"Dentistry" (master), 2019

Code and name of the specialty 221 Dentistry
Educational degree Master
Structural subdivision Faculty of Dentistry
Graduation department Department of Prosthetic Dentistry
Head of the Educational Programme Yanishen Igor
Implemented in action: from 01.09.2019
Discussion of the educational program

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Yanishen Igor
Head of the Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, Doctor of Medical Science, Professor
  • General information
    Full name of the higher
    school and structural unit
    Kharkiv National Medical University
    Higher education degree
    and qualification name in the original language
    The second (master’s) level of higher education, Dentistry, for the results of
    compiling the EDKI are awarded the qualification of Master of Dentistry.
    Official name of the
    educational programme
    Type of diploma and scope of the educational
    Master’s diploma, single, 300 ECTS credits ЄКТС, the term of training is 5 years
    Availability of
    Cycle/level Second (Master’s) level / eighth qualification level of the National
    Qualification Framework
    Prerequisites Complete general secondary education
    Language(s) of training Ukrainian, English, Russian
    Effective term of the
    Educational Programme
    From 2019 till next revision
    Internet address of the permanent place of description of the
    educational programme
  • Purpose of the Educational Programme

    Provision of academic training in fundamental and clinical biomedical sciences and preparation of graduates for their professional activity as doctor in dentistry occupying their respective primary job position by means of acquisition of general and special competences, whose area of application is at least described by definite lists of syndromes, signs and symptoms of diseases, medical emergencies, physiological states and diseases, which require specific tactics in managing patients, laboratory and instrumental methods of examination, medical manipulations and involvement of labour, legal and military expert examinations.

  • Characteristic of the Educational Programme
    Subject category (field of knowledge, speciality,
    specialization (if available))
    Field – No. 22 “Health Care” Speciality – No. 221 “Dentistry”
    Orientation of the
    Educational Programme
    Educational and Professional Programme of Master’s training has both academic and applied orientation
    Main focal point of the Educational Programme and specialization Special education in field No. 22 “Health Care” of Speciality No. 221 “Dentistry”; knowledge of aspects of public health, diagnostics, treatment and prevention of dental diseases, required for carrying out professional activity
    Key words: dentistry, doctor
    Features of the Programme Possible international mobility, including special practice; possible realization in the English language.
    This Educational Programme is coordinated with programmes in other countries; the experimental character of the educational programme is provided by the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education” in the context of academic autonomy
  • Eligibility of the graduates for employment and further studies
    Eligibility for employment The specialist is prepared to work in compliance with the Classification of Economic Activities DK 009:2010: Section Q. Health Care and Rendering of Social Service
    Division 86. Health Care
    Group 86.2. Medicine and Dental Practice
    Class 86.23. Dental Practice
    After training as intern and after specialized training the specialist is qualified as Doctor in Dentistry, who is able to do the professional work specified in DK 003:2010 and occupy the respective doctor position 2222.2. Doctor in Dentistry
    After their internship (specialized) training and awarding the qualification of Doctor in Dentistry the specialists can undergo specialization and do their respective professional work of dentist in the definite field specified in the currently effective National Classification of Ukraine: “Occupational Classification” and occupy the respective doctor position.
    Subsequent study Having completed their training under the educational and professional programme “Dentistry” the specialists can do the professional work of internship doctor (profession code – 3229), junior doctor (profession code – 3221); resident, and must enter programmes of postgraduate education (internship, specialized training), where they are trained under educational programmes of training doctors in dentistry.
    Having completed their internship (specialized) training in the speciality “Dentistry” the specialists have the right to:
    – undergo specialization and do the respective professional work of dentist in the definite field specified in the currently effective National Classification of Ukraine: “Occupational Classification”, occupy the respective doctor position;
    – acquire another profession, which makes it possible to occupy the respective doctor position, and do the respective professional work.
    Continuation of education on the third) educational and scientific) level of higher education.
  • Teaching and assessment

    Teaching and assessment:
    Student-centered training; self-education; problem-oriented rtaining with acquisition of competences, sufficient for solving problems in the professional field, training by means of clinical-laboratory practice, etc.


