Internship for foreign graduates


Kharkiv National Medical University offers internship training for graduates from other countries and stateless persons from all medical universities of the country.
Currently, we have already started recruiting future interns from among foreign students. We offer two educational programmes depending on the level of Ukrainian language proficiency.

The first one is for applicants who have passed the Ukrainian language exam at the National Commission for State Language Standards with a result of at least ‘intermediate level one’. These applicants can enrol in an internship in any speciality from the list of offers.

The second is for applicants who wish to study in English. The University offers an internship in the speciality ‘General Medical Practice’ (duration of training – 1 year) for these applicants.
KhNMU is responsible for the process of planning and organising the educational and practical parts of the specialisation programme, evaluating the results of training in compliance with the principles of academic integrity, ensuring the rotation of students at the clinical bases of the higher education institution in accordance with the internship schedule.