The Department of Propaedeutic of Pediatrics of Kharkiv National Medical University was created in 2023, uniting the Departments of Propaedeutics of Pediatrics No. 1 and Propaedeutics of Pediatrics No. 2.
The first head of the Department was Samuel Y. Shafershteyn. Under his leadership, the staff of the Department engaged in studying the functional state of the liver in rheumatic disease in children and the role of lambliasis in the clinical picture of hepatocholecystitis in children, as well as in developing the principles of treatment of infants with pneumonia.
During 1950-2002, the Department was headed by such outstanding scientists as G.F. Dobrogayeva, V.S Prikhodko, V.N. Kolomenskiy, O.I. Beskorovaynaya. Under their guidance, 9 Doctor’s and 61 Candidate’s theses were defended, 13 monographs and 516 scientific papers published and 15 certificates received. More than 20 innovations were designed and introduced in public health practice. The textbook “Children’s Diseases” was published. During this period, the main attention of the staff of the department was focused on the problems of child rheumatism, diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, child nutrition, allergology, etc. In 2017 at the department, it was opened a commemorative board to Vsevolod M. Kolomensky, who had worked for many years as a professor. Thus, medical staff of university and hospital expressed a deep respect and gratitude to their teacher, pediatrician and talented scientist.
- Professor Vsevolod M. Kolomenskiy 31.05.1930- 02.03.2015
Since 2003 the Department has been headed by Doctor of Medical Science, Professor Tetyana V. Frolova. She is the author and co-author of more than 190 scientific papers in professional journals of Ukraine and abroad, including 6 papers in scientific journals included in the international scientific metric database Scopus / Web of Science), 16 state patents of Ukraine for invention, and 3 copyright certificates, 22 newsletters of Ministry of Health of Ukraine, 30 textbooks at the level of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for students of III-IV accreditation levels, including 6- in English.
Professor Tetyana V. Frolova is a member of the Ukrainian Association of Pediatricians, American Association of Pediatricians, the International Association of Medical Elementology, International Association for Adolescent Health, the Ukrainian Association for Osteoporosis and European Vitamin D Association (EVIDAS). She is a member of the Austrian Journal of Technical and Natural Sciences; ” European Journal of Technical and Natural Sciences” and “East-European Journal of Internal and Family Medicine”. In 2017, prof. Frolova Tetyana headed the Eastern region of the Ukrainian branch of the European Association for the Study of Vitamin D. She is a member of the editorial board of“East-European Journal of Internal and Family Medicine”.
Since 2000 Tetyana V. Frolova is a scientist secretary of the specialized academic council of the Kharkiv National Medical University (D 64.600.04).
Prof. Tetyana V. Frolova was awarded the Certificate of Honor and Gratitude of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Gratitude of the Rector of KhNMU and the Certificate of Honor of KhNMU. In 2021, for many years of work in the field of science, she was awarded the honorary title of Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine.