About us
Department of Internal Medicine # 2, Clinical Immunology and Allergology named after Academician L.T. Malaya Kharkov National Medical University was founded in 1877 as a department of hospital therapy. The main directions of the department include: educational, scientific, methodological, medical and diagnostic and advisory work.
The educational activity of the department is to educate the acquisitions of higher education of the 5th and 6th year of the Kharkiv National Medical University on the subject of “Internal Medicine” and “Clinical Immunology and Allergology, as well as in the preparation of masters, doctoral students and interns.
The scientific direction of the department includes the development and implementation of modern aspects of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the internal organs, with an emphasis on the comorbidity of the diseases of the cardiovascular system. Scientific and educational activities are closely linked to methodological work – writing monographs, manuals, methodological recommendations for “internal medicine” and “clinical immunology and allergology”.
The clinical base of the department has a city clinical hospital №27. Therapeutic and consultative work is carried out in conjunction with a hospital team in 5 stationary and 2 polyclinic departments. Employees of the department are constantly conducting conferences and lectures for doctors and nurses hospital.

- History of the department
- Educational process
- Scientific work
- Therapeutic work
- International work
- Postgraduate education

The department was founded in 1877 in Kharkiv National University. The first head of the Department of Internal Medicine No. 2 was Professor Ivan Obolensky (1877-1884). The department was headed by outstanding scientists A.Ch. Kuznetsov, F.M.Openhovskiy, K.P. Georgievski, S.H.Yakushevych, E.A. Chernikov, S.Ya.Shteinberg, VM Kogan-Yasniy, R.Sharlay. From 1961 till 2003 the department was headed by the Hero of Socialist Labor, Hero of Ukraine, Member of National Academy of Sciences and Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, RAMS, Professor L.T. Malaya. Since 2003, the department has been headed by Honored Professor of KhNMU, Member of Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine, Honored worker of science and technology of Ukraine, M.D., PhD, Professor Pavel Grigorievich Kravchun.

The department is prepared for education of education 5 and 6th courses and educational components (disciplines) “Internal Medicine” and “Clinical Immunology and Allergology” are studied.
In the preparation of educational applicants at the department, modern methods of training with the involvement of simulation techniques are widely used, which allows you to better master and improve practical skills.
In 2020, distance learning methods were introduced at the department.
Educational and pedagogical work takes place in the branches of the Kharkiv City Hospital №27, which is the clinical base of the department.
The department outlines the choice of “simulation training in internal medicine.” and “Functional diagnostics in internal medicine”.
During the last 10 years, the department was created by 2 textbooks, 13 tutorials, more than 40 methodological recommendations, etc.
The postgraduate training of specialists in the directions of “cardiology”, “therapy” and “allergology” is carried out.

The main focus of research of the department is to develop research on the problem of Atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, hypertension and heart failure and introduction of scientific research to health care practice.
Research work of the department: “Ischemic heart disease in conditions of polymorbidity: pathogenetic aspects of development, course, diagnostics and improvement of treatment”.
Over the past 10 years, more than 150 scientific works in professional medical editions have been published by more than 20 scientific articles in the Scopus bases. 6 doctoral dissertations were protected, 18 candidate’s theses and 2 reprocesses of philosophy. 2 doctoral and 4 candidate’s theses are executed today.
Scientific and practical novelty of received results is confirmed by obtaining declarative patents of Ukraine for a utility model, innovations and implementation in the practice of medical work.
The department cooperates with the National Medical University. the acad. O.O. Bogomolets, Institute of Cardiology. the acad. M.D. Strazheska AMS of Ukraine, Institute of Therapy. L.T. Malaya AMS of Ukraine and other institutions of Ukraine.
The department constantly conducts scientific conferences with international participation on the subject of therapeutic profile.

The department carries out the leadership of a therapeutic process in 5 stationary and 2 polyclinic departments of the Kharkiv City Clinical Hospital No. 27, is a clinical base of the Kharkiv thrombolytic center. The Kharkiv City Allergy Center, in which at the present level using the latest laboratory and instrumental studies, develop new methods of complex treatment of allergic diseases are developed, the entire spectrum of medical and diagnostic assistance in the presence of all types of allergic pathology is developed.
Annually, the staff of the department consult and treat patients with a variety of lesions of internal organs.

Employees of the Department are actively involved in international cooperation with near and far abroad countries. Over the past three years in international collections, more than 20 scientific works were published in the editions of the Scopus and Web SCINCE bases.
Representatives of the professor-teaching staff of the department are members of many international organizations.
The department actively involves professor Tehran Medical University Nima Rezaei to educational and scientific events.
During the last 5 years, staff of the department participated in 10 foreign forums; 6 representatives of the department passed an internship abroad, 2 received Travel Grande. In addition, the faculty of the department actively participates in international scientific and educational programs, joint research.

At the department, doctors are trained in the specialty “Therapy”.
For family doctors and therapists, specialization courses are held in the specialty “Cardiology” and “Allergology”.
Head of the Student circle: Associate Professor, PhD. Dobrovolskaya Inna
Format: Traditionally, 2 times a month on Tuesdays at the department there are meetings of a scientific student mug. The group of 5-6 courses and teachers of the department are involved in the circle, where various diseases are considered, modern methods of their diagnostics and treatment. All meetings are accompanied by parsing patients with a pathology presented.
Annually, scientific student conferences for students-mugs are held annually.