Kharkiv National Medical University
We are teaching the best students!
Kharkiv National Medical University
World standards of medical education!
About the university
We have been providing quality educational services since 1804.

Kharkiv National Medical University:
• Is a member of the International Association of Universities of the World, registered with UNESCO;
• Is a member of the Organization for PhD programs in biomedicine and medical sciences in Europe ORPHEUS;
• Has a certificate of international institutional accreditation for 5 years (24.12.2020-23.12.2025) from the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating (HAAP / IAAR);
• The quality management system of Kharkiv National Medical University meets the requirements of the state standard DSTU ISO 9001: 2015 (ISO 9001: 2015, IDT) “Quality management systems. Requirements”.

Advantages of the university
Recognition of diplomas in most countries of the world
200+ years of high quality education
Teaching at a modern level
Powerful scientific professional staff
Academic mobility: opportunities for students and teachers
Participate in research projects and programs
Become a part of the scientific world together with Kharkiv National Medical University
Become part of the university
About our university

Today, the University is a modern multidisciplinary educational institution with a strong scientific and logistical base, which includes: Educational and Scientific Institute of Postgraduate Education, Educational and Scientific Institute of Education Quality, Educational and Scientific Institute for Training Foreign Citizens. Today the University is a modern multidisciplinary educational institution with a strong scientific and material base.

Today, the University is a modern multidisciplinary educational institution with a strong scientific and logistical base, which includes: Educational and Scientific Institute of Postgraduate Education, Educational and Scientific Institute of Education Quality, Educational and Scientific Institute for Training Foreign Citizens. Today the University is a modern multidisciplinary educational institution with a strong scientific and material base.