History of the Department of Biological Chemistry

The Department of Biological Chemistry of Kharkiv National Medical University is one of the oldest departments in our country. In 1863, department called the Cabinet of Medical Chemistry and Physics was established at the Medical Faculty of Kharkiv University, which later became the Department of Medical Chemistry (1884), physiological chemistry, and eventually biological chemistry. But long before these events at Kharkiv University, at the Department of Physics and Chemistry, O.I. Khodnev (worked at the university from 1846 to 1854) first read an independent course in physiological chemistry entitled “The Course of Physiological Chemistry, read at Kharkov University by Adjunct Professor A. Khodnev.”, which was published in 1847. This course became the generally recognized first textbook of biochemistry.

The first head of the department was Professor F.V. Tykhonovych, who headed the department from 1864 to 1885 p. Tykhonovych’s outstanding research is his doctoral thesis “Sources of carbohydrate formation in animals and outside” (1866, Kharkiv). He also studied the chemistry of nicotine, metabolism in muscles, the proportion of oxygen in the blood, etc.

From 1885 to 1892 the Department of Biochemistry was headed by Professor O.Ya. Danylevskiy, who made it famous for his brilliant experimental research in the field of protein chemistry. The scientist for the first time (60 years before R.M. Wilstetter) applied the method of selective adsorption of enzymes, which later took an important place in enzymology, developed a method of extracting myosin protein from muscles. For the first time, evidence of the reversibility of enzymes was obtained and the first scientific classification of brain proteins was proposed. Long before V. Hoffmeister and E. Fischer, O. Ya. Danylevskyi suggested the alternation in the NH-CO binding protein molecule, which was later called peptide, and proposed a theory of the structure of a protein molecule – the theory of elementary rows.

From 1893 to 1897 the department was headed by a private associate professor of the Military Medical Academy. I. Bogomolov, who translated and reworked Salkovskyi’s book “Practical Guide to Physiological, Pathological and Chemical Analysis”, which at that time was a very valuable guide.

In 1899, Professor V.S. Gulevych, known for his work in the field of protein chemistry, in particular, extractives of the brain and muscles, was elected the head of the department. V.S. Gulevych, along with O. Danilevskyi, is considered to be one of the founders of domestic biochemistry. He paid special attention to the reorganization of the educational process: in practical classes it became mandatory to acquaint students with the main methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis of urine, the study of gastric juice. In the city of Kharkiv V.S. Gulevych published the famous manual “Analysis of urine” (1901). Scientific works were devoted to the biochemistry of nitrogen metabolism, chemistry of proteins, biochemistry of muscle tissue. In the study of muscle extractives, he discovered carnosine, carnitine, methylguanidine and methylcarnosine.

After V.S. Gulevich left the post, the department was vacant for one year. The course of Medical Chemistry at this time was taught by physiologist V.Ya. Danilevskyi.

In 1902 D.I. Kuraev was appointed the head of the department. He made his doctoral thesis on “On the protein state of dead and active muscles” (1896). The course of lectures on physiological chemistry, given by D.I. Kuraev, was published in a separate book entitled “Physiological Chemistry”.

From 1908 to 1919 the department was headed by R.P. Krymberg, who made his thesis on “On nitrogenous extractives of muscle tissue” (1907). He is the author of two monographs, namely: “On the Mechanism of Gastric Secretion” (1915) and “Hormones, Their Chemical Nature, Quantity, and Role in Living Organisms” (1918).

From 1918 to 1920 the position of head of the Department of Biochemistry was vacant. For some time (1920-1921) the duties of professor of the department were again performed by the well-known physiologist V.Ya. Danilevsky.

From 1921 to 1931 the department was headed by O.V. Palladin whose lecture course became the basis for the creation of the “Textbook of Physiological Chemistry” for students and physicians (1924). This textbook has survived 25 editions in different languages and ​​since 1938 its name has changed to “Textbook of Biological Chemistry”. On the initiative and under the leadership of Professor O.V. Palladin, the Ukrainian Biochemical Institute (now the Institute of Biochemistry named after O.V. Palladin) was founded in October 1925. In 1926, for outstanding scientific research, O.V. Palladin was elected a member-correspondent of the All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, awarded the degree of Doctor of Biological Sciences. The same year, he edited the first volume of “Scientific Notes of the Ukrainian Biochemical Institute”, which became the predecessor of the “Ukrainian Biochemical Journal”. In 1928, O.V. Palladin founded the Ukrainian Physiological Society (later the Society of Physiologists, Biochemists, Pharmacologists, now separate scientific societies).

For 15 years (from 1916 to 1931) O.V. Palladin lived and worked in Kharkiv. At that time, the Department of Biochemistry conducted systematic research on muscle biochemistry, studied the chemical dynamics of muscle contraction, metabolic disorders in vitamin deficiency, the interaction of hormones and vitamins. Biochemistry of the nervous system, in particular, the study of the chemical composition of functionally different parts of the central nervous system (“Chemical topography of the brain”); study of the chemical composition and biochemical processes in different parts of the nervous system in ontogenesis and phylogeny – the main work of the famous biochemist.

In 1931 Professor A.M. Utevskyi was elected the Head of the Department of Biochemistry. The main research area of the department at that time was to clarify the role of intracellular metabolic processes in the formation, deposition and secretion of hormones, biochemical dynamics of endocrine organs. In the mid-1930s, A.M. Utevskyi began a systematic study of adrenaline metabolism and studied the role of hormone metabolites in the mechanism of their action. These fundamental studies on biochemistry of catecholamines are reflected in the monographs of A.M. Utevskyi “Biochemistry of adrenaline” and “Materials on the biochemical dynamics of the adrenal glands.”

During the Great Patriotic War, the staff of the Department of Biochemistry worked in hospitals and laboratories, at the departments of biochemistry of medical institutes evacuated to the cities of Frunze and Orenburg, where they continued to conduct research that met the demands of practical medicine. A.M. Utevskyi headed Kyrgyz Medical Institute, which united with Kharkiv Medical Institute, which organized the production of vitamins provided by hospitals.

The work of the department was closely connected with clinics and hormone production. Thanks to joint scientific developments, the drug norepinephrine was introduced into production for the first time, as well as a stabilized product of adrenaline metabolism – adrenoxine. A.M. Utevskyi is the author of about 200 scientific publications on biochemistry, as well as a number of famous works on the history of science, philosophy, as well as popular science articles and books. He was one of the first in our country to be awarded the medal of academician S.I. Vavilov, the highest award of the All-Union Society “Knowledge”. He is a laureate of the prize of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR of O.V. Palladin (1977). In 1984. he was awarded the title of “Honored Scientist of the USSR”. He has trained 18 doctors and 65 candidates of science. Many of his students became outstanding scientists, heads of departments and divisions.

In 1977-1985 the department was headed by I.F. Paskevich, who in 1969 made his thesis, and in 1974 – a doctoral thesis on “Molecular mechanisms of regulation of processes of transcription of genetic information in the organs of animals.” He has prepared 7 candidates of science, published more than 100 scientific papers, including the monograph “Alcoholism and Heredity” (1983). I.F. Paskevich was a member of the Scientific Council of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences in Biochemistry and the Ukrainian Academy of Medical Sciences. The directions of scientific activity of the department were the study of cardiotoxic action of catecholamines, carbohydrate-energy, protein metabolism and nucleic acid metabolism under the conditions of experimental cardiopathies.

From 1986 to 1997 the department was headed by Academician M.G. Sergienko. At that time, the staff of the department studied the biochemical mechanisms of regulation of basic body functions and their violation in various pathological conditions, including paroxysmal. The main problem was to study the role of neurotransmitter systems in the formation of brain excitability, and obtained basic data on the role of catecholamines, neuropeptides, cyclic nucleotides, prostaglandins and other compounds in the regulation of central nervous system and myocardium. Employees of the department have developed new methods of diagnosis and treatment of paroxysmal conditions, which are confirmed by copyright certificates and are successfully used in the clinic. He is the author of more than 190 scientific papers. For the series of works “Initial and reverse forms of cerebrovascular disorders. Development and implementation of new methods of prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation in Ukraine” in 1993 M.G. Sergienko as part of the author’s team was awarded the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology. Under the leadership of M.G. Sergienko, 6 doctors and 20 candidates of sciences were trained.

From 1991 to 1997, the Department of Biochemistry was the support department of medical universities of Ukraine, the basis for retraining of teachers of biochemistry departments of medical universities of Ukraine in two cycles: “Neurochemistry. Biochemistry of mediators” and “Receptors of biologically active compounds”. For 6 years, the Department of Biochemistry was the basis for the work of the Republican Problem Commission “Biological and Medical Chemistry”.

From 1997 to 2013 the department was headed by Academician V.I. Zhukov, who in 1984 got his PhD as well as two theses for the degree of M.D. and Ph.D. on topics: “Hygienic characteristics of macrocyclic ethers in connection with the problem of protection of water bodies” (1990) and “Structural and metabolic mechanisms of formation of disorders when exposed to detergents” (2000, specialty “Biochemistry”).

Under the leadership of V.I. Zhukov the leading direction of scientific research of the department was the study of the mechanisms of biological action of different groups and classes of xenobiotics, in particular surfactants, on the body. V.I. Zhukov is a well-known scientist in the field of hygiene and biological chemistry, author of over 755 scientific papers, 68 patents and inventions, 12 proposals, 50 collective monographs, 3 textbooks and 13 textbooks, 4 sanitary norms and rules, 10 guidelines, 12 innovations of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, more than 150 implementations at the State level. Under his guidance and advisory assistance, 29 doctoral and 28 candidate theses in the field of hygiene, biophysics, biotechnology, toxicology and biochemistry were completed. V.I. Zhukov is a multiple winner of the regional competition “Higher School of Kharkiv – the best names”. In 2001, 2006, 2010, 2013 he was awarded diplomas of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine for personal contribution to the development of health care in Ukraine, in 2003 – a diploma and a silver medal of I.P. Pavlov “For the development of medicine and health care.” In 2007 he became a Laureate of the Prize of І.І. Mechnikov in the field of biology and medicine. He is a co-author of a scientific discovery in the field of biophysics “The phenomenon of piezobiosynthesis in biological tissues” (2013), for which he was awarded the Order of the European Academy of Natural Sciences (Hannover 27.08.13). Zhukov V.I. is well-known and authoritative scientist in the field of environmental protection in Ukraine and abroad.