About us
The first Department of Pediatric Surgery in Ukraine was established in 1934 in Kharkiv on the basis of the Pediatric Surgical Department of the 5th Children’s Hospital. The main working directions of the Department of Pediatric Surgery and Pediatric Anesthesiology include educational, scientific, methodological and medical work.
The department trains students (native and English-speaking) of 4th, 5th and 6th courses of medical faculties on the discipline “Pediatric Surgery”; interns due to the program of primary specialization in internship on the specialties “Pediatric Surgery” Cycles of thematic improvement for doctors are held annually at the department.
The clinical base of the department is the municipal non-profit enterprise of the Kharkiv Regional Council “Regional Children’s Clinical Hospital”.

- History of the department
- Educational process
- Scientific work
- Therapeutic work
- International Activity
- Postgraduate education

The first department of pediatric surgery in Ukraine was established in 1934 in Kharkiv on the basis of the pediatric surgical department of the 5th Children’s Hospital and it accoodated 40 beds. The first Head of the department was professor S.L. Minkin.
Semen Leontiyovych Minkin was born on March 18, 1892 in Kharkiv. After graduating from high school he studied medicine at the Medical Faculty of the University of Zurich (Switzerland) from 1911 to 1915, and then returned to his motherland and graduated from medical school of Saratov University in 1915-1916.
In 1933 he headed the surgical department of the 5th Children’s Hospital, on the basis of which he organized the Children’s Surgical Clinic of the 1st Kharkiv Medical Institute. From 1933 he simultaneously headed the Department of Operative Surgery and the Department of Pediatric Surgery, but in 1939 he governed only the Department of Pediatric Surgery.
Prof. S.L. Minkin is known to be the founder of a large school of Kharkiv pediatric surgeons. Among them are prof. A.G. Kiselyov, assoc.prof. K.A. Kantorovich, assoc.prof. G.I. Bahur, MDs A.S. Vainshtein, S.Z. Belyavsky, E.D. Dvozhylna, T.V. Zolotareva, R.M. Fishkes, I.I. Miroshnikov, S.G. Kritsshtein, T.I. Tikhonov and others. He and his disciples have written over 50 works on the development of specific issues of pediatric surgery. Most of their topics were typical for pediatric surgeons of the 20–30s of the 20th century and concerned the treatment of intestinal obstruction, acute appendicitis, diplococcal peritonitis, hernias, rectal prolapse and a number of urological diseases inherent in childhood.
From 1945 to 1963 the Department of Pediatric Surgery of the Kharkiv Medical Institute was headed by prof. A.V. Gabai. There were completed 1 doctoral and 10 candidate theses under his leadership. Numerous scientific studies, wide in scope as well as diverse in subject matter, are presented in 80 publications and 125 scientific reports. Abram Veniaminovich dedicated more than 45 years to the benefit of the people, of which 42 years were devoted to medical, pedagogical, scientific and social activities. A.V. Gabay had been awarded four government awards for his work. He died on December 24, 1963, after a severe illness. Being seriously ill, Abram Veniaminovich creatively continued to summarize his extensive experience and just the day before his death he had completed the monograph “Spleen Surgery in Children”.
From 1964 to 1970, the Department of Pediatric Surgery of KhMI was headed by associate professor G.T. Kolesnikova. During this time, she had expanded the clinical base from 40 to 130 beds, completed a doctoral dissertation on the topic: “Disorders of protein and electrolyte metabolism in acute surgical diseases in children and their clinical significance”, published 24 works on pediatric surgery (treatment of peritonitis, pancreatitis, cryptorchidism, destructive pneumonia, etc.).
The history of pediatric surgery in Kharkiv region is impossible to imagine without an outstanding scientist and surgeon, talented teacher and organizer, professor V.S. Topuzov.
In September 1970, Vadym Sergiyovych was elected to be the head of the Department of Pediatric Surgery of Kharkiv Medical University and led it until 1991. Thanks to him, revolutionary changes took place at the department and in the clinic. His achievements made the department largely correspond to the high requirements of world-class pediatric surgery. The staff of the department had significantly grown, and the clinical base had expanded. Along with previously working experienced employees – associate professors Yu.O. Sheludko, L.M. Bredikhin, M.I. Obolentsev, assistant L.M. Biletska, the department was replenished with new teachers – associate professors A.O. Sirenko, O.Yu. Ostrik, assistants V.B. Davydenko, B.Y. Sigaev, V.O. Zaika, Yu.V. Pashchenko, O.M. Shvedov. Under the leadership of prof. V.S. Topuzov there were completed 1 doctoral and 10 candidate dissertations.
Since 1970, a course of pediatric anesthesiology has been organized at the department. The intensive care unit was reorganized, the anesthesiology service was strengthened (associate professors M.I. Obolontsev, A.O. Sirenko). The department and the clinic became the methodological and scientific center of the region, which included Kharkiv, Sumy, Poltava and Belgorod regions. Accordingly, the volume of surgical care has increased, the work of pediatric surgeons in the city’s clinics has improved.
The sudden death of professor V.S. Topuzov – a prominent scientist, surgeon and mentor – was a real loss for the entire school of Ukrainian pediatric surgery. But even the decease became for his followers a shining example of selfless service to his specialty. Vadym Sergiyovych died in the operating room, tying the last suture.
From 1991 to 2015 it was headed by professor V.B. Davydenko, who was appointed to the post in 1977.
From 2015 to 2019, the head of the Department of Pediatric Surgery and Pediatric Anesthesiology was professor Yu.V.Pashchenko. He produced 200 scientific papers in various fields of pediatric surgery and was the author of 10 inventions and patents. Yuri Volodimirovich stays for his colleagues as a wise, witty, sensitive person with an intelligent, friendly attitude to people, dedicated to the matter of his life – the treatment of young patients, the future of Ukraine.
In September 2020, professor V.B. Davydenko became the present head of the Department of Pediatric Surgery and Pediatric Anesthesiology. He is an experienced pediatric surgeon with a wide range of surgical interventions in children and talented teacher.

