About us
The Department of General Practice – Family Medicine of KhNMU was established on September 1, 2001 according to the letter of the Minister of Health of Ukraine dated June 14, 2001. On September 1, 2011 the name of the department was changed to “General Practice – Family Medicine and Internal Diseases”.
The main activities of the department include educational, scientific, methodological, medical-diagnostic and consulting work.
The educational activity of the department consists of training 6th year students of I-IV medical faculties and V-VII faculties in training foreign students, bachelors and masters in the specialty “Nursing”, family doctors-interns and family doctors of practical health care. 6th year students are taught the cycles “General Practice-Family Medicine” and “Hematology and Endocrinology”.
The scientific direction of the department includes the development and implementation of modern aspects of diagnosis and treatment of patients of different ages with comorbid pathology of internal organs. Scientific and educational activity is closely connected with methodical work – preparation and publication of monographs, textbooks, methodical recommendations on internal medicine, gastroenterology, endocrinology, rheumatology, diseases of the hematopoietic system.

- History of the department
- Educational process
- Scientific work
- Therapeutic work
- International Activity
- Postgraduate education

The Department of General Practice – Family Medicine at KhNMU was established on September 1, 2001 according to the letter of the Minister of Health of Ukraine dated June 14, 2001. On September 1, 2011 the name of the department was changed to “General Practice – Family Medicine and Internal Medicine”.
The founder and head of the department from 2001 to the present is professor Pasieshvili L.M.
The work of the Department of Family Medicine meets the urgent needs of medical education and provides teaching students the general theoretical and practical foundations of general medical practice, which is necessary for the formation of clinical thinking and a decent professional image, which should have a family doctor.

The department trains students in the educational and professional programs “Medicine” and “Pediatrics” of the second (master’s) level of higher education and
educational components (disciplines) “General practice (Family medicine)”, “Hematology and endocrinology”, “Palliative and hospice medicine” are studied.
The department also trains students in the educational and professional programs “Nursing” bachelor’s and master’s degree (disciplines “Family Medicine” and “Nursing in Family Medicine”) and “Social Work” bachelor’s degree (disciplines “Hospice care” and “Socialization”).
Since 2007, at the department the teaching of these subjects in English introduced for foreign students. There are a number of elective courses, namely: “Fundamentals of Gerontology and Geriatrics” (elective course), “Organizational Fundamentals of Family Medicine” (elective course).
There is a cycle of thematic improvement for general practitioners.
To intensify and optimize the learning process, modern teaching methods are used: solving clinical problems and solving test problems; application of business games; use of phantoms and computer training programs.
Practical training of students takes place on the following clinical bases:
- Educational and Scientific Medical Complex “University Clinic” of Kharkiv National Medical University
- The Kharkov Regional Clinical Perinatal Center
- The Primary Health Care Center, township Liptzy of the Kharkiv Region
- The Primary Health Care Center, township Pisochin of the Kharkiv Region
In recent years, the authorship and co-authorship of teachers of the department published a national textbook for universities of III-IV academic level “Family Medicine”: in books (Ukrainian and English).
Published textbooks: “Outpatient with the basics of family medicine”, “Primary care” in two volumes, “Symptoms and syndromes in the practice of a family doctor” in two parts, “Pathology of the blood system in general practice”, “Medicine according to Davidson: principles and practice”, “Diseases of the musculoskeletal system as an interdisciplinary problem”, “Syndromes and diseases of the blood system-“.
Monographs: “Hypertension and comorbidity”, “Medical and ethical aspects of genetic testing and counseling”, “Hypertension and acid-dependent diseases of the digestive tract: gastroesophageal reflux disease and peptic ulcer”, as well as educational literature for general practitioners:
“Handbook of the district therapist: diagnosis, examination, treatment tactics”, “Handbook of therapy with the basics of rehabilitation”, “The most common symptoms and syndromes in the practice of a family doctor”, “Hereditary diseases and osteoporosis”, “Algorithms in the practice of gastroenterologist”, “100 selected lectures on endocrinology.”

