Student scientific society of the Department of Medical and Bioorganic Chemistry

One of the main principles of organization of educational work in modern higher education institutions is “learning through the research”. The student scientific circle (SSC) helps students to solve problems in improving quality of training of physicians through the mastering the advanced achievements of medicine, expanding and deepening students’ knowledge of theoretical disciplines. Development and effective enforcement of scientific research in higher educational establishment is an important condition of increasing of its competitive ability in the international, scientific and educational space. Scientific research work of students in KhNMU is inalienable developmental factor of students’ potential that is an important facility of preparation of research staff members. Efficiency of scientific activity of higher education institution should be considered based on the main task of higher education, namely to improve the training of highly qualified specialists. Specific indicator of efficiency of research work of higher education institution – is a teaching and education effect which estimates the extent of adoption of results of research in educational process.

SSC is an important factor in improving the professional training in higher medical education, first of all because it provides individualization of learning, provides student-centred education, expands students’ knowledge and skills; it stimulates creative initiative and encourages self-searching. The leader of student scientific circle “Caffeine” is Lukianova Larysa Volodymyrivna.

The members of SST:

Students from different courses and faculties take an active part at the work of SST:

  1. Gaychuk Alesya Vasylivna – student monitor, 2nd medical faculty, 2nd year, group 13.
  2. Saveliev Vladyslav Vitaliyovych – intern.
  3. Zhuravlyov Ievhene Alexandrovich – intern.
  4. Nelina Elizaveta Vasylivna – 1st medical faculty, 5th year, group 5.
  5. Makarova Valeriya Vitalievna – 1st medical faculty, 1st year, group 10.

Meeting schedule

During the academic year SSC meetings are conducted, where the teachers of our department introduce students with bioethical rules of treatment of laboratory animals, various scientific methods of experimental research. Teachers prepare students for taking part in different students’ conferences with oral and poster presentation.

To ensure compliance with the requirements of regulations on the establishment of quarantine in order to prevent the spread of acute respiratory disease COVID-19 caused by coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 in Ukraine due o the difficult epidemiological situation in Ukraine caused by the spread of coronavirus possible increase in the incidence of influenza and acute respiratory viral infection educational process for students of KhNMU for all courses and forms of education is carried out using distance learning technologies.

Work streams

On the initiative of Syrova G.O. the student scientific circle (SSC) “Caffeine” was organized at the medical and bioorganic chemistry department to attract the most gifted, creative, interested and hardworking students to science. Many students begin their path in science from the first year of studying on our department, they learn how to perform experimental research and gain experience that is used during student life in science.

The main directions of scientific research of circle are quantum chemical research of molecules and experimental studies of biological activity of investigated substances on laboratory animals (rats) within the departmental research under the supervision of staff members.

Members of the circle take part in:

– writing articles, abstracts (based on the results of data obtained under the guidance of experienced teachers);

– speeches at annual scientific forums, conferences, student All-Ukrainian Olympiads (under the guidance of experienced teachers), both domestic and those held abroad;

– exhibitions of scientific circles which are initiated by the Student Research Society (SRS) of KhNMU, in which representatives of almost 40 departments took part.

The work of the circles was represented by the monitors, who demonstrated the main directions of scientific activity and outlined the achievements of students.

Student conference

The staff of the department under the leadership of prof. G.O. Syrova is actively engaged in scientific work with students. They regularly perform student scientific conferences for first-year students; that helps to improve their adaptation (especially for foreign students) to new conditions of studying. Traditionally, since 2010 the department holds student conferences “Chemistry. Ecology. Medicine”. In 2020-2021 academic years it was conducted online due to COVID-19.

From September 1, 2009 up to now at the Department of Medical and Bioorganic Chemistry on the initiative of prof. G. O. Syrova more than 50 student scientific conferences on various issues of chemistry, medicine, and pharmacy were held.

According to the results of experimental data, under the guidance of experienced teachers of the department, students are writing articles, abstracts and preparing speech for participation at scientific forums, conferences, student interfaculty conferences for first-year students. They also take part in many international conferences and forums, both domestic and foreign, student All-Ukrainian Olympiads in “Medical Chemistry” and “Chemistry”.

Thereby, students participate in the annual conferences of young scientists and students “Medicine of the third millennium” and the International Scientific Interdisciplinary Congress of medical students and young doctors.

Other student events

Since 2015 department staff and members of SSC “Caffeine” take an active part in a scientific life of Kharkiv – keep up the municipal traditional scientific events such as “Night of Science”, “Science picnic”, “Health day” etc.