association of Ukrainian Orthodontists
All-Ukrainian Public Organization “Ukrainian Association of Preventive and Paediatric Dentistry”
Association of Preventive and Anti-Ageing Medicine
Association of Dentists-Orthopedists and Dental Technicians of Ukraine
and are commission experts:
Scientific and Methodological Commission for Health and Social Security of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine
Medical Expert Board in “Dental Care” of the Department of Health of Kharkiv Regional State Administration,etc.
In addition, the department regularly participates in public charity events and takes measures to prevent dental diseases among children, adolescents and adults in Kharkiv and Kharkiv region.
The department employees constantly improve their professional skills by attending international congresses, conferences, workshops, exhibitions, etc.

In 2021, researchers of the department participated in the following international events:
- 2021 IEEE 16th International Conference on The Experience of Designing and Application of CAD Systems (CADSM) 22-26.02.2021
- 1st International Conference of MEDICAL GOES PUBLIC (ICON-MEGOPIC2021), Malaysia (27.02.2021)
- TUMS and KhNMU International Spring e-Course “Week of Dentistry”, Tehran (11,12.05.21)
- 19th International Congress of medical sciences (ICMS) 13-16.05.21
- 2021 10th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, MECO 2021, (7-11.06.2021)
The 2021 scientific research (publications) are published in the following journals of the SCOPUS database:
- Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 2021, 1318.
- Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, vol 48.2021
- Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 2021, 11(1)
In addition, the department staff constantly participates in international events:
– 9th All-Ukrainian Congress “Prevention.Anti-Ageing.Ukraine” (03-05.03.2021)
– 3rd Congress Pro\Pre Biotic (20.02.2021, Ukraine)
– 3rd Ukrainian and International Congress “Integrated Medicine and Dentistry” (09-10.04.2021, Ukraine)
– 8th International Medical and Pharmaceutical Congress of Students and Young Scientists ВІМСО 2021 (06-09.04.2021, Ukraine)
– 14th National Congress “Man and Medicine – Ukraine” (25-26.03.2021, Ukraine)
– 1st International Congress of Modern Paediatrics “From the Baltic to the Black Sea” (27-28.05.2021, Ukraine)
– “Man and Medicine” Ukraine-Belarus-Turkey (28.05.2021, Ukraine)
– 4th National Congress of Clinical Immunology, Allergology and Immunorehabilitation (19-21.05.2021, Ukraine)
– 28th Congress of the IAPD (International Association of Paediatric Dentistry) Virtual, June 10-13, 2021
– international cooperation agreements:
The agreement (12.05.2021) on scientific and practical cooperation with Health Entire Limited (UK) was concluded.Term of the agreement is 2021-2025
– internship:
The department staff underwent an internship abroad as part of the Physician Learning Program ASFUDS (France, on-line, 01-05.03.2021)

The department conducts postgraduate training of doctors in specialties “Paediatric Dentistry”, “Orthodontic” and thematic advanced training (TAT) courses for dentists in all specialties (TAT “Characteristics of emergency care for children and adolescents at the dentist’s room”, TAT “Characteristics of the clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment of tumours of the maxillofacial area in children and adolescents”).
- Leaders of the student group:
Liudmyla Stanislavivna Kryvenko, Doctor of Medical Science, Professor
Victoria Vadymivna Kuzina, Candidate of Medical Science, Associate Professor
Natalia Borysivna Hrechko, Candidate of Medical Science, Associate Professor
Yuliya Volodymyrivna Fomenko, Candidate of Medical Science, Associate Professor
Natalia Volodymyrivna Holik, Assistant of the Department
Oksana Viktorivna Tishchenko, Assistant of the Department
- Members of the student group:
Sengupta Isha Mary Arundhati (5th year, group 7a)
Mohamad Fares (5th year, group 4a)
- Format and schedule: on-line meeting once a month (Zoom, Google-meet) or direct meeting at the department. Lecturers and students discuss the characteristics of research at meetings. Students read mini-presentations and report on their research results.
- The student group disciplines correspond to the theme of the department research.
- Student conferences