    (by the national scale)
    Minimum score Maximum score
    National graded scale
    Excellent 180 200
    Good 150 179
    Satisfactory 120 149
    Unsatisfactory 0 119
    National non-graded scale
    Credit 120 200
    No credit 0 119
    Passed 60,5 % 100 %
    Failed 0 % 60,4 %
    ЕСТS scale
    A 180 200
    B 160 179
    C 150 159
    D 130 149
    E 120 129
    Fx 70 119
    F 0 69

    The grades “Excellent”, “Good” and “Satisfactory” are given on the basis of examinations and graded tests, by results of term and graduation theses (projects), by results of practical works. The grade “Credit” is given by results of tests. The result “Passed” is given on the basis of passing the integrated test examination “Krok” and examination in the English language for special purpose.

  • Programme competences
    Integral competence Ability to cope with difficult tasks and problems in the field of health care in speciality “Dentistry” in the professional activity or during the process of training, the above providing researches and/or innovations and being characterized by indefinite conditions and demands.
    General competences
    1. Capacity for abstract thinking, analysis and synthesis.
    2. Knowledge and understanding of the subject category and understanding of the professional activity.
    3. Capacity for using knowledge in practical activity.
    4. Capacity for communicating in the state language both in the oral and written forms.
    5. Capacity for communicating in the English language.
    6. Skills of using informative and communicative technologies.
    7. Capacity for searching, processing and analysing information from different sources.
    8. Capacity for adapting and acting in a new situation.
    9. Ability to reveal, define and solve problems.
    10. Capacity for being critical and self-critical.
    11. Capacity for working in a team.
    12. Commitment to environmental conservation.
    13. Capacity for acting in the socially responsible and conscious way.
    14. Capacity for realizing one’s rights and duties as a member of the society, recognizing values of the civil (free democratic) society and necessity of its sustainable development, the supremacy of the law, human and civil rights and freedoms in Ukraine.
    15. Capacity for preserving and augmenting moral, cultural and scientific values and achievements of the society on the basis of understanding of the history and laws of development of the subject field, its place in the general system of knowledge about the nature and society and in the development of the society, engineering and technologies, using different kinds and forms of motor activity for active rest and leading a healthy lifestyle.
    Special (professional)
    competences (SC)
    1. Capacity for collecting medical information about the patient and analyzing clinical data.
    2. Capacity for interpreting results of laboratory and instrumental examinations.
    3. Capacity for diagnosing: making an initial, clinical, final and secondary diagnosis and detecting medical emergencies.
    4. Capacity for planning and carrying out measures for preventing diseases of organs and tissues in the oral cavity and maxillofacial region.
    5. Capacity for designing the process of giving the first medical aid: defining approaches, plan, kinds and principles of treatment of organs and tissues in the oral cavity and maxillofacial region.
    6. Capacity for determining the rational mode of work and rest and the diet for patients in treatment of diseases of organs and tissues in the oral cavity and maxillofacial region.
    7. Capacity for choosing tactics for management of patients with diseases of organs and tissues in the oral cavity and maxillofacial region with concurrent somatic diseases.
    8. Capacity for carrying out medical and dental manipulations.
    9. Capacity for proving treatment of major diseases of organs and tissues in the oral cavity and maxillofacial region.
    10. Capacity for organizing and carrying out medical and evacuation measures.
    11. Capacity for choosing the tactics and methods of emergency medical aid and its provision.
    12. Capacity for organizing and conducting a screening examination in dentistry.
    13. Capacity for assessing environmental effects on the state of human health (in individuals, families and populations).
    14. Capacity for keeping regulatory medical documents.
    15. Processing of state, social and medical information.
    16. Capacity for organizing and carrying out rehabilitative measures and care of patients with diseases of organs in their oral cavity and maxillofacial region.
    17. Capacity for legal support of one’s own professional activity.
    18. Capacity for providing premedical care under protocols of tactic medicine.
  • Programme results of training

