Scientific work of the Department of Pediatric Surgery and Pediatric Anesthesiology

01.2018 – 12.2020 “Study of daily biorhythmic features of the main pathogens of purulent-inflammatory diseases in children in order to develop a flexible antimicrobial strategy”.
2021 – 2023 “Study of chronobiological features of pathogens of purulent-inflammatory diseases in children for effective overcome of drug resistance”.

Agreements with the departments of KhNMU:

Department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology prof. D.P. Grinyova, KhNMU Agreement № 39 / 02-19 / n dated February 21, 2019 Till 31.12.2023 Carrying out of scientific researches on a theme: “Study of daily biorhythmic properties of the basic activators of purulent-inflammatory diseases in children for the development of flexible antimicrobic strategy” by employees of department of microbiology, virology and immunology prof. D.P. Grineva and the department of pediatric surgery and pediatric anesthesiology. Scientific and practical cooperation is carried out in the form of exchange of necessary scientific information, provision of advisory assistance and recommendations, participation in scientific and practical seminars.
Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Pediatric Gynecology, KhNMU Agreement № 11 dated May 26, 2017 Till 31.12.2022 Carrying out of joint scientific and practical researches on diagnostics, operative and conservative treatment of pathological conditions of genital system at girls and teenage girls till 18 years by employees of department of obstetrics, gynecology and pediatric gynecology of KhNMU and department of pediatric surgery and pediatric anesthesiology of KhNMU

Defense of dissertations. Vivcharuk Victoria Petrivna (September 2017 – August 2021) Postgraduate studies, dissertation work for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in specialty 228 “Pediatrics”, specialization “Pediatric Surgery” on the topic “Optimization of treatment tactics in children with hemangiomas based on predicting of the clinical course according to the influence of epigenetic factors.

Participation in research projects, including international ones
Scientific products of the department: patents, monographs, copyright certificates, articles, etc.

  • Early diagnostics and surgical correction of congenital hyd-ronephrosis in children / V. B. Davydenko, E. Y. Grechanina, V. V. Lapshin et al. // Scientific achievements of modern society : аbstracts of V International Scientific and Practical Conference, Liverpool, United Kingdom 8–10 January 2020. – Liverpool : Cognum Publishing House, 2020. – Р. 47–49. – ISBN 978-92-9472-193-8.
  • Daily biorhythms of biofilm formation by pathogens of inflammatory diseases in children and influence on them by ultrasonic and ozone / V. B. Davydenko, M. M. Mishyna, N. V. Roy, N. V. Romanova // Eurasian scientific congress : аbstracts of II International scientific and practical conference (February 24-25, 2020) Barca Academy Publishing, Barcelona, Spain. 2020. – Р. 58–59. – ISBN 978-84-15927-31-0.
  • Urinolysis in the practice of pediatric urologist / VB Davydenko, IM Antonyan, VV Lapshin and others. // Urology, andrology, nephrology – achievements, problems, solutions: materials online scientific practice. Conf., Kharkiv, October 1-2, 2020 / ed. VM Lisovy, IM Antonyan and others. – Kharkiv, 2020. – P. 138–140.
  • Іnnate and adaptive immunity state determination in children with pyelonephritis or conge-nital hydronephrosis backgro-und in active stage of the disease / Maryna Mishyna, Vyacheslav Davydenko, Yuliya Mozgova et al. // West Kazakhstan Medical Journal. – 2020.
  • Modulation of the immune status in pyelonephritis caused by Pseudomonas aerugi-nosa in children with hydro-nephrosis / Maryna Mishyna, Vyacheslav Davydenko, Yuliya Mozgova et al. // ABSTRACT BOOK – 30th ECCMID 2020. – P. 2566.
  • Correlation of biofilm density and resistance of pyelonephritis pathogens in congenital hydronephrosis in children / M. M. Mishina, VB Davydenko, IA Marchenko [etc.] // The world of science and innovation : abstracts of VI international scientific and practical conference, London, January 14–16, 2021. – London : Cognum Publishing House, 2021. – P. 806–813. – ISBN 978-92-9472-197-6. (на сайті в розділі Архів конференцій)
  • Ways of overcoming drug resistance of microbes in purulent-septic diseases in children: monograph / VB Davydenko, Yu. V. Pashchenko, MM Mishina [etc.]. – Kharkiv, 2018. – 132 pp., 64 ill.
  • Pyelonephritis in children: the role of bacterial communication: a monograph / MM Mishina, NI Makeeva, VB Davydenko [etc.]. – Kharkiv: KhNMU, 2020. – 121 p.
  • A method of treating purulent-inflammatory processes against – microbial agents: US Pat. 116487 Ukraine: IPC A 61 K 45/06, A 61 R 31/04 / VB Davydenko, Yu. V. Pashchenko, MM Mishina, VV Myasoyedov, S. Yu. Shtyker, SG Malanchuk, NV Davidenko (UA); applicant and patent owner Khark. nat. honey. un-t. – 2016 а 2016 05871; declared 31.05.16; publ. March 26, 18, Bull. № 6.
  • Спосіб лікування гнійно-запальних процесів проти–мікробними засобами : пат. 116487 Україна : МПК А 61 К 45/06, А 61 Р 31/04 / В. Б. Давиденко, Ю. В. Пащенко, М. М. Мішина, В. В. М’ясоєдов, С. Ю. Штикер, С. Г. Маланчук, Н. В. Давиденко (UA); заявник і патентовласник Харк. нац. мед. ун-т. – № а 2016 05871; заявл. 31.05.16; опубл. 26.03.18, Бюл. № 6.
  • Спосіб інтенсивної проти-мікробної терапії гострих деструктивних пневмоній у дітей : пат. на корисну модель 136384 Україна : МПК (2019.01) A 61 К 31/00, A 61 К 45/06 (2006.01), A 61 К 50/00, A 61 Р 31/04 (2006.01) / В. Б. Давиденко, Ю. В. Пащенко, М. М. Мішина, С. Ю. Штикер, Н. В. Рой, О. В. Піонтковська (UA); заявник і патентовласник Харк. нац. мед. ун-т. – № u 2019 02937; Заявл. 25.03.2019; Опубл. 12.08.2019, Бюл. № 15.

The main educational and methodical works for 2021:

Anorectal malformations Guidelines for students and interns (supplemented and revised). – Kharkiv: KNMU, 2021. – 24 pages Yu. V. Basilaishvili, V. B. Davydenko,
N. V. Roi
Malrotation syndrome Guidelines for students and interns – Kharkiv: KNMU, 2021. – 24 pages Yu. V. Basilaishvili,
N. V. Roi
Hirschprung disease Guidelines for students and interns (supplemented and revised). – Kharkiv: KNMU, 2021. – 24 pages Yu. V. Basilaishvili, V. B. Davydenko,
N. V. Roi

The latest technologies of diagnostics, drug treatment, surgical treatment, which are essential and implemented in health care practice:

On the clinical basis of the department – a method of treatment of hemangiomas in children with a combined local effect of pharmacological drugs and compression. Efficacy of implementation: significantly increases the effectiveness of treatment of hemangiomas in the phase of its active growth in children without the appointment of systemic therapy, which provides both medical and economic benefits.
To optimize the educational process, 20% of methodical materials for practical classes with students of V–VI courses are developed in the form of presentations for visual demonstration in the classroom. According to the introduction of new methods of treatment of surgical diseases in children, the bank of educational videos is replenished, most of which are video endoscopic interventions (treatment of adhesions, varicocele, hernia treatment, appendectomy, nephrectomy, bladder surgery, etc.).