About us

Single department of general chemistry was founded in 1955. Main professional activities of the department include pedagogical, scientific and research, educational and methodical, tutorial and consultative work. Pedagogical activity of the department is based on the chemistry teaching for domestic and foreign students of Kharkiv National Medical University. The department provides the following discipline for first-year students getting Master’s degree in “Medicine”, “Pediatrics”: “Medical chemistry” and “Bioorganic chemistry”. Students getting master’s degree in “Dentistry” are taught “Medical and bioorganic chemistry”. Students getting bachelor’s degree in “Medical diagnostic technologies and treatment” (1 course, 2 course and 3 course after junior specialist) and “Nursing” (full-time and extra-mural form of education) study “Medical chemistry”. Bachelor’s degree students in “Medical diagnostic technologies and treatment” (2 course and 2 course after junior specialist) study “Analytical chemistry”. All students receive ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) credits on completed courses.

Nauky Avenue 4, Building A, 6 floor, Kharkiv
Head of department
Syrova Ganna Olegivna
Doctor of pharmaceutical sciences, professor, academician of international academy of ecology, academician of SO «National Academy of Higher Education Sciences of Ukraine»
Responsible persons
Kozub Svetlana Mykolaivna
responsible for educational work, head teacher of the department, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Savelieva Olena Valeriivna
responsible for methodical work, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Asisstant
Chalenko Nanalia Mukolaivna
responsible for scientific work, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Lukianova Larysa Volodymyrivna
responsible for student scientific society, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor
Staff of the department
Tishakova Tetyana Stanislavivna
Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor
Prysiazhnyj Oleksandr Vasylovych
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant
Kalinenko Olha Sergiivna
Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Assistant

The history of the department dates back to more than 200 years and is closely connected with the history of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University.


We devote all our leisure time to favorite hobbies and enjoy yourself enormously. It is a satisfaction to know that there are a lot of enthusiastic people, gifted individuals among department staff. But the main interest for our teachers is a science because they contribute to scientific work most of their time. Writing monographs, text-books, manuscripts, abstracts, dissertations and preparation to conferences and lectures are time-sapping activities requiring consumption of mental activity and time. Despite of the difficulty and responsibility of their job all teachers work disinterestedly and enthusiastically.
Already for several years medical and bioorganic chemistry department takes the lead among the humanities, biomedical and hygienic departments according the results of rating evaluation of scientific and pedagogical activity: in 2015 – 2016 a.y. department got second place, in 2018 – 2019 a.y. – third place and in 2020 – 2021a.y. – third place.
PharmD, prof. Syrova G.O. is a fellow of Academic council of KhNMU and ERITIC of KhNMU, existing member of International Academy of Ecology (IAE), academician of IAE from 14th of July, 2016. Moreover Ganna Olegivna is an academician of the division of chemistry, chemical technology and pharmacy SO «National Academy of Higher Education Sciences of Ukraine» from 25th of June, 2019, honored Doctor of Science of the University “Lviv Stavropigion” (19.03.2018).
Ass. prof. Makarov V.O. is an existing member of International Academy of Ecology (IAE) from 21.05.2015. Ass. professors Tishakova T.S. and Levashova O.L. are existing member of Association of Preventive and Anti-Aging Medicine, Ukraine. Ass. prof. Lukianova L.V. were twice the juror of second stage of All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad on discipline “Medical chemistry”, Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv (6 – 7 April, 2017 and 4 – 5 April 2019).
Ass. prof. Kozub S.M. actively prepares students for participation in the competition of research works of students-members of the Junior Academy of Sciences (JAS). From 2106 up to now Kozub S.M prepared 26 pupils. JAS is one of the most complex elements of educational activities, as its activities connect all its elements – youth, adults, research and educational process. The sections of the competition for the defense of scientific works cover almost all scientific fields – technical, exact, human and social sciences.
The student scientific circle (SSC) at the medical and bioorganic chemistry department was organized to attract the most gifted, creative, interested and hardworking students to science. There are students’ scientific laboratories at the department. The results of student research work are heard at the annual student conferences of young scientists and students. The department is actively working to prepare participants of Olympiads in chemistry. Much attention is paid to the interdisciplinary links between chemistry and other disciplines.

