About us

The Trade Union Organization of Students, Postgraduates and Clinical Residents of Kharkiv National Medical University is a non-governmental organization whose purpose is to represent, exercise and protect the educational, social rights and interests of its members.

In accordance with the Constitution of Ukraine and the laws of Ukraine “On Citizens’ Associations”, “On Trade Unions, Their Rights and Guarantees of Activity”, “On Education”, “On Higher Education”, the organization protects the rights of students through negotiations and the conclusion of an agreement between the administration and the trade union committee of students of KhNMU as an annex to the collective agreement.

In its activities, the Trade Union Organization is independent of state executive authorities, local self-government administrations, other state bodies, their associations, political parties, not accountable to or controlled by them; it cooperates with the university administration, self-government bodies and other organizations.

Contact details
4, Nauky Ave, Kharkiv, 61022
Ivashchenko Roman Olegovich
Deputy chairmen
Hrytskov Vladyslav Artemovych
II medical faculty, 5th year
Маляренко Вікторія Русланівна
II medical faculty, 5th year
Kyslov Oleksandr Viktorovich
Areas of activity of the commissions of the students' trade union committee
  • Socio-economic commission
    • Social protection of low-income students.
    • Support for orphans and children deprived of parental care, students of Chernobyl victims, and students with disabilities.
    • Providing one-time financial assistance to students in need.
    • Providing financial assistance for health improvement for low-income and socially vulnerable students.
    • Providing New Year’s gifts to orphans and children of students who are members of the union.
    • Providing free legal consultations to members of the KhNMU TUOS.
    • Encouraging students who are actively involved in the social and scientific life of the university.
  • Housing and communal services commission
    • Organization of household aspects of living in the dormitories of KhNMU.
    • Cooperation with student councils to solve problems related to living in dormitories.
    • Supervision of students’ compliance with internal regulations
  • Cultural and Mass Commission
    • Organization and promotion of cultural events.
    • New Names festival and competition for creative youth.
    • Festival-competition of folk art “Pearl of the Land”.
    • International Choreography Festival “Rhythms of the Planet” dedicated to the World Dance Day.
    • The “Health” festival dedicated to the Day of the Medical Worker.
    • Award ceremonies for the winners of the regional project.
    • Gala concert of the winners dedicated to the Day of the Medical Worker.
  • Organizational and mass commission
    • Organization of meetings of the TUOS and the Presidium of the TUOS of KhNMU.
    • Conducting reporting and election conferences.
    • Assistance in developing a regulatory framework for the functioning of the TUOS.
  • Sports and Mass Commission
    • Holding a sports competition between faculties and dormitories in cooperation with the Department of Sports Education.
    • Promoting a healthy lifestyle.
    • Involvement of students in sports and tourism.