Scientific work of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology

The department’s scientific endeavors are dedicated to advancing diagnostic, therapeutic, and preventive tools for the rehabilitation of patients with ENT pathology, utilizing state-of-the-art technologies. Research interests extend to identifying respiratory and olfactory disorders in individuals with chronic nasal conditions. Notably, the department has integrated computer-assisted planning methods for reconstructive rhinosurgical interventions in patients with nasal cavity diseases.

Ongoing research projects at the department encompass:

Rehabilitation of Patients with ENT Pathology Based on Innovative Diagnostic and Therapeutic Tools (2022-2024):

Project ID 616.21-07-08-036.838(047.31), 0122U200258.

Improvement and Development of Diagnostic, Therapeutic, and Preventive Tools in the Rehabilitation of Patients with ENT Pathology Using Modern Technologies (2019-2021):

Project ID 0119U002897 616.211/.229:616.28/.228-07-08-084-036.838.

Ongoing PhD research initiatives include:

  1. Oleksandra Cherniakova (2019-2024):

Pathogenetic justification for the choice of surgical treatment methodology and rehabilitation for patients with medication-induced rhinitis.

2.Oleksii Polyakov (2020-2024):

Optimization of treatment for patients with chronic atrophic rhinitis in conditions of harmful production.

  1. Yulia Svitlichna (2021-2025):

Features of diagnosis and treatment of patients with acute rhinosinusitis who have had COVID-19.

Successfully defended dissertations include:

Bondarenko O. (2021):

Features of diagnosis and treatment of infectious complications of implantation of metal foreign bodies in the auricle.

Karchynskyi O. (2018):

Diagnosis and assessment of the effectiveness of treatment for patients with acute paranasal sinusitis based on the use of remote infrared thermography.

Lupyr A. (2017):

Pathogenetic justification for the use of bacterial auto-vaccines in the recurrent treatment of patients with polypous rhinosinusitis.

Yurevich N. (2015):

Early diagnosis and improvement of complex treatment for patients with perennial allergic rhinitis with combined sensitization.

Mani Hans (2015):

Optimization of organ-preserving treatment of chronic tonsillitis using high-energy laser.

Dyomina Ye.V. (2013):

Hearing status in prolonged sound exposure hearing aids and ways to correct it.

Kalashnyk Yu.M. (2010):

Clinical and pathogenetic features of the diagnosis and treatment of patients with chronic hypertrophic pharyngitis in the presence of gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Shushliapina N.O. (2007):

Features of diagnosis and treatment of chronic pharyngitis in Chornobyl nuclear power plant accident liquidators.

Sidorenko N.M. (2006):

Chronic rhinosinusitis of chlamydial etiology: diagnosis and treatment.

The department actively engages in diverse scientific research projects, including international collaborations. Notable contributions include patents, monographs, author’s certificates, articles, and more. Some significant patents are:

  1. Patent 112855 (2017):

Zhuravlov A.S., Karchynskyi O.O., Shustakova H.V. Method for diagnosing acute paranasal sinusitis based on thermography.

Patent 115003 (2017):

Karchynskyi O.O. Device for nasal cavity irrigation in paranasal sinusitis.

  1. 2. Patent 117868 (2018):

Zhuravlov A.S., Avrunin O.G., Nosova Y.V., Shushliapina N.O., Kalashnik Y.M., Kononenko T.S. Method for diagnosing functional nasal breathing disorders.

  1. Patent 117425 (2018):

Zhuravlov A.S., Avrunin O.G., Mustetsova O.V., Bezshapochnyi S.B., Kalashnik Y.M., Chyhrinova O.A. Method for diagnosing rhonchopathy.

In addition to patents, the department has a rich academic output, including publications and scientific contributions. Their commitment to advancing knowledge in otorhinolaryngology is evident through ongoing research and educational activities.

  1. Theoretical foundations of computer planning in functional rhinosurgery  /

O.Avrunin. N. Shuslyapina // Chapter 3.1 (215-222 p) in Spatial aspects of

socio-economic systems’ development: the economy, education and health

care. Monograph. Opole: The Academy of Management and Administration in

Opole, 20 ISBN 978-83-62683-63-5.– 2015 – 300 p.