The department trains students in educational and professional programs:
1) “Medicine”, “Dentistry”, “Pediatrics” of the second master’s level of higher education.
2) “Laboratory diagnostics”, “Nursing” of first (bachelor’s) level.
Students study the following educational components: “Medical Chemistry”, “Bioorganic Chemistry”, “Medical and Bioorganic Chemistry”, “Analytical Chemistry”. “Medical Chemistry” (bioinorganic, bioorganic, physical and colloidal chemistry).
At the training of students department staff uses modern teaching methods:
– electronic information (multimedia presentations, videos, guidelines);
– control (tests, situational tasks to assess practical skills);
– scientific (students are involved in the scientific work of the department and participate at student conferences which held at the department, at the university and abroad).
In 2021, distance learning technologies have been introduced into the educational process at the department: electronic versions of methodical instructions for each topic in medical chemistry, bioorganic chemistry, medical and bioorganic chemistry (Ukrainian and English) and in analytical chemistry (Ukrainian language) have been developed; videos of laboratory works and lectures were prepared; control tools (test tasks, individual tasks) and additional materials (tables and diagrams) were developed. On the basis of these materials, the teachers of the department developed and accredited distance courses “Medical Chemistry”, “Bioorganic Chemistry”, “Medical and Bioorganic Chemistry”, “Analytical Chemistry” which are hosted in the Moodle system of KhNMU. These courses allow each student to get full information and master practical skills.
Students take practical training on practical classes in disciplines, an integral part of which are laboratory works on each topic.
In cooperation with the Bogomolets National Medical University and Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University 4 republican textbooks in three languages (including one in English) were created.
Teachers of the department developed and published 18 textbooks, 7 of them in English; 2 textbooks were published on the recommendation of the Ministry of Education and Science, and the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.
All laboratory-practical classes for students of all specialties are provided with guidelines for independent classroom and extracurricular work – 192 (Ukrainian, English). These guidelines are made in electronic form and presented in the form of Power Point presentations, providing qualitative learning process in distance learning.
Every practical class students have the opportunity to perform laboratory work. In the conditions of distance learning these works are studied simulation using video films (240), created by teachers of the department.

The research interests of the department are largely related to the study of fundamental problems in chemistry – determining the modern trends of synthesis of biologically active heterocyclic compounds, molecular modeling of molecules of organic compounds and determining their biological activity using modern methods. Research of the department is devoted to special chemical-pharmaceutical substantiation of pharmacological properties of compositions containing nitrogen-containing organic compounds and adjuvants (caffeine, lycopid), quantum-chemical and experimental substantiation of creation of new domestic anti-inflammatory and analgesic pharmaceutical compositions based on nitrogen-containing organic compounds of different chemical structure.

Membership in international organizations
Department members prof. G. О. Syrova, ass. prof. V. М. Petiunina, ass. prof. V. О. Makarov, ass. prof. L. V. Lukianova, ass. prof. S. М. Kozub, ass. prof. Т. S. Tishakova, ass. prof. О. L. Levashova, senior teacher О. V. Savelieva, senior teacher O. O. Zavada, ass. N. М. Chalenko, ass. O.S. Kalinenko, ass. О. V. Prysiazhnyi are members of the International Union of Fundamental and Clinical Pharmacology «IUPHAR»

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Student scientific society

One of the main principles of organization of educational work in modern higher education institutions is “learning through the research”. The student scientific circle (SSC) helps students to solve problems in improving quality of training of physicians through the mastering the advanced achievements of medicine, expanding and deepening students’ knowledge of theoretical disciplines. Development and effective enforcement of scientific research in higher educational establishment is an important condition of increasing of its competitive ability in the international, scientific and educational space. Scientific research work of students in KhNMU is inalienable developmental factor of students’ potential that is an important facility of preparation of research staff members. Efficiency of scientific activity of higher education institution should be considered based on the main task of higher education, namely to improve the training of highly qualified specialists. Specific indicator of efficiency of research work of higher education institution – is a teaching and education effect which estimates the extent of adoption of results of research in educational process.

SSC is an important factor in improving the professional training in higher medical education, first of all because it provides individualization of learning, provides student-centred education, expands students’ knowledge and skills; it stimulates creative initiative and encourages self-searching. The leader of student scientific circle “Caffeine” is ass.prof. Lukianova Larysa Volodymyrivna.