About us
The Otorhinolaryngology Department at Kharkiv National Medical University was founded in 1922 as one of the first independent clinics in Ukraine. The main forces of the department’s activities include: educational, scientific, methodological, medical-diagnostic and advisory work.
The educational activity of the department is to prepare students of the IV course of KNMU in the subject “Otorhinolaryngology”: medical faculties in the specialty “Medicine” and “Otorhinolaryngology with peculiarities of childhood”; Dentistry faculty with a degree in “Dentistry”, English-speaking students of the VI and VII faculty for the preparation of foreign students in the specialty “Medicine” and “Dentistry”. Also, the Otorhinolaryngology Department provides training for clinical residents, masters, graduate students, interns.

- History of the department
- Department today
- Educational work
- Scientific work
- Treatment work
- Postgraduate education

For the first time on the left bank of Ukraine, the Department of Otorhinolaryngology was established at the Kharkiv Medical Institute on October 4, 1922. Professor S.G. Surukchi, its organizer and inaugural head, played a pivotal role in its founding

The department’s research focus is centered on advancing the efficacy of diagnosis and treatment for patients with ENT pathology through the application of evidence-based medicine principles and methods. Employing cutting-edge technologies, the department utilizes thermographic examinations for individuals with rhinosinusitis, employs an enhanced methodology for studying nasal breathing function, and conducts endoscopic surgical interventions incorporating laser and radiofrequency radiation. The spectrum of procedures extends to plastic surgeries addressing deformities of the external nose, nasal septum, and ear auricles, uvulopalatoplasty, and microsurgical operations designed to enhance hearing in the middle ear (tympanoplasty, stapedoplasty).
Moreover, the department has formulated a methodology involving bacterial auto-vaccines and immunomodulatory therapy to augment the recurrent treatment of chronic polypous rhinosinusitis. A cryosurgical method, safeguarded by a patent in Ukraine, has been introduced for more proactive management of chronic hypertrophic pharyngitis, rhinitis, and sinusitis.
The scientific and educational endeavors are intricately connected with methodological initiatives, encompassing the creation and publication of monographs, textbooks, and methodological recommendations within the field of otolaryngology.
The department’s personnel actively engage in international research endeavors focusing on the efficacy and safety of pharmaceuticals. The clinical foundations of the department include the head and neck surgery departments of the municipal non-profit enterprise “Regional Clinical Hospital” of the Kharkiv Regional Council, the Scientific-Practical Medical Center of KNMU, the Military Medical Clinical Center of the Northern Region under the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, and the medical center of the limited liability company “Nebosvid.” Collaborative activities involve joint conferences, methodological sessions, open practical classes, lectures, and specialist days tailored for otolaryngologists, family doctors in the city, and the region, in collaboration with the head and neck surgery department.
Educational and methodological resources for the “Otorhinolaryngology” discipline within the “Medicine” and “Dentistry” programs are accessible on the MOODLE platform of KNMU, facilitating the high-quality self-preparation of students, interns, and postgraduate students. (For optimal viewing of lectures and presentations on our site, your browser must support HTML 5.)
Since February 2022, the department has been operating amid a state of war. The educational process seamlessly continues in a remote mode, with the department staff dedicatedly pursuing their professional and pedagogical development without interruption.

The department conducts educational and pedagogical work on the basis of the head and neck surgery department of the municipal non-profit enterprise of the Kharkiv Regional Council “Regional Clinical Hospital”, on the basis of the ESMC “UC” KNMU, the Military Medical Clinical Center of the Northern Region of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the medical center of the limited liability company” Nebosvit“. The pedagogical work of the department is to prepare students of the IV course of the Medical Faculty the specialty “Medicine” and “Otorhinolaryngology with special children’s age”, students of the IV course of the Dentistry Faculty in the specialty “Dentistry”, English-speaking students of the IV course of the VI and VII faculty for the preparation of foreign students in the specialty “Medicine” and “Dentistry”, students of the IV course of the VI and VII faculty for the preparation of foreign students in the specialty “Medicine” and “Dentistry”. Syllabuses on the introduction of selective disciplines into the educational process have been created: for students of the 6th year majoring in “Medicine” of the I-VII faculties – “Actual problems of ENT pathology” (Ukrainian and English languages of instruction), for students of the 6th year majoring in “Pediatrics” – ” Actual problems of children’s ENT pathology”, for students of the 1st year majoring in “Nursing” – “Nursing in Otorhinolaryngology”.
In order to improve the quality of the educational process, the department has developed methodological materials for IV-year students of the VI faculty for the preparation of foreign students in the specialty “Medicine” and “Dentistry”. In cooperation with the Department of Biomedical Engineering KNURE, a curriculum and a program for monitoring and assessing students’ knowledge in the course of otorhinolaryngology have been developed. 70 guidelines were issued for students and interns. To prepare students for the KROK-2 licensed test exam, trainings are systematically conducted.Students of medical and dental faculties work in the department of head and neck surgery directly with patients with ENT pathology.
At the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, interns in the specialty “Otorhinolaryngology” study on a full-time cycle. The correspondence cycle in this specialty, interns are held on the basis of the head and neck surgery department of the MNPE KRC “RCH”. On the basis of the ENT clinic, a related cycle of postgraduate education of family doctors in the specialty “Otorhinolaryngology” has been organized