  1. Chronic rhinitis in children: differential diagnosis, principles of treatment and

prevention: a monograph / D.I. Zabolotny, A.A. Laiko, O.M. Okhotnikova, A.V.

Tkalina, A.L. Kosakovsky, Yu. V. Minin , D.D. Zabolotna, V.V. Bereznyuk,

O.M. Naumenko, O.V. Kovtunenko, V.V. Sinyachenko, Yu. I. Gladush, L.A.

Shukh, Yu. V. Gavrilenko, N. O. Yurevich, I.A. Kosakivska, O.I. Usova, O.V.

Sharikadze. – К .: Logos, 2016. – 215 p.

  1. Allergic rhinitis in children: a monograph / D.I. Zabolotny, A.A. Layko, О.М.

Okhotnikova, A.V. Tkalina, A.L. Kosakovsky, DD Zabolotna, VV Bereznyuk,

Yu.I. Gladush, L.A. Shukh, Yu.V. Gavrilemko, N.O. Yurevich, І.А. Kosakivska,

OV Sharikadze. – K .: Logos, 2016.-216p .: ill. – Bibliogr.S.189-21.

  1. Acute rhinosinusitis in children: a monograph / A. A. Laiko, D. I .Zabolotny,

V.V. Sinyachenko, D.D. Zabolotna, Yu. V. Gavrilenko, L.A. Shukh, I.A.

Kosakivska, N. Yu. Yurevich. – К .: Logos, 2017. – 174 p.

  1. Chronic rhinosinusitis in children caused by intracellular pathogens: a

monograph / A. A. Laiko, DI.. Zaboloty, V.V. Sinyachenko, D.D. Zabolotna,

A.V. Tkalina, Yu. V. Gavrilenko, Yu. I. Gladush, L. A. Shukh, K. A.

Khotsyanovsky, I.A. Kosakivska, N. Yu. Yurevich, O. Yu. Bredun, M.V.

Unpretentious. – К .: Logos, 2017. – 183 p.

  1. Diseases of the outer ear in children. Clinic, diagnosis and treatment / A.A.

Laiko, D.I. Zabolotny, V.V. Bereznyuk, D.D. Zabolotna, A.V. Tkalina, Yu. V.

Gavrilenko, L.A. Shukh, N. O. Yurevich, I.A. Kosakivska. – К .: Logos, 2017. –

96 p.

  1. Laiko A.A., Zabolotny D.I., Borisenko O.M., Srebnyak I.A., Melnikov O.F.,

Naumenko O.M., Bereznyuk V.V., Zabolotna D.D., Sinyachenko V. V.,

Kosakivska I.A., Gavrilenko Yu. V., Tkalina A.V., Shukh L.A., Yurevich N.O.

Chronic diseases of the middle ear: teaching method. manual. – К .: Logos,

  1. – 326 p.
  2. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic and treatment of diseases of the wedge-shaped

sinus / D.I. Zabolotny, A.A. Laiko, O.M. Naumenko, O.M. Goncharuk, D.D.

Zabolotna, A.V. Tkalina, Yu. Gavrilenko, L.A. Shukh, N.O. Yurevich, I.R.

Tsvirinko, E.R. Ismagilov. – К .: Logos, 2018. – 162 p.

  1. O.G. Avrunin, E.V. Bodyansky, V.V. Semenets, V.O. Filatov Shushlyapina

N.O. Information technology to support decision-making in the definition of

nasal breathing disorders. Kharkiv: KNURE, 2018. 132 p.

  1. Avrunin O.G., Kalashnik M.V. Modern intelligent technologies of functional

medical diagnostics. Kharkiv: KNURE, 2018. 236.

  1. Chronic pharyngitis: monograph / AA Laiko [etc.]; Nat. honey. acad.

postgraduate. education named after PL Shupyk, Kolomiychenko Institute of

Otolaryngology, National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine. – 2nd

renewed. ed., reworked. and add. – Kyiv: Logos, 2019. – 182, [1] p. : fig.,

table. – Bibliogr .: p. 150- [183]. Acute and chronic pharyngitis: [ed. method.

aid.] / AA Laiko [etc.]; Nat. honey. acad. postgraduate. education named after

PL Shupyk, Kolomiychenko Institute of Otolaryngology, National Academy of

Medical Sciences of Ukraine. – 2nd ed., Renewed, reworked. and add. – Kyiv:

Logos, 2019. – 138, [1] p. : fig., table. – Bibliogr .: p. 133- [139].