    1. To isolate and identify leading clinical symptoms, signs and syndromes (by List 1); to make a probable nosological or initial syndromic clinical diagnosis of a dental disease according to standard methods on the basis of preliminary data of the patient’s anamnesis, those of his/her examination and knowledge of the human being, human organs and systems (by List 2).
    2. To collect information about the patient’s general state, to assess the psychomotor and physical development of the patient, the state of organs in the patient’s maxillofacial region, to assess information concerning the diagnosis on the basis of results of laboratory and instrumental methods of examination (by List 5).
    3. To prescribe and analyse additional (compulsory and by choice; laboratory, radiological, functional and/or instrumental) methods of examination (by List 5) for patients with diseases of organs and tissues in their oral cavity and maxillofacial region for making a differential diagnosis of these diseases (by List 2).
    4. To define the final clinical diagnosis observing proper ethical and legal regulations by means of making a sound judgement and a logical analysis of available subjective and objective data of clinical and additional examinations and differential diagnosis under the control of the leading doctor in conditions of a medical institution (by List 2.1).
    5. To diagnose urgent states in any situations (at home, outdoors, at medical institution), in conditions of an emergency, martial law, lack of information and limited time (by List 4).
    6. To plan and implement measures of prophylaxis of dental diseases in population in order to prevent spreading of dental diseases.
    7. To analyse the epidemiological state and carry out measures for mass and individual, general and local pharmacological and nonpharmacological prophylaxis of dental diseases.
    8. To determine the approach, plan, kind and principle of treatment of a dental disease (by List 2) by making a sound judgement in compliance with current algorithms and standard schemes.
    9. To determine the character of the mode of work and rest and the necessary diet in treatment of dental diseases (by List 2) on the basis of an initial or final clinical diagnosis by making a sound judgement in compliance with current algorithms and standard schemes.
    10. To determine the tactics of managing a dental patient with somatic pathology (by List 3) by making a sound judgement in compliance with current algorithms and standard schemes..
    11. To provide treatment of major dental diseases in compliance with current algorithms and standard schemes under the control of the leading doctor in conditions of a medical institution (by List 2.1).
    12. To organize taking of medical and evacuation measures for population, military personnel, in conditions of an emergency, including martial law, during full-fledged stages of medical evacuation with consideration of the current system of medical and evacuation support.
    13. To determine the tactics for giving emergency medical aid with use of recommended algorithms in any conditions on the basis of the diagnosis of a medical emergency in conditions of limited time (by List 4).
    14. To analyse and assess state, social and medical information using standard processes and computer information technologies.
    15. To assess environmental effects on the state of human health in conditions of a medical institution according to standard procedures.
    16. To form aims and determine structure of one’s activity on the basis of the result of analysis of certain social and personal needs.
    17. To lead a healthy lifestyle, to use techniques of self-regulation and self- control.
    18. To recognize and be guided in one’s activity by civil rights, freedoms and duties, to increase one’s educational and cultural level.
    19. To comply with requirements of ethics, bioethics and deontology in one’s professional activity.
    20. To organize the required level of the individual safety (of one’s own and people under care) in case of appearance of typical dangerous situations in the individual sphere of activity.
    21. To carry out medical manipulations on the basis of the initial and/or final clinical diagnosis (by Lists 2, 2.1) for different segments of the population and in different conditions (by List 6).
    22. To carry out dental manipulations on the basis of the initial and/or final clinical diagnosis (by Lists 2, 2.1) for different segments of the population and in different conditions (by List 7).
    23. To carry out manipulations for giving medical aid with use of standard schemes in any conditions on the basis of diagnosis of a medical emergency (by List 4) in conditions of limited time (by Lists 6,7).

