Department of the Latin Language and Medical Terminology

About us

The Department of the Latin Language and Medical Terminology provides training of higher education seekers majoring in the specialities 222 “Medicine”, 228 “Pediatrics”, 221 “Dentistry”, 224 “Technologies of Medical Diagnostics and Treatment”, 227 “Physical Therapy, Ergoherapy”, 223 «Nursing». Successful mastering of the educational component “The Latin language and medical terminology” is the ground for the terminological literacy of a future specialist. The main tasks of studying the discipline are the formation of students’ understanding of the Latin linguistic system, its main morphological categories, grammatical forms and syntactic constructions; exploring the main mechanisms of word formation in Latin; formation of professional terminological literacy. Latin and medical terminology are taught in Ukrainian and English.
The teaching academic staff of the Department of the Latin Language and Medical Terminology constantly improves the level of professional skills, goes through training programs, internships, attends trainings, webinars.

Контактні дані
Trinklera, 12, 2nd floor, Kharkiv
Acting Head
Lytovska Olexandra
Сandidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor
Responsible persons
Kolisnyk Maryna
responsible for the organizational and methodological work, senior teacher
Staff of the department
Derevianchenko Natalia Volodymyrivna
Сandidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor
Nekrashevych Tetiana
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, assosiate professor
Leliuk Olena Olexandrivna
Candidate of Philological sciences, senior teacher
Savina Victoria Victorivna
Kyrychok Olena Vasylivna
department secretary

The history of the Department of the Latin Language and Medical Terminology begins with a course of the Latin language, whose developer and head since 1941 was Sokol M. S. In 1941 a highly qualified teacher with a philological education Panteleymonov A. M. became the head of the department. At this time, the teachers of the department were experienced philologists Pomerantsev M. M., Martyanov L. O., Grechko M. M. and others.
Since 1951, the staff of the department had been replenished with young classical philologists, who graduated from the classical department of the Kharkiv State University philological faculty: Marchenko T. O. (1951), Terekhova M. P. (1953), Burnos O. I. (1954), Buzina S. I. (1956).
The pedagogical skill of the young teachers, headed by Panteleimonov O. M. and senior teacher Martyanov L. O., grows. To improve knowledge, they translate the works of prominent medical scientists of the XIX century, written in Latin.
In 1958, a Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Otamanovsky V. D. became the head of the department. He studied the history of medicine and paid special attention to the activities of Ukrainian medical scientists. Initiated and headed by Otamanovsky V. D. and Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Literature and Classical Philology Sidorova I. M., the teachers Terekhova M. P. and Burnos O. I. continue studying the grammatical and terminological peculiarities of the Latin language in the works of Pirogov M. I. and get their PhD.
In 1964–1969 the department was headed by Associate Professor Reznikova M. F. Since 1969 to 2002 Associate Professor Burnos O. I.was the head of the department. The methodical work of the department deepens the integration with medical, biological, clinical departments and the department of foreign languages. Methodical guides and manuals are being developed and issued.
Since 1969 to 1972, the head of the Department Associate Professor Burnos O. I., in cooperation with the head of the Department of Normal Human Anatomy, Professor Sinelnikov R. D., gives a lecture on “The history of anatomy and anatomical terminology”. Since 1973 to 1992, this lecture was read in cooperation with Professor Bobin V. V., and since 1993 to 2002 – with the head of the Department of Normal Human Anatomy, Academician Lupyr V. M.
The Honored Teachers of the department are teachers who worked at the department for 40-50 years: Terekhova M. P. – for 53 years, Burnos O. I. – for 52 years, Buzina S. I. – for 43 years, Yatsenko V. V. – for 44 years.
Since 1994 Associate Professor Ionenko I. R. worked at the department, and since 2002 to 2013 he was the head of the department.
Since 2014, the position of the head of the department has been held by Associate Professor Derevyanchenko N. V.

The teaching academic staff of the Department of the Latin Language and Medical Terminology constantly improves the level of professional skills, goes through training programs, internships, attends trainings, webinars.
One of the directions of the department’s work, since its foundation, is scientific activity. The teaching staff of the department conducts research in various areas, in particular, develops multilingual terminology dictionaries.
Applicants for higher education are actively involved in scientific work. The department has a students’ scientific club, competitions and contests in anatomical and clinical terminology are being organized, as well as students’ scientific conferences.
Much attention is also paid to educative work with students. There were organized visits to museums, theatres, exhibitions, brain-rings and events dedicated to the history of the department.

The staff of Latin and medical terminology Department teach degree seeking students who obtain speciality 222 “Medicine”, 228 “Pediatrics”, 221 “Dentistry”, 224 “Technologies of medical diagnosis and treatment”, 227 “Physical therapy and ergotherapy”. The compulsory educational component is “Latin language and medical terminology”, the elective educational component (for specialities 222 “Medicine”, 228 “Pediatrics”) is «Prescription: history, grammar and peculiarities of prescribing of medicinal forms».
The staff have made up and approved the set of documents: students’ guide to practical classes, teachers’ guide to practical classes, students’ guide to independent work in Ukrainian and English. The staff have been actively engaged in elaboration of distance learning courses on the Moodle platform. The link to the Department page is
The teachers apply problem, searching, researching and interactive methods of teaching during practical classes. In addition, modern material and technical equipment employed at the Department provides actively the usage of digital learning technologies (Quizlet, Kahoot platforms).

