Successes of the academic mobility of KhNMU


In spite of full-scale russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, destruction of Kharkiv city infrastructure, outflow of staff and students, reduction of financing, Kharkiv National Medical University is doing everything possible to ensure continuity of the educational process for both national and foreign students. The general crisis in Ukraine at the same time enabled KhNMU to strategize in the implementation of international academic mobility programmes: thus, in September of 2022 agreements on cooperation between KhNMU and two universities of Georgia were signed: Georgian National University SEU and New Vision University (private university in Tbilisi), according to which the results of the competitive selection for full-time education for the year to the SEU university 306 foreign students of the Institute of Education and Science for the training of foreign citizens of KhNMU for the speciality “Medicine” were enrolled, and to the New Vision University – 121 for the speciality “Medicine” and 260 for the speciality “Dentistry”.

In January 2024, the second year of foreign students` training at partner universities of Georgia ended, where the students had the opportunity to attend practical classes and lectures in the university clinics in Tbilisi and learnt the necessary skills for future doctors under the supervision of recognised foreign professors. At the same time, in accordance with the bilateral agreement between universities, part of lecture classes were remotely conducted by English teachers of KhNMU.

Such a large-scale programme of academic cooperation with Georgian universities gave an unprecedented opportunity to Kharkiv National Medical University not only to save the essential part of the contingent of KhNMU foreign teachers during 2 years of war, and continue to ensure high quality of education for them, which was confirmed by the results of the graduation test in June 2024. Despite the fact that the last two years of study of KhNMU foreign graduates 2024 were held in Georgia, they have successfully completed the II stage of EDKI – KROK-2 and KSCI at KhNMU.

We wish our foreign graduates further successes and hope to see the stories of their successes in the future!