Department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology named after D.P. Grynyov

About us

The Department of Microbiology was founded in 1922 by Damian Petrovich Grynyov, who was the first head of the department and worked until 1934.

The main activities of the department include: educational, scientific, methodological, organizational work.

The educational activity of the department consists in teaching 2-3-year, 6-year students of medical faculties, 2-year students of dentistry faculties and 2-4-year students of the specialty “Technologies of medical diagnostics and treatment”, as well as training PhD students in the specialty 222 “Medicine”, specialization “Microbiology” (medical science), preparation of medical interns for the EP “Laboratory diagnostics, virology, microbiology”, specialization for the specialty “Bacteriology”, cycles of thematic improvement.

The research work of the department is related to the development and experimental grounding of new approaches to the complex treatment of purulent-inflammatory infections: includes the study of pathogenic features of purulent-inflammatory processes and the study of physical and biological factors influence on planktonic forms and biofilms of microorganisms, pathogens of purulent-inflammatory processes , in order to increase the effectiveness of antimicrobial therapy of purulent-inflammatory processes.

Nauki ave., 4, 2nd floor, leftside, Kharkiv
Head of department
Mishyna Maryna
Doctor of Medical Science, Professor, bacteriologist of the highest category
+38 057 707 73 31
Responsible persons
Kochnieva Olena
responsible for scientific work, Candidate of Medical Science, Senior teacher
+38 057 707 73 38
Marchenko Iryna
Responsible for educational work, PhD, Associate professor
+38 057 707 73 02
Staff of the department
Kovalenko Tetyana
Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate professor
Kotsar Olena
Candidate of Medical Science, Associate professor
Mozgova Yuliya
Candidate of Medical Science, Associate professor
Kovalenko Tetyana
Candidate of Biological Sciences, Senior teacher
Popova Natalia
Candidate of Medical Science, Senior teacher
Burov Andriy
PhD, Assistant
Balak Oleksiy
Candidate of Medical Science, Assistant
Dubovik Olena
Candidate of Biological Sciences, Assistant
Krasnikova Larysa
Gorobinska Olena
старший лаборант

The Department of Microbiology was founded in 1922 by Damian Petrovich Grynyov, who was the first head of the department until 1934. Prior to that, the course of bacteriology was taught at the Department of General Pathology and the course of sanitary microbiology was at the Department of General Hygiene.

Research work of the department is related to the development and experimental background of new approaches in the complex treatment of purulent-inflammatory infections including the study of pathogenetic features of purulent-inflammatory processes and the study of the influence of physical and biological factors on microbial planktonic forms and biofilms, in order to increase the effectiveness of antimicrobial therapy of purulent-inflammatory processes.
The staff of the department is actively working on the problem of rapid diagnosis of etiological factors of inflammatory processes. Types of experimental models of localized and generalized infections have been developed, on which, thanks to complex researches, the advantage of using combined schemes of therapy of purulent-inflammatory processes has been proved.
The department has sufficient material and technical base for research and educational process. Practical classes are held in specially equipped laboratories, which have interactive whiteboards and telecommunication systems. The student microbiological laboratory works at the department to conduct independent work. Since 1997, for the first time in the history of the department, lectures are given and practical classes are held with students in English.

The department trains students of the second (master’s) level, studying in the specialties 222 “Medicine”, 221 “Dentistry”, 228 “Pediatrics” and specialists of the first (bachelor’s) level in the specialty 224 “Technologies of medical diagnostics and treatment” providing study of disciplines” Microbiology, virology and immunology” and “Microbiology, virology and immunology with microbiological diagnostics”.
Modern methods of teaching interactive, verbal, visual, computer, independent work with literary sources are widely used in training of students at the department.
The department has created conditions for in-depth study of the discipline by students. For this purpose, a single information package has been formed. Each student can receive methodical recommendations for practical classes, materials for self-preparing, tests and situational tasks, lecture texts. All methodical materials are published and also present in electronic version, placed on the page of the department, in the repository of KNMU, on the page of the department in Moodle.
The department provides elective courses “Improvement of knowledge in physiology, biological chemistry, microbiology, virology and immunology for state qualifying exam”, “Physiological and microbial status of the child depending on age, health and lifestyle”, “Clinical microbiology, virology and immunology”,”Clinical microbiology “.
With the participation of the staff of the department for the last 5 years 5 textbooks, 46 methodical recommendations were created.
Training of scientific personnel under the educational-scientific program “Medicine” of the third level of education (doctor of philosophy) is also carried out at the department.