Until 2021 the scientific work of the department was devoted to the comparative analysis of Latin medical terminology and the corresponding terminology of modern European languages. The department cooperated with the theoretical and clinical departments of the university to that end. The key component of the work was the development of multilingual terminology dictionaries and student’s guides of medical terminology.
Collaboration with the Department of Human Anatomy based on “International Anatomical Nomenclature”, has compiled a dictionary of anatomical terms with their equivalents in Ukrainian, Russian and English languages.
Cooperation with the Department of Microbiology in 2006, was developed and published the student’s guide “Latin Microbiological Terminology” with a four-languages dictionary (stamped by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, authors: A.Ya. Tsyganenko, I.R. Ionenko, etc.). In 2019, together with the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology № 2, was prepared and issued “Ukrainian-Latin Dictionary of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Related Disciplines”, authors: Yu.S. Paraschuk, N.V Derevyanchenko, M.G Grishchenko and V.Yu. Paraschuk.
In relation to gamification in the educational process, as well as the expansion of the use of distance learning during the quarantine measures, the department has focused its research on the innovative teaching methods. Since 2021, the department has been conducting research work on a subject: “Theoretical and methodological principles of using innovative technologies in the study of Latin and medical terminology in medical institutions of higher education”.
In scientific publications, the employees of the department explore the theoretical and methodological aspects of blended learning. Special attention is paid to the use of the latest technologies in full-time and distance learning in groups studying in Ukrainian and English languages, because working with foreign students requires a special approach to teaching, which differs in form and content.
Since 2017, the department has held an annual All-Ukrainian student scientific-practical conference “Ars studendi terminologiae medicinalis: linguo-cultural and linguodidactic aspects of the study of Latin and medical terminology”.
Since 2018, the department has held scientific seminars dedicated to mastering the most important skills for a scientist. During the seminars, teachers of the department present their own experience to students and consider the theoretical and practical aspects of the following issues:
– what science is and why is it for the future doctorі;
– academic integrity;
– types of scientific works;
– structure of scientific text and scientific clichés;
– how to choose the subject of scientific work;
– digital etiquette;
– how to take under control of the fear of public appearance: what guides us?
– rules of bibliographical list

The scientific potential of Department of Latin Language and Medical Terminology is constantly growing due to
participation in international scientific conferences. The teachers of department work diligently in the scientific and
research field, as evidenced by publications in the publications indexed in the international scientific database
Scopus, as well as published in foreign publications of scientific articles and theses of the reports.
The department actively cooperates with other medical institutions of higher education. Since 2019 it is a co-
organizer of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Current Issues of Linguistics, Professional
Linguodidactics, Psychology and Pedagogy of Higher Education” on the basis of UMSA (Poltava).
In the framework of the Ukrainian-Swiss project “Development of Medical Education” Head of Department,
Associate Professor Derevianchenko Natalia successfully completed an online course “Teaching Mastery in Medical
Institutions of Higher Education. The 2 nd graduation. Feedback” (March-April 2021).
Teacher of department Nekrashevych Tetiana participated in the International Internship “Innovations of Higher
Education of Ukraine and the EU in the Modern Information Society”, organized by the International scientific
educational platform “Update” (December 2020 – February 2021).
Scientific achievements of the department were repeatedly presented at international conferences.

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Student scientific society

Supervisor: acc. prof. Lytovska Oleksandra Veniaminivna, PhD.

Members: 1st year students of medical faculties. Each year new students are joining the society.

Format: Meeting once a month on-line (Zoom, Google-meet) or in person at the department.

At the meeting teacher introduces interesting linguistic phenomena in the medical terminology field. Students prepare brief reports based on their researches. After presentations discussions and debates are encouraged.

Research areas:

  • analysis of professional medical terminology;
  • comparative analysis of medical vocabulary in Latin, Ukrainian, English and other languages;
  • study of the etymology of Latin and Ukrainian anatomical and clinical terms;
  • eponyms and their equivalents in the names of human body parts and pathologies;
  • research of synonymy and quasi-synonymy in anatomical and clinical terminology;
  • principles of abbreviation and the functioning of Latin abbreviations in medicine and everyday life.

Sources and materials:

  • Nomina anatomica in Latin, Ukrainian, English and Russian;
  • Anatomical atlases;
  • Etymological dictionaries;
  • Explanatory and encyclopedic medical dictionaries in Ukrainian and English (Stedman’s medical dictionary, Dorland’s medical dictionary);
  • Dictionaries of medical eponyms and abbreviations;
  • Vocabularies (Latin, ancient Greek, Ukrainian, English);
  • Internet sites (Nomina anatomica,, Whonamedit – dictionary of medical eponyms,


  • to form skills of independent research work;
  • to learn to analyze and systematize a large amount of information;
  • to gain experience working with dictionaries, including foreign ones;
  • to get acquainted with the variability of professional vocabulary and enrich vocabulary;
  • to understand and consciously use synonyms, eponyms, abbreviations in professional communication;
  • to learn to determine the meaning of unfamiliar terms on the basis of their morphological structure;
  • to understand the connection between the history of medicine, the practice of a doctor and the formation of professional language;
  • to prepare for participation in scientific conferences and writing research papers.

The results of the scientific society work:

  • presentation of the results of research work of the society as content of social networks of the Department of Latin language and medical terminology;
  • reports and publications at the conferences of KhNMU “Medicine of the III millennium” and “Ars studendi terminologiae medicinalis”, as well as scientific forums of other Ukrainian medical universities.