A letter of thanks from a foreign student


To the esteemed Rector of Kharkiv National Medical University, Dean of the Faculties, esteemed faculty members, and my respected professors and teachers!

As I pen this letter, my heart is filled with profound respect and gratitude for the esteemed individuals who form the backbone of our revered institution. Your unwavering commitment to education and the betterment of your students shines as a beacon of excellence in these tumultuous times.

Despite the shadows cast by the aggression we have witnessed, your dedication to maintaining the continuity of learning has been nothing short of heroic. You have not only preserved the sanctity of education but have also ensured that we, your students, could complete our academic journey with dignity and success.

The challenges we faced were formidable, yet under your guidance, we emerged stronger, more resilient, and ready to contribute to the world with the knowledge and values you have instilled in us. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed, and the sacrifices made will forever be etched in the annals of our university’s history.

I extend special thanks to the Scientific Council, of which I am honored to be a member. Your scholarly pursuit and the fostering of a vibrant academic community have been instrumental in shaping my intellectual growth and professional development.

To the Rector, your visionary leadership has steered our university through storms with a steady hand and an inspiring resolve. Your example has taught us the true meaning of perseverance and the power of unity in the face of adversity.

Long live Kharkiv National Medical University.

Long live Kharkiv.

Long live Ukraine.

The spirit of our institution is unbreakable, and the bonds we have formed are indelible. Though we may part ways, the legacy of our time here will continue to inspire generations to come.

With deepest appreciation and respect,

Kuye Adesegun Jacobs, Class оf 2024