About us

The Admissions Committee of Kharkiv National Medical University (hereinafter referred to as the Admissions Committee) is a working body of a higher education institution, which is formed to conduct admissions for the study of entrants. The term of office of the Admissions Committee is one year.

The Admissions Committee works on the principles of democracy, transparency and openness in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine, the Procedure for Admission to Higher Education for the corresponding year, the Rules for Admission to Higher Education at  Kharkiv National Medical University for the corresponding year, the Charter of  Kharkiv National Medical University (KhNMU) and Regulations on the Admissions Committee.

The Regulations on the Admissions Committee of KhNMU are approved by the Academic Council of KhNMU in accordance with the Regulations on the Admissions Committee of the Higher Educational Institution, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 1085 dated October 15, 2015, registered by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on November 4, 2015 under No. 1353/27798. The Regulations on the Admissions Committee of the KhNMU are published on the official website of the university.

The composition of the Admissions Committee is approved by the order of the rector of KhNMU, who is the head of the Committee.

The Head of the Admissions Committee is responsible for the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to the Admissions Committee and the performance of its functions, ensures compliance with the legislation of Ukraine, including the Admission Conditions, Rules of Admission, as well as the openness and transparency of the Admissions Committee’s work.

The functions of the head of the Admissions Committee, in case of his absence (business trip, vacation, etc.), are exercised by the person who is entrusted with the performance of his official duties (the duties of the rector of KhNMU) in accordance with the established procedure.

The Admissions Committee includes:

deputy head of the Admissions Committee;

executive secretary of the Admissions Committee;

an authorized person of the Admissions Committee on accepting and considering electronic applications;

deputy executive secretary of the Admissions Committee;

members of the Admissions Committee (directors of institutes, deans of faculties, heads of structural units, etc.);

representatives of the student government and trade union organizations.

The vice-rector on research and education of KhNMU is appointed as the deputy head of the Admissions Committee.

The executive secretary of the Admissions Committee and his deputies are appointed by the order of the rector of KhNMU from among the leading members of the academic staff of KhNMU.

The order approving the composition of the Admissions Committee is issued by the rector of KhNMU before the beginning of the calendar year.

61022, Kharkiv, pr. Nauky, 4, entrance from vul. Literaturna
Work schedule:

Monday-Thursday 9.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m.

Break 1 p.m. – 2 p.m.

Friday 9.00 a.m. – 3.45 p.m.