Research work of the department is related to the development and experimental background of new approaches in the complex treatment of purulent-inflammatory infections including the study of pathogenetic features of purulent-inflammatory processes and the study of the influence of physical and biological factors on microbial planktonic forms and biofilms, in order to increase the effectiveness of antimicrobial therapy of purulent-inflammatory processes.
The staff of the department is actively working on the problem of rapid diagnosis of etiological factors of inflammatory processes. Types of experimental models of localized and generalized infections have been developed, on which, thanks to complex researches, the advantage of using combined schemes of therapy of purulent-inflammatory processes has been proved.
The scientific interests of the staff of the department cover a wide range of research in the field of cellular mechanisms of action of antimicrobial drugs, study of mechanisms of microorganism production of antibiotic resistance and ways to overcome it, development of rational schemes of antimicrobial and immunomodulatory therapy.

Topics of scientific research
The department provides research on topic “Experimental justification for the use of a complex of antimicrobial agents based on determining the characteristics of microbiological properties of pathogens of purulent-inflammatory diseases” (№ state registration: 0120U102569, time period 2020-2024).
PhD and MD training:
At the department during 2017-2021 6 PhD dissertations were performed and 2 ones are on final stage.
Scientific outcomes of the department: patents, monographs, copyright certificates, articles, etc.:
For the last 5 years the department has received 3 patents for inventions and 6 patents for utility models, 3 information letters, published 7 monographs, more than 100 articles in Ukraine and abroad, including journals indexed in SCOPUS and WEB OF SCIENCE databases. Staff of the department took part in 2 symposia, 13 congresses and more than 120 conferences, including foreign ones.
Scientific and practical conferences held by the department:
In 2019, the department held an all-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference with international participation “Current issues of modern microbiology and immunology.” In 2020, a training and practical conference of students and young scientists “Microbiology-prospects for development”, dedicated to the 140th anniversary of prof. D.P. Grynyov, was held.

M.M. Mishyna, Yu.A Mozgova. and O.V. Hopta are members of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESMID).
International activity of the teachers of Department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology named after DP Grynyov.
We regularly attend and take an active part in international scientific conferences, congresses. Thus, in 2014 in Barcelona, Spain, the 24th European Congress on Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (24th ECCMID) was held.
In 2015, the staff of the department took part in the 25th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (25th ECCMID), held on April 25-28 in Copenhagen, Denmark.
At the 26th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases on April 9-12, 2016, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, the staff of the department also took an active part.
In 2018, we visited the 28th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, held on April 21-24 in Madrid, Spain.
In November 2018, the staff of the department took part in the International Conference on Virology, Bacteriology and Infectious Diseases, which took place in Rome, Italy.
In 2019, we attended the 4th International Conference on Medicine and Natural Sciences in Amsterdam, the Netherlands (April 26-27) and the World Conference on Immunology and Infectious Diseases in Dubai, UAE (October 8-9).
In 2020-2021, the majority of international scientific events were held online due to COVID-19 pandemic, but the staff of the department participated in the 30th and 31th European Congress on Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases and many international conferences.

News and announcements of the department
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Student scientific society

1) Head of the workshop:

2) Members: students of 2-3 courses. The List is updated annually.

3) Format: meeting once a month in online format (Zoom, Google-meet) or in person to person at the department. At the meeting, the teacher introduces students to professional terminology, interesting news in the field of microbiology and together with students conducts practical skills. Students provide research and experiments.