The department’s scientific endeavors are dedicated to advancing diagnostic, therapeutic, and preventive tools for the rehabilitation of patients with ENT pathology, utilizing state-of-the-art technologies. Research interests extend to identifying respiratory and olfactory disorders in individuals with chronic nasal conditions. Notably, the department has integrated computer-assisted planning methods for reconstructive rhinosurgical interventions in patients with nasal cavity diseases

The clinical foundations of the department encompass the head and neck surgery units at the municipal non-profit entity “Regional Clinical Hospital” under the jurisdiction of the Kharkiv Regional Council, the Scientific and Practical Medical Center of KhNMU, the Military Medical Clinical Center of the Northern Region under the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, and the medical center of the limited liability company “Nebazvid.”
Cutting-edge diagnostic techniques for rhinological conditions are implemented in clinical practice, facilitating the comprehensive assessment of nasal function. These methods involve computer rhinomanometry, a test that evaluates nasal airflow resistance using a computerized rhinomanometer equipped with a block of differential pressure characteristics and computer data analysis. The device computes the coefficient of aerodynamic nasal resistance based on measured data related to air flow and pressure drop in the nasal cavity during breathing, generating objective numerical indicators that reveal insufficient air saturation during nasal respiration. Olfactometry, a method for scientifically identifying respiratory-type olfactory disturbances by gauging the potency of odor perception during the application of test odors, utilizes the Sniffing Sticks test olfactometric system. This system serves as a successful diagnostic standard for investigating olfactory function, particularly in post-COVID olfactory disorders. The threshold test, within this system, proves to be more sensitive in detecting olfactory disorders following recovery from Covid-19.
Digital optical videoendoscopy of the nose is conducted with viewing angles of 30°, 70°, and 0°, incorporating verification of formations in the nasopharynx, nasal cavity, and paranasal sinuses. The procedure also encompasses the evaluation of adenoid vegetations in children.
The department’s clinical personnel employ contemporary treatments, with a significant focus on surgical interventions, for diseases affecting ENT organs. For the nose and paranasal sinuses, these treatments include radiofrequency surgery of nasal conchae, realignment of nasal bones in fractures, various endonasal operations, sinus opening procedures, and reconstructive operations on the maxillofacial area. Procedures for the throat, larynx, and neck encompass adenotomy, coblation tonsillectomy, incision of peritonsillar and parapharyngeal abscesses, upper, middle, and lower tracheotomy, and excision of neck bones. Ear-related procedures consist of ear polypectomy, tympanic membrane paracentesis, antrotomy, antromastoidotomy, antromastoidectomy, shunting of the tympanic cavity, and various plastic surgeries on the ear. In instances of explosive trauma during wartime, the clinic specializes in surgically treating eardrum perforations caused by explosions, employing techniques such as myringoplasty, tympanoplasty (both open and closed types), ossiculoplasty, meatoplasty using endaural and retroauricular approaches, stapedoplasty, and radical sanifying ear surgery. Physical factors such as therapeutic and surgical lasers, ultrasound therapy, and radiofrequency surgical interventions are extensively utilized in the treatment of ENT diseases. Additionally, functional endoscopic operations are performed on the paranasal sinuses and larynx.

Internship cycle in the specialty “Otolaryngology” (2 years of study)
The training of interns at the department of otorhinolaryngology of KhNMU is conducted in accordance with the “Standard curriculum and program of specialization (internship) of graduates of higher medical institutions of education of III-IV levels of accreditation” in the specialty “Otolaryngology”, in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated June 22 No. 1254 of 2021 “On approval of the Internship Regulation, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on August 17, 2021 under No. 1081/36703.
The Head of the group: Candidate of Medical Science, Associate professor Kalashnyk-Vakulenko Yulia Mykhailivna.