Clinical, biochemical and immune characteristics of the most common therapeutic diseases in comorbid conditions and ways of their drug correction.
During the years of the department’s existence 3 doctoral and 12 candidate dissertations have been defended.
Employees of the department take an active part in the work of national and international congresses, conferences, which present research and development of the staff of the department. The main results of the scientific work of the department are presented and discussed at scientific and practical conferences, congresses, forums of Ukraine, Georgia, France, Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, the Czech Republic, Great Britain, USA.
Employees of the department are members of the editorial boards of the following journals: «Family Medicine», Kyiv; «Modern gastroenterology», Kharkiv; «Bulletin of the Club of Pancreatologists»; «Recipe», Minsk; «Eastern European Journal of Internal and Family Medicine», Kharkiv; «Medicine today and tomorrow», Kharkiv; «Inter Collegas», Kharkiv; «Experimental and clinical medicine», Kharkiv; «Arterial hypertension», Kyiv.

The staff of the department works in close contact with doctors of practical health care, provides counseling in the following specialties: therapy, family medicine, endocrinology, neurology, dermatology, surgery.
Head of the department, professor Pasieshvili L.M., professors Zazdravnov A.A. and Kovalyova O.M. regularly conduct visits to the hospital and consult patients in the clinic. Docents and assistants of the department provide consulting assistance in the departments of educational and scientific medical complex “University Clinic” of Kharkiv National Medical University, in hospitals and clinics of the city. Assistants lead patients in the departments of clinical bases of the department, participate in shifts in the hospital.
Assistants Ivanchenko S.V. and Vyun T.I. are part of the team of trainers of the training center for vaccination for senior students of the university and participate in trainings for mobile teams.
Employees of the department are members of the following Ukrainian scientific organizations and professional associations: Association of Preventive and Anti-Aging Medicine, Ukrainian Osteoporosis Association, Association of Cardioneurologists of Ukraine, Association of Internal Medicine Doctors of Ukraine, Association of Outpatient Physicians, Association of Family Physicians, Scientific Society of Hygienists of Ukraine, Ukrainian Club of Pancreatologists, Ukrainian Gastroenterological Association, Young Talent Group Ukrainian Gastroenterology Association, IFC Advisory and Expert Group of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine for the development of the State Form of Medicines of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, etc.

Співробітники кафедри брали активну участь у міжнародному проекті MATRA-4 із впровадження західноєвропейського досвіду післядипломної підготовки сімейних лікарів у навчальний процес в Україні.
На теперішній час колектив кафедри залучений та активно працює у складі Україно-Швейцарського проекту «Розвиток медичної освіти в Україні» сумісно зі Швейцарським інститутом тропічної медицини (проф. Пасієшвілі Л.М., доц. Андруша А.Б., доц. Шапкін В.Є., ас. Іванченко С.В.), 2018 – 2023 рр., бере участь у міжнародному проекті «Діджиталізація післядипломної освіти в медицині» сумісно з Німецьким товариством міжнародного співробітництва (GIZ) 2021 – 2022 рр. (доц. Шапкін В.Є.).
Співробітники кафедри є членами іноземних наукових організацій та професійних об’єднань, а саме – Європейського товариства кардіологів «Fellow of the ESC» (FESC), Європейського товариства з кардіології (ESC), The International Society of Internal Medicine (ISIM), Європейського панкреатологічного клубу.
Останнім часом співробітники кафедри пройшли наступні стажування:
Проф. Пасієшвілі Л.М. – стажування «Insulin Resistance, Diabetes & Cardiovascular Disease) в USA, Los Angeles, THE METABOLIC INSTITUTE OF AMERICA (3–6 грудня 2020).
Ас. Іванова К.В. – стажування з внутрішніх хвороб у Німеччині, м. Гьорлиць, Лікарня ім. Святого Каролуса (08–11 березня 2021 р.).
Доц. Шапкін В.Є. – стажування «Modern Teaching Methods and Innovative Technologies in Higher Education: European Experience and Global Trend» у University of Finance, Business and Entrepreneurship (м. Софія, Болгарія) 17 травня – 29 червня 2021 р.

1. Internship in general practice – family medicine (2 years).
2. Cycle of thematic improvement of doctors “Rehabilitation of patients of therapeutic profile by a general practitioner” (2 weeks).
Head: Ivanchenko Svitlana Volodymyrivna – assistant, Candidate of Medical Sciences.
Student medical club members: 6th year students of medical faculties. The composition is updated annually.
Format: on-line (Zoom, Google-meet), or in person at the department once a month.