About us
The Department of Orthopedic Dentistry of Kharkiv National Medical University was founded in 1979. The main activities of the department include educational, scientific, methodological, medical-diagnostic and consulting work.
Today the department teaches the following disciplines: “Propaedeutics of Orthopedic Dentistry” (for 2nd year students of the Faculty of Dentistry and students of V and VI faculties for training foreign citizens) and “Orthopedic Dentistry” (for students of 3-5 years of the Faculty of Dentistry) and students of V and VI faculties on training of foreign citizens) and also in carrying out specialization on a dental profile.
The scientific direction of work is directed on clinically oriented technologies of manufacturing of orthopedic constructions of removable and non-removable dentures due to development together with JSC “Stoma” and introduction into practical health care of structural and auxiliary dental materials for dental purposes: silicone impression material “Cielast-20”; Cielast-21; alginate impression material “Stomalgin – 04, 05”; “Boksil-Extra” for the manufacture of individual tooth ash fuses; composite material “Stomazit-LC” for fixing adhesive bridges; silicone lining material for dentures “PM-C”; thermoplastic impression material “Orthocor-ST”; acrylate “Redont-color”; facing material for fixed structures of dentures “Sinma-M + V”; Acrodent polymer for making makeshift crowns; cream “Stomafix” for fixing removable dentures, acrylic ashless plastic “Modeplast” for modeling pin structures, etc.
Scientific and educational activity is closely connected with methodical work – preparation and publication of monographs, textbooks, methodical recommendations on orthopedic dentistry.

- History of the department
- Educational process
- Scientific work
- Treatment work
- International Activity
- Postgraduate education

The establishment of the Department of Orthopedic Dentistry began on December 20, 1979. Leonid Yakovlevich Chorny was invited to head the Department of Orthopedic Dentistry of the KhMI.
In 1965 Leonid Yakovlevich defended his dissertation “Orthopedic methods of treatment in the complex therapy of periodontitis”, received a diploma of candidate of medical sciences. The academic title of associate professor was awarded in 1980, which coincided with the first anniversary of the birth of the department. Chorny Leonid Yakovlevich is the author of 53 scientific works, 1 textbook, 5 methodical instructions, 9 author’s certificates for the invention.

The department trains applicants for higher education according to the educational program 221 Dentistry and studies educational components (disciplines) such as “Orthopedic Dentistry”, “Propaedeutics of Orthopedic Dentistry”, “Modern technologies of continuous prosthetics” and “Basic technologies of dentures”.
In the training of students at the department are widely used modern teaching methods, namely: 1) student-centered learning,
2) problem-oriented learning with the acquisition of competencies sufficient to solve problems in the professional field,
3) learning through clinical and laboratory practice.
In 2020, 3-D diagnostics in the examination of patients was introduced into the educational process, which made it possible to calculate the individual optimal parameters of the structures used in the treatment of patients.
Also practical training of applicants is carried out on the following clinical bases of our department:
1) LLC “SILK 2016”
2) FOP Bogatyrenko M.V.
Another area of the department in the educational work is the elective course “Basic technologies of dentures” (for 2nd year students of the Faculty of Dentistry and students of V and VI faculties for training foreign citizens) and “Modern technologies of all-cast prosthetics” (for students 5- course of the Faculty of Dentistry and students of V and VI faculties for the training of foreign citizens). “Specialization”, “Thematic improvement”, “Pre-certification cycle and internship”.

At the department were completed and defended 16 dissertations for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences and 2 dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences.
The Department of Orthopedic Dentistry of KhNMU performs initiative research work on the topic: “Optimization of methods of diagnosis and treatment of major dental diseases”.
The purpose of research is to improve the quality of orthopedic treatment and the life of the dental patient as a whole. Laboratory, clinical-technological, statistical, and also clinical methods of research are used at performance of research works. All of them are aimed at substantiation and expediency of creation of new domestic dental materials of orthopedic appointment, study of properties and features of their application in clinical practice, creation of new technological and clinical methods. Implemented scientific developments increase the capabilities of orthopedic structures, improve them in a comparative aspect and distinguish the quality of orthopedic treatment. The clinical effectiveness of the methods is confirmed by the stability of the results of orthopedic treatment.

The teaching staff of the department conducts consulting and treatment activities on the clinical bases of the department, constantly introducing new methods and materials, as well as improving existing ones. Employees of the department are curators of orthopedic care in the districts of Kharkiv region and are members of expert medical commissions in the specialty. Number of employees with the highest qualification category – 13, with the I qualification category – 5, with the II qualification category – 3.

The main priority in the development of international cooperation, the department sees in expanding opportunities that are aimed at finding areas of research, the choice of trends in modern professional development.

At the Department of Orthopedic Dentistry of KhNMU since 2014. Cycles of advanced training of doctors are carried out, namely: a cycle of specialization in the specialty “Orthopedic Dentistry”, a cycle of internships in the specialty “Orthopedic Dentistry” and a cycle of thematic improvement in the specialty “Orthopedic Dentistry”.
The purpose of the cycles is to prepare dentists for certification to determine the knowledge and practical skills to acquire the chosen specialty “Orthopedic Dentistry”; preparation of specialists for certification for the title of “specialist doctor” in the specialty “Orthopedic Dentistry”; maintaining the current level of training in a separate section of orthopedic dentistry, aimed at deepening professional knowledge and skills.
Classes with cadets are held on the basis of the University Dental Center of KhNMU. The state of material and technical, scientific-methodical and personnel educational process meet the standards and requirements of the License Terms.