  1. A.A. Laiko, A.L. Kosakovsky, Yu. V. Gavrilenko, O.I. Yashan, V.V.

Sinyachenko, V.V. Kishchuk, I.A. Kosakovskaya, L.A. Shukh, N. O. Yurevich,

T.M. Osadcha. Endoscopic surgery of the upper respiratory tract in children:

teaching method. manual. – К .: Logos, 2020. – 130 p

Emergencies in otorhinolaryngology: textbook. manual / A.V. Lupyr, A.S.

Zhuravlyov, M.I. Yashchenko [etc.]; for order. A.V. Lupyr; KhNMU. – Kharkiv,

  1. – 124 p.
  2. Laiko A.A., Zabolotny D.I., Borisenko O.N., Yashan O.I., Kosakovsky A.L.,

Sinichenko N.D., Zabolotna D.D., Bereznyuk I.V., Kosakovskaya I. AND.

Modern methods of diagnosis and microsurgery of ear diseases in children

(monograph). K .: NMAPE named after P.L. Shupyk, 2021. 144 p.

Endoscopic surgery of the upper respiratory tract in children / Laiko A.A.,

Kosakovsky A.L., Gavrilenko Yu. V., Yashan O.I., Sinyachenko V.V.,

Kishchuk V.V., Kosakovskaya I.A., Shukh L.A., Osadcha T.M. Logos, 2020,


  1. Lupyr A.V., Yashchenko M.I., Yurevich N.O., Shushlyapina N.O. Clinical

situational tests and tasks: algorithm of perception and adaptation of interns in

the conditions of a new form of productive knowledge. Proceedings of the

44th scientific-methodical conference on internship “Current state and

prospects of training of interns at the Kharkiv National Medical University.”

April 11, 2018. Kharkiv, 93–96.

  1. Shushlyapina NO Optimization of methods of diagnostics and forecasting of

surgical correction of a curvature of a nasal partition of Poltava, “World of

medicine and biology”, 2018, 43-54.

  1. Nakonechna O.A., Stetsenko S.O., Tkachenko A.S., Onishchenko A.I.,

Kornienko E.M., Posokhov E.O., Doroshenko A.O. Kalashnik Yu.M.

Investigation of erythrocytes in chronic purulent rhinosinusitis in the acute

stage by the method of fluorescent probes in Chernivtsi, Bukovynian Medical

Bulletin. – 2018. – V. 22, № 1 (85). – 79–85.

  1. Anatolii I. Onishchenko, Anton S. Tkachenko, Tatyana V. Gorbach, Oksana A.

Nakonechna, Galina I. Gubina-Vakulyck, Lupyr A.V. Epithelial-to-

mesenchymal transition and some parame-ters of extracellural matrix

remodeling in chronic rinosi-nusitis with nasal polyps, “Human & Veterinary

Medicine – International Jornal of the Bioflux Society” – Volume 10(3)

September 30, 2018, 128-132.

  1. Lupyr AV, VV Gargin, VV Alekseeva Densitometry of bone tissue of the walls

of the maxillary sinus in physiological conditions and in various forms of

chronic sinusitis. Journal of ear, nose and throat diseases. 2018. № 4. 23–27.