Training takes place at the department
- students: (native) 4th, 5th, 6th years of the III pediatric faculty, and (native and English-speaking) 5th, 6th years of the I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII medical faculties in the discipline “Pediatric surgery”;
- intern doctors from the program of primary specialization in the internship in the specialty “Pediatric surgery”;
- listeners of thematic improvement cycles.
Cycle of thematic improvement (TI) “Modern approaches in the treatment of diseases and malformations of the thoracic cavity in children” for children’s surgeons and doctors of pediatric specialties, family doctors, emergency doctors.
The cycle of thematic improvement (TI) “Actual issues of pediatric urology” for pediatric surgeons, pediatric urologists.
Modern training methods are widely used in training of students at the department
Platforms Moodle, Zoom, Google meet, Google meet.
In the Moodle platform there are e-courses:
Thematic plan of classes with students
– Pediatric surgery 6th course
– Pediatric surgery 5th course
– Pediatric Surgery 6th year (Russian-speaking/Ukrainian-speaking students)
– Pediatric Surgery 5th year (Russian-speaking/Ukrainian-speaking students)
– Virtual classes for webinars, lectures, consultations.

01.2018 – 12.2020 “Study of daily biorhythmic features of the main pathogens of purulent-inflammatory diseases in children in order to develop a flexible antimicrobial strategy”.
2021 – 2023 “Study of chronobiological features of pathogens of purulent-inflammatory diseases in children for effective overcome of drug resistance”.

The Department of Pediatric Surgery and Pediatric Anesthesiology is located on the basis of the municipal non-profit enterprise of the Kharkiv Regional Council “Regional Children’s Clinical Hospital № 1” with a total number of beds – 420, including surgical profile – 220, of which: the number of beds assigned to the department – 170.
The surgical clinic has four surgical departments:
• Department of Planned Surgery – 60 beds;
• Department of Purulent Surgery – 25 beds;
• Thoracoabdominal surgery department – 40 beds;
• Department of Congenital Malformations of Newborns and Young Children – 25 beds;
• Oncology department – 20 beds.
Separate counseling and treatment is provided in the Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care (6 beds) and in the Department of Anesthesiology and Neonatal Intensive Care (4 beds).
In addition, the base of the department is the admission department, anesthesiology department and the regional children’s consulting clinic.
The departments of pediatric ophthalmology and the department of pediatric otolaryngology with 25 beds are open, where surgical interventions are performed in case of ENT pathology.
In addition to these departments, the clinic has specialized oncology, proctology and urology beds, as well as beds for children with defects and diseases of the maxillofacial area. The clinic is well equipped with the necessary paraclinical services.

The staff of the department are actively involved in the implementation of international activities of the university and participate in relevant scientific and communicative activities and internships.
Roi N. took part in a foreign internship: “International Career of a Scientist and Management of Scientific Projects” University of Social Sciences (UNS) in Lodz city «in cooperation with the Central European Academy Studies and Certifications Foundation (CEASC), Poland.

Measures of continuous development of doctors of thematic improvement:
- “Emergencies in pediatric surgery. Modern technologies of diagnostics and treatment “for pediatric surgeons, pediatricians, ambulance doctors, family doctors;
- “Current issues of pediatric urology” for pediatric surgeons, pediatric urologists;
- “Current issues of resuscitation and intensive care in pediatrics”;
- “Intoxication syndrome in pediatrics” for pediatric anesthesiologists, anesthesiologists, family doctors, pediatricians and other pediatricians»
Head of the student group: Shtyker Stanislav Yuriyovych, Candidate of Medical Science, Associate professor