A letter of gratitude from a student


Dear teachers, students and colleagues!

I am Muskan Shaurya from India, a fourth year medical student of our prestigious Kharkiv National Medical University .

I have always dreamed about graduating from KhNMU and it was the year 2020 when I put my first step in our University, to fullfil the dream I had since my school days.

As I recall, it was the happiest day of my life, yet I faced challenges with it which I never imagined. Corona hit the world and we all suffered, 1st year have had been challenging for me and my entire batch and surely for all the doctors and staffs of our school too, but we never gave up.

2nd year was the moment, I have it so  close to my heart . It was perfect, everything was perfect, taking metro to reach the college and attending the lectures of our awesome professors and seeing the cadavers for first time in my life, imagining my whole life as a doctor. Life was exactly as I wanted.

Then in 2nd semester, 24th Feb. 2022, everything changed,
The war started and life just went upside down for me and everyone around me.

The day was Thursday, we always had physiology class scheduled for this day and I have always waited for this class because our professor made it so interesting and environment was just mesmerizing.

After this day everything changed, me with my family, we moved back to India, Classes became online, but deep down. I always hoped to live all those moments again. I wanted that adrenaline rush again. I have huge respect for my professors, who never missed a lecture and made it look Soo easy and unaffected by the chaos they were enduring at that time. Apart from medicine, they thought me to never give up no matter how bad the situation were.

After  2 long years, I finally got the opportunity to come back to KhNMU, and suddenly I felt alive and electric just by the thought of having it all back once again. Finally it was Infront of my eyes, our Beautiful University, it was still the same, the beauty and marvel of our prestigious university was still intact. Our heart warming and ever so welcoming professors were still here standing there ground, fighting through all the challenges, ready to give us the knowledge.

One thing that I missed the most was the busy halls, campus full of students, utter silence of the libraries, gossips and laughter we had on the every corner of our university. That is how I still remember our University.

I just can’t wait for this war to end and our soldiers to return to their families happily, and life in our country again to blossom to it’s fullest. Everyone wanna return to this God owned place because it’s beauty never ceased to exist. For me and many other people, Kharkiv isn’t just some city with a name and place to survive. It’s our emotion, it’s our home.

I have always been Ukrainian by heart and always will be
Thank you
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