  1. Lupyr A.V., Kalashnyk Iu., Choporova O., Antimycobacterial therapy safety

control in patients with newly diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis: pathogenetic

pre-requisites for hepatoprotector l-arginin l-glyutamate and magnetic infrared

laser thera-py application “Modern medicine: trends and prospects for

development” e-publication materials of the in-ternational scientific and practi-

cal medical conference – Rzeszow, Poland, 2018. – P. 119–125

  1. Lupyr A.V., Shushlyapina, N.O., Taranukha A.A., Cherniakova O.E. Clinical

significance of biomicroscopy of vessels of the bulbar conjunctiva in patients

with pathology of intranasal structures with nasal breathing disorders //

Clinical Informatics and Telemedicine, 2020, volume 15, issue 16, P.88-97- 10


  1. Lupyr A.V., Viktoria V. Alekseeva, Alina S. Nechiporenko, Nadiia O. Yurevych,

Vitaliy V. Gargin A method of complex evaluation of morphological structure of

ostiomeatal complex components, lower wall of maxillary and frontal sinuses

// Wiadomości Lekarskie, Volume LXXIII, ISSUE 12 Part 1, December 2020,

  1. 2576-2580 – 5р.
  2. Lupyr A.V., Karchynsky O.O., Kalashnik M.V., Yashchenko M.I., Dyomina

E.V., Yurevich N.O., Shushlyapina N.O., Kalashnik-Vakulenko Y.M., Bondarenko O.V., Dzyza A.V. The place of mixed form of education in the training of interns at the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Kharkiv National Medical University //

Shushlyapina N.O., Kalashnik-Vakulenko Y.M., Bondarenko O.V., Dzyza A.V.

The place of mixed form of education in the training of interns at the

Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Kharkiv National Medical University //

Current issues of higher medical education and science: materials of the All-

Ukrainian scientific-practical conference with international participation

(Kharkiv, April 8, 2021) / ed. Qty: V.A. Kapustnik, V.D. Markovsky, V.V.

Carnivores and others. – Kharkiv: KhNMU, 2021. – P.121-123.

– scientific and practical conferences held by the department;

– and other

Opportunities of Simulation Training in the Formation of Professional Competence of a Physician / A. V. Lupyr, M. I. Yashchenko, N. O. Shushlyapina, N. O. Yurevich, Yu. M. Kalashnik-Vakulenko, O. O. Karchynskyi, V. V. Alekseeva, A. V. Dzyza // Opportunities of Simulation Training in the Formation of Professional Competence of a Physician: Collection of Materials of the III All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation “SimCon-2022” (October 25–28, 2022, Ternopil). – Ternopil, 2022. – P. 30–31.

Laboratory Diagnosis of Coronavirus Infection: Educational Guide on the Discipline “Microbiology, Virology and Immunology” for Students of II–III Courses of Medical and Dental Faculties / M. M. Mishyna, O. V. Kotsar, O. V. Kochneva, Yu. M. Kalashnik-Vakulenko; edited by M. M. Mishyna. – Kharkiv: KhNMU, 2023. – 44 p.

Analysis of Infectious Complications of Tracheostomy in Patients with Head and Neck Oncopathology / A. V. Lupyr, N. O. Yurevich, O. V. Burian, V. V. Alekseeva, Yu. M. Kalashnik-Vakulenko // Modern Technologies of Diagnosis and Treatment in Otorhinolaryngology: Materials of the Scientific and Practical Conference of Otorhinolaryngologists of Ukraine, (Lviv, October 1–3, 2023). – Lviv, 2023. – P. 85–86.

  1. V. Lupyr, O. O. Karchynskyi, M. V. Kalashnyk, Yu. M. Kalashnyk-Vakulenko

Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Different Osteotomy Methods in Closed Rhinoplasty. Modern Technologies in Diagnosis and Treatment in Otorhinolaryngology: Proceedings of the Scientific and Practical Conference of Otorhinolaryngologists of Ukraine, (Lviv, October 1–3, 2023). – Lviv, 2023. – P. 82─83.

Shushliapina NO, Potapov SM, Horhol NY, Avrunin OG, Nosova YaV, Ibrahim Younouss Abdelhamid. Clinical aspects and cytomorphological and functional features of the nasal mucosa in chronic pathology of the intranasal structures and their verification from CT data. Ukrainian journal of radiology and oncology. 2023;31(1):38–59. DOI:

Course of Lectures in Otorhinolaryngology: Educational Guide / A. V. Lupyr, M. I. Yashchenko, N. O. Shushliapina [et al.]; Ed. by A. V. Lupyr [et al.]. – Kharkiv: Kharkiv National Medical University, 2023. – 212 p.”.