  • Educational components

    Curriculum 2019

    The list of compulsory components of the curriculum of EP “Dentistry” of the specialty “Dentistry” of the Master educational degree:

    3rd year

    The list of elective components of the curriculum of EP “Dentistry” of the specialty “Dentistry” of the Master educational degree:

    3rd year

  • Provision of resources for realization of the Programme
    Human resourcing The Programme is realized with involvement of the academic staff having scientific degrees of the Doctor of Medical Science, Candidate of Medical Science, academic ranks in professional subjects with the confirmed level of the scientific and professional activity.
    Material and technical support Provision with training premises, computer workplaces and multimedia
    equipment meet requirements. All required social and domestic infrastructure is available, the number of places in hostels meets requirements. The University has the academic and research complex “University Clinic”, the Research Institute of Occupational Hygiene and Occupational Diseases, the University Stomatological Centre, the Centre of Preclinical and Clinical Researches, the Centre of Gender Education, 4 fundamental research laboratories, the Anatomical Museum, the Vivarium, the Testing Centre, study rooms for simulation training (phantoms), the Central Research Laboratory of the University, the Scientific Training Institute for International Students, the Scientific Training Institute of Education Quality, 6 education-research-production units. KhNMU has 32 local computer networks and 55 Wi-Fi access points. Using of Internet is unlimited.
    Information and methodological support KhNMU has its official site http://www.knmu.kharkov.ua; its Scientific Library has the complete set of academic books in all course units (in the state, Russian and English languages). The web site of the Scientific Library http://libr.knmu.edu.ua provides a convenient remote access to various information resources; its electronic catalogue contains over 210,000 bibliographic descriptions including more than 2,200 references to full texts (textbooks, learning and teaching literature, materials of congresses and conferences, periodicals, etc.). The University has created and continuously enriches problem-oriented databases in the basic areas of its researches – “The Health of the Healthy”, “Minimally Invasive Interventions”, “Cardiovascular Diseases”, “Viral Bacterial Infections” – as well as in such challenging subjects as “Evidence-Based Medicine”, “Military Medicine” and “Ailments of the “Great Names of History”” (the full texts). The Repository of KhNMU is the first one among higher medical schools of Ukraine with a free access to learning, teaching and scientific materials; it numbers over 12,000 full text documents, including 1,300 learning, teaching and lecture materials. The inclusion of learning, teaching and lecture materials, rather than only scientific ones, into the Repository enables the students to study independently in the 24/7 mode. Databases, first of all of the biomedical specialization, include Medline, Cochrane Library, Academic Search Premier, Health Sourse, PubMed, DOAJ, Open J-Gate, BioOne, etc. By the programme of the project “Electronic Information for Libraries” (eIFL Direct) we are provided with free trial accesses to scientometrical databases Web of Science from Thomson Reuters publishing house, resources of East View Information Services, JSTOR Consortium of different foreign publishing houses, such as Royal Society Publishing, Nature, Academic Press, Springer International Publishing AG, Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP Publishing) as well as to electronic versions of journals The New England Journal of Medicine, Pediatric Neurology Briefs, to journals and books of Elsevier, resources of Ovid Company – “Primal Interactive Human: the 3D Real-time Body” (multimedia interactive 3D human anatomy), Reactions Pharmacovigilance Insight, APA PsycINFO™, PsycTESTS, etc.; there is a web indicator of medical journals having interactive electronic links with electronic archives. All reading halls and those of electronic information work in the Wi-Fi area and provide a free access to Internet.


  • Academic mobility
    National credit mobility The agreements concluded for academic mobility provide exchange education of students within the framework of the Credit Transfer System with a possible transfer of credits (the scope of one credit is 30 hours)
    International credit
    The agreements concluded for international academic mobility provide exchange education of students and interchangeability of test credits
    Training of international
    applicants for higher education
    Within the limits of the licensed scope of the speciality
Про наш університет

Університет сьогодні – це сучасний багатопрофільний навчальний заклад із потужною науковою й матеріально-технічною базою, що включає: Навчально-науковий інститут післядипломної освіти, Навчально-науковий інститут якості освіти, Навчально-науковий інститут з підготовки іноземних громадян. Університет сьогодні – це сучасний багатопрофільний навчальний заклад із потужною науковою й матеріально-технічною базою.

Університет сьогодні – це сучасний багатопрофільний навчальний заклад із потужною науковою й матеріально-технічною базою, що включає: Навчально-науковий інститут післядипломної освіти, Навчально-науковий інститут якості освіти, Навчально-науковий інститут з підготовки іноземних громадян. Університет сьогодні – це сучасний багатопрофільний навчальний заклад із потужною науковою й матеріально-технічною базою.