Studying can't be stopped!


This phrase belongs to Kharkiv students who attend practical classes face-to-face in the bomb shelters of Kharkiv National Medical University.

Recently, Muskan Shauriya, a student of the IV year of the VII Faculty of Foreign Student Training from India, joined them. She returned to Kharkiv after 2 years in her Motherland, New Delhi, where she went at the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion of Ukraine.

According to her, she really missed the university and live communication with teachers, so she decided to return to Kharkiv. Muskan visited the dean’s office of the VII Faculty and at a meeting with the dean Oksana Vasylieva, she expressed her gratitude on behalf of all foreign students who continue their distance learning at the KhNMU, handed over a letter of support to all teachers and students who are currently in Kharkiv, and also shared her dream – to become an obstetrician -gynecologist in the future.

With the support of the Director of the National Institute of Education Quality, Professor Ihor Zavgorodniy practical classes on midwifery in English were organized for Muskan Shauriya on the basis of the Simulation Center of KhNMU. Under the guidance of the assistant professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology No. 2 Olga Ovcharenko, Muskan worked out practical skills in physiological obstetrics related to the examination of a pregnant woman, the course and management of childbirth and the postpartum period.

The next stage of training was a visit to the maternity ward of the Kharkiv Regional Clinical Hospital, where the student, under the guidance of the head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology No. 2, Professor Victoria Lazurenko, got acquainted with the structure of the department, took part in the examination of pregnant women and women in labor, conducting physiological childbirth.

After learning practical skills on the course and management of childbirth, on May 15, 2024, Muskan Shauria gave an report at the anniversary X All-Ukrainian scientific conference of students and young scientists in physiology with international participation “Physiology – medicine, pharmacy and pedagogy: Current problems and modern achievements”, where she also shared her experience of being in the maternity ward of the KhRCH. Her report “Biomechanism of physiological childbirth: is it possible to control the process?” was awarded the diploma “For the practical significance of the research”.

We wish Muskan Shauria success in her further studies and thank her for supporting the university in wartime!