A lecture on a rare genetic syndrome was held

On August 28, the team of the media space sector of the KNMU Student  Government held a lecture dedicated to the World Shereshevsky-Turner Syndrome Awareness Day. The main goal of the event is to spread information about a genetic anomaly widespread in the world.

Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome (also known as 45 X or 45 X0) is a genetic abnormality in which a woman partially or completely lacks an X chromosome. This syndrome occurs in one to 2,000 and one in 5,000 women at birth. All world regions and cultures suffer equally. Generally, people with this condition have a shorter life expectancy, mainly due to heart problems and diabetes. In recent decades, the number of patients has grown faster than in the previous years of the 20th century, so it is very important to conduct educational activities among students in order to broaden their horizons.

At the event, students took part in the discussion and learned about the history of this syndrome, the symptoms and clinical picture accompanying this disease, and the prognosis for treatment. The participants showed interest and actively asked questions to the speakers. A quiz was also conducted using the Quizziz program, where students tested their knowledge.

The result of the lecture was drawing students’ attention to the problem of Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome, as well as familiarizing students with the features of this genetic disease. Our student body continues to help each other on the way to a tolerant attitude towards people with various diseases.