About us
The Scientific Society of Students, Postgraduates, Doctoral Students and Young Scientists of Kharkiv National Medical University (NTSADMV KhNMU) is a self-governing public association of students, graduate students, doctoral students and young scientists, created on the basis of common interests in research. Students, graduate students, doctoral students and young scientists under the age of 35 (doctoral students – up to 40 years), who are engaged in scientific research and study or work at KhNMU, take part in the work of NTSADMV. Work in the society is based on voluntariness, equality of members, self-government and legality.
Tasks of NTSADMV:
Ensuring the protection of the rights and interests of students, doctoral students and young scientists of KhNMU on issues of scientific activity, support of science-intensive ideas, innovations and knowledge exchange.
Facilitating the organization and holding of organizational, scientific and educational events in which students and young scientists of KhNMU take part.
Popularization of scientific activity among student youth, assistance in involving students in scientific work and innovative activity.
Promoting the quality of youth research.
Promoting the development of interuniversity and international cooperation in the field of youth science.
Coordinating and combining the efforts of students, graduate students, doctoral students and young scientists to organize research and solve current research problems, develop their innovation and promote science.
Informing students, graduate students, doctoral students and young scientists of KhNMU about scientific research and activities conducted by Ukrainian and foreign organizations, opportunities for research funding.
Promoting the observance of ethical norms and principles of academic integrity by students, graduate students, doctoral students and young scientists in conducting scientific activities.
Participation in the organization and holding of competitions for research grants for students, graduate students, doctoral students and young scientists of KhNMU, in attracting domestic and international grants for research, organization of financial support within domestic and international research programs.

Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Scientific Society of Students, Postgraduate Students, Doctoral Students and Young Scientists of KhNMU:
post-graduate student of the Department of Internal Medicine № 3 and Endocrinology Nikita Markevich;
senior laboratory assistant of the Department of Neurosurgery Vladislav Kalyuzhka;
senior laboratory assistant of the Department of Neurology № 2 Daryna Sushetska,
graduate student of the Department of Internal Medicine № 3 and Endocrinology Yuliya Stoyanova
Young scientists
Direction “Surgery” – Kalyuzhka Vladislav, Georgy Polikov
Direction “Obstetrics and Gynecology” – Olesya Plekhova
Direction “Biomedical Sciences” – Kislov Alexander
Direction “Therapy” – Nikita Markevich, Julia Stoyanova, Valeria Minyailenko
Direction “Pediatrics” – Daria Zatoloka
Direction “Preventive Medicine” – Marina Lysak
Direction “Dentistry” – Dmitry Komarov
Kateryna Yuntsova, Oleg Rusanov, Anna Andryushchenko, Yulia Markevich, Tetyana Sventozelska, Anna Lisina, Olga Vlasenko, Iryna Yurkina, Alina Lyakh, Polina Gordienko, Anna Golovnya, Aida Bazyan, Nadiya Orel
write a scientific paper (thesis, article, etc.), based on the results of their own research (experiment, clinical observation, literature review, description of a clinical case, etc.) in accordance with the requirements of the organizing committee of the conference;
after coordination of the text of scientific work with the scientific adviser to submit it for check to Council of NTSAD and MV on the link below (the link is active at the time of a distance format of training);
your research work will be checked for text borrowings through the service StrikePlagiarism.com and included in the database of works of students and young scientists; the inspection is carried out every Saturday;
after receiving a letter of successful completion of the test for the presence of text borrowings, you will be able to submit a research paper to the selected conference;
after the conference it is necessary to submit a report (certificate / diploma / copy of the collection of abstracts, etc.) in order to create a record in the database of scientific works of students and young scientists.
If you look at the history of NTSADMV, the first sprouts of student research date back to the XIX century, when the Kharkiv Imperial University was founded. At that time, the areas of the first student research were divided into three main sections: clinical, theoretical and hygienic. Clinical works consisted of the latest scientific and clinical research in all fields of modern medicine, which were published in various publications and journals and still have not lost their relevance.
In theoretical and hygienic research, future doctors highlighted the issues of solving urgent problems of residents of Kharkiv and the province, the development of sanitary and hygienic measures aimed at the improvement and development of the city.
Kharkiv Imperial University
Academician LT Small passes the experience to students
In 1929, the Scientific Student Society was founded at the Kharkiv Medical Institute, in the creation of which Professor Danylo Ovsiyovych Alpern played an important role. He became the first head of the SNT and headed it for many years. By 1935, more than 500 students already worked at SNT. In the same year, the First All-Ukrainian Conference of Young Medical Scientists was held, which was of great scientific and practical importance and was highly praised.
Gradually, SNT began to grow in number of students. If in 1929 there were only 22 students, in 2007 there were 2211. The forms of work of the student scientific society have expanded and improved. A significant place in the scientific works of students is occupied by the latest information technologies, without which effective research is impossible.
A student scientific-informational and medical-technical design bureau has been established. For the last 30 years, the curator of the SNT was Professor Inna Fyodorovna Kostyuk, Head of the Department of Internal and Occupational Diseases, a pupil of the Kharkiv Therapeutic School, a student of Academician LT Small.
Danilo Ovsiyovych Alpern
Inna Fyodorovna Kostyuk