A memorial plaque has been unveiled at KhNMU


On December 15, a solemn event took place in Kharkiv National Medical University – the unveiling of a memorial plaque to the world-renowned pathophysiologist, pedagogue, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Honored Scientist of the USSR Danilo Alpern.

Danilo Ovsiyovych was born on December 15, 1894 and headed the Department of Pathological Physiology for almost 40 years (1929–1968). Thanks to his scientific achievements, he made the department famous not only at home but also abroad.

The opening ceremony of the memorial plaque was conducted by the Vice-Rector for Research and Teaching Ivan Letik. At the ceremony, acting Head of the Department of General and Clinical Pathophysiology, Mykhailo Myroshnychenko said: “We have gathered first of all to pay tribute to the memory of an outstanding scientist, because without history there is no future”.

The Dean of the First Medical Faculty Alla Nikolaeva thanked the department for the respect for the history and connection of generations. The curator of the funds of the Museum of History Olena Semenenko presented historical photos.