KhNMU volunteers weave nets for the ukrainian soldiers

On November 12, the team of the public education and volunteering sector of the Student Government of KhNMU took part in a volunteer-patriotic event of weaving camouflage nets for the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the platform of the Charitable Organization «Public Assistance Fund».

The grid allows the military to maneuver and regroup in such a way that it is difficult for the enemy to identify our positions, which must be hidden from shelling. In addition, the grid allows soldiers to move and occupy new positions with much less risk of coming under sniper or mortar fire.

A well-woven mesh completely hides camouflaged positions and makes them invisible to the enemy, so the correct knitting technique is given a lot of attention. But this can be learned quickly and immediately benefit the military.

That’s how our volunteers joined this cause, and still quickly got used to weaving and creating new camouflage nets for the Armed Forces. The students also agreed to come and help the the Charitable Organization «Public Assistance Fund» with this and other activities in the future.

We would like to express our huge gratitude for the opportunity to help our soldiers who risk their lives every day, defending and liberating our Ukraine from enemies!