About us
CRL – organizational and methodological research center of KhNMU for research of toxicological, medical-biological and ecological-hygienic profile with the issuance of the conclusion of the state sanitary-epidemiological examination, including PhD theses and master’s theses.
The CRL team is represented by highly qualified researchers, which include professors, doctors and candidates of medical, pharmaceutical and biological sciences, who have a wide arsenal of modern biochemical, clinical, toxicological, sanitary-chemical, pathohistomorphological and other methods. The number of methods performed in the CRL is more than 400 items.
Research activities of the laboratory are accredited by the highest certification commissions of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

- biochemical sector aimed at conducting biochemical, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays and molecular biological (PCR) research;
- pathomorphological sector, aimed at studying morphological changes in body tissues;
- sanitary-toxicological sector, aimed at performing toxicological and sanitary-hygienic research.
- Biochemical automatic analyzer “Labline-80”
- Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay “Labline-90”
- Nematological automatic analyzer “Abacus Junior”
- Real-time polymerase chain reaction equipment
- Research microscopes (Zeiss)
CRL provides the following services to legal entities and individuals on an economically calculated basis:
- scientific substantiation and development of official state hygienic standards for harmful factors for human health in water, water objects, atmospheric air, air of the working area, soil (maximum permissible concentrations, approximately safe levels of exposure, etc.);
- scientific substantiation and development of ecological and hygienic regional and departmental programs for making managerial decisions on reduction and elimination of risks to human health in connection with the impact on the body of harmful factors of the environment, industrial and domestic environments;
- hygienic assessment of food, including the detection of genetically modified organisms (GMOs);
- hygienic assessment of perfumes and cosmetics, household chemicals, building materials, chemical raw materials, etc .;
- conducting preclinical studies on laboratory animals with the implementation of biochemical, clinical, sanitary-toxicological, pathomorphological, immunological, and other laboratory techniques;
- evaluation of design materials, regulatory documentation and products for further issuance of the Conclusion by the State Food and Consumer Service of Ukraine.
The CRL includes a PCR laboratory aimed at performing molecular biological research on the qualitative and quantitative detection of GMOs in food, food raw materials, cosmetics and medicines. The PCR laboratory was established pursuant to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of May 13, 2009 № 468 on labeling products that contain or are produced using GMOs.
Research on the detection of genetically modified organisms is carried out on the latest high-sensitivity devices using the method of real-time polymerase chain reaction, which is the most sensitive and specific, which significantly increases the accuracy and speed of measurements. This real-time detection of the objects of research allows the amplification system of the latest generation Rotor-Gene 6000 manufactured by Corbett Research (Australia).
The laboratory is equipped with laminar boxes for air filtration and purification during manipulations with research samples. Protection class – IIa (State Standard of Ukraine 4388: 2005).
Testing of products to determine the presence of GMOs is carried out in accordance with European standards: State Standard of Ukraine CEN / TS 15568: 2008; State Standard of Ukraine ISO 21569: 2008, 21570: 2008, 21571: 2008, 24276: 2008.
- Laminar boxing second protection class (protection class IIa)