About us
The Center for Gender Education of Kharkiv National Medical University (CGE KhNMU) was established in 2012. The purpose of the Center is to provide scientific and practical assistance to teachers and students of the University to implement the idea of gender equality in the educational process by strengthening the gender component in the content of biomedical and humanities. The main tasks are to ensure equal rights and opportunities for women and men in teaching and research.
The director of the Center is Kateryna Karpenko, Doctor of Philosophy Science, Professor, head of the Department of Philosophy. She has been a member of the International Association of Women Philosophers (IAPh) since 2001. She has completed internships in gender issues at recognized universities around the world, namely Madison University (Wisconsin, USA), Cambridge University (Jesus College, the United Kingdom), Central European University (Budapest, Hungary), and others. In 2006 she defended her doctoral dissertation on “Gender Dimension of Ecological Communication”.
Representatives of the Center participated in conferences and gender trainings of various levels. They published monographs and articles on gender problems and acted as opponents in defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations on gender issues. The library and video library on the specified issues are collected.
CGE KhNMU is a part of the All-Ukrainian Network of Gender Centers and participates in all activities initiated by the Network, including trainings on gender audit and social actions on gender equality. Students and young teachers of the University: M. Kostina, N. Katelevskaya, N. Guzhva, N. Zavgorodnya, A. Sheiko, D. Feldman, V. Sirchina, A. Ashurov, P. Maltsev, Akil Mugapu Veera, A. Lavrova, T. Fadeeva, A. Feskova, D. Stukalkina, and others were among the winners of All-Ukrainian and regional competitions on gender issues.
Recently, the main efforts have been focused on the introduction of gender medicine in the educational process as an elective course. A significant achievement of the Center is the holding of seven International scientific-practical conferences “Gender. Ecology. Health” (2007. 2008, 2011, 2015, 2017, 2019, 2021).

- Gender issues in educational and scientific work
- Participation in competitions
- Work with the public
- Our partners
- International relations

The main tasks of the Center are:
- creation of information resources on gender issues for participants in the educational process;
- dissemination of gender knowledge through the development and implementation of the latest socio-pedagogical, informational and educational technologies;
- study, improvement, and dissemination of relevant gender technologies and methods to influence the direction and content of the educational process in higher education.

CGE KhNMU is a part of the All-Ukrainian Network of Gender Centers, participates in all activities initiated by the Network, including trainings on gender audit and social actions on gender equality. Students, graduate students and young teachers of the university: M. Kostina, N. Katelevskaya, N. Guzhva, N. Zavgorodnya, A. Sheiko, D. Feldman, V. Sirchina, A. Ashurov, P. Maltsev, Akil Mugapu Veera, A. Lavrova, T. Fadeeva, A. Feskova, D. Stukalkina, and others became winners of All-Ukrainian and regional competitions on gender issues.
KhNMU students regularly participate and become winners in regional competitions on gender issues.

Representatives of the Center and students are constantly working to prevent violence, discrimination, and sexual harassment.
In the first year, while studying the humanities, students get acquainted with documents on these issues and receive information about trust boxes and other contacts. Students conduct pilot sociological research and prepare research papers on preventing and combating sexual harassment, human trafficking, violence, and discrimination.

Association of Gender Centers and Organizations of Ukraine.
Museum of Gender Culture.
H.S. Skovoroda National Literary and Memorial Museum
State Institution “Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.”
Cherkasy State Technological University, Department of Philosophy.
KhNU named after V.N. Karazin, Faculty of Philosophy.
NTU “KhPI,” Department of Philosophy.
NGO “Association of Preventive and Anti-Aging Medicine.”
International Association of Women Philosophers (IAPh).
History of Women Philosophers and Scientists Program (University of Paderborn, Germany).

NGO “Association of Preventive and Anti-Aging Medicine.”
International Association of Women Philosophers (IAPh).
History of Women Philosophers and Scientists Program (University of Paderborn, Germany).