About us
The functioning of the International Relations and Grant Work office is aimed at expanding international cooperation, strengthening international relations, increasing the authority of the Kharkiv National Medical University in the world, organizational, technical and informational and methodological support of the international and grant activities of the University.
The Office coordinates activities in the field of concluding international agreements on cooperation, business trips abroad, reception of foreign delegations, academic mobility, project and grant work, image on the global arena and generates a vision of development and internationalization of Kharkiv National Medical University.
In its functioning, the Office is governed by the current legislation of Ukraine, the Statute of the KhNMU, the Rector’s orders, the decisions of the Academic Council, the Regulations on the Office of International Relations and Grant Activities of the Kharkiv National Medical University, the Regulations on the Procedure for Exercising the Right to Academic Mobility at the Kharkiv National Medical University, the Regulations on reception of foreign delegations and individual foreign citizens at the Kharkiv National Medical University, the Strategy of Internationalization of the Kharkiv National Medical University 2019/2025, other current legal acts.

- search for foreign partners for international cooperation;
- drafting and conclusion of cooperation agreements;
- organization of cooperation of the University departments with foreign partners, accounting and reporting on this type of activity;
- dissemination of information among the faculties and departments of the University and students about participation in international programs, assistance in the preparation and execution of the necessary documents;
- advising teachers and other University staff who go on business trips abroad and drawing up supporting documents;
- organization of visits and receptions of foreign delegations and individual foreign citizens;
- on behalf of the Rector correspondence with embassies of foreign countries in Ukraine, embassies and consular departments of Ukraine abroad on the work of the University;
- grant writing and management of international projects;
- organization of educational and scientific events with the participation of international partners;
- advertising and PR activities;
- creation of information databases on international educational and research programs for students and teachers, international donor organizations and their constant updating.