The Department of Medical Biology was founded in 1926. Initially, the Department was headed by zoologist Professor O.M. Nikolsky, then – zoologist Professor V.L. Pauli and during the year histologist Professor V.F. Rubashkin.
From 1930 the Department was headed by E.О. Finkelstein (1897-1976). The scientific work of the Department was carried out in several areas. Work on the biology of animals, which are carriers and reservoirs of pathogens of dangerous infections for humans, was carried out by N.H. Miliutin, M.M. Zotyn, V.I. Biriukov. Further research in the field of experimental morphology allowed the staff to move on to study the issue of tumors origin and development.
During the war, the Department was evacuated to the city of Orenburg, where it continued its work. In the summer of 1944, after returning to liberated Kharkiv, the Department obtained premises at 12 Trinkler Street.
Since 1948, the head of the Department was assigned to Associate Professor Vasyl Ivanovych Biriukov.
In 1962 the Department was headed by Associate Professor Varvara Oleksiivna Samarova, and in 1963 Professor Polina Vasylivna Mykhailova was elected the head of the Department.
From 1973 to 1977 the Department was headed by Associate Professor M.M. Pavlova.
From 1977 to 1993, the Department of Medical Biology was headed by Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Svitlana Volodymyrivna Zhukova. Professor S.V. Zhukova in co-authorship with Professor A.O. Sliusariev (Head of the Department of Medical Biology of Donetsk Medical Institute) prepared a new textbook on biology in 1987. The textbook has been republished several times, including in Moldavian and Armenian.
From 1995 to 2002, the Department of Medical Biology, Parasitology and Genetics was headed by Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor H.F. Zhehunov. Since 1996, for the first time in the history of the Department, biology has been taught in English for foreign students.
Since 2002, the Department has been headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences V.V. Miasoiedov.
Since 2025 I.P. Meshcheriakova (Associated Professor, Ph.D. (Medicine) is Acting Head of Medical Biology Department.
Currently, the staff of the Department of Medical Biology is as follows – Acting Head of the Department – I.P. Meshcheriakova, Associated Professor, Ph.D. (Medicine); Associate Professors: O.V. Shmulich, Ph.D. (Medicine); Yu.O. Sadovnychenko Ph.D. (Biology); V.Yu. Dzhamieiev, Ph.D. (Biology); Assistants: K.A. Kuznetsov, I.K. Kuznietsova, N.H. Puzik, Ph.D. (Biology).