About us
The Department of Dentistry of the Educational and Scientific Institute of postgraduate education of KHNMU started training dentists in August 2006.
The main activities of the department are: educational, scientific, methodological, diagnostic and treatment, consulting work.
The educational activity of the department is to train interns-dentists and improve the skills of dentists.
The scientific direction of the department is the development and implementation of modern algorithms for the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of dental diseases in patients of different age periods.
The main directions of methodological work of the department are:
- activation of the implantation of innovative methods and forms of teaching, educational technologies into the educational process;
- active implementation of the scientific component in the educational process;
- preparation and publication of teaching aids and scientific publications.

Thus, since 1983, the Department of therapeutic dentistry has trained interns in Kharkiv and Sumy regions by the extramural form of study at specialized departments of the Faculty of Dentistry and bases of practical healthcare. And since 1993 at the specified department on full-time two-month cycles on a full-time and part-time form only those interns who lived in the Kharkiv region were trained.
After the establishment of the Faculty of postgraduate education on the basis of Kharkiv State Medical University in February 2006, the newly created Department of Dentistry under the leadership of Professor Sokolova I.I. continued the work of training dentists.
In January 2011, the Faculty of postgraduate education was reorganized into the Educational and Scientific Institute of postgraduate education of KHNMU, in the structure of which the Department of Dentistry currently conducts its work in the following areas: internship, advanced training of dentists, specialization, and retraining of doctors.
Training of interns on full-time cycles is carried out in medical and preventive institutions, which are the clinical bases of KHNMU departments. For computer training and computer control of the knowledge of interns, a computer class of the University and a computer class at the department are used.
Extramural training of interns is carried out in regional and city medical institutions and at the bases of hospitals in Kupiansk, Lozova, Izium, Vovchansk, Derhachi, etc.
During the entire period of training at the KHNMU internship, about 2 thousand interns received a specialist certificate.

The Department of Dentistry conducts:
- training of interns in the specialty “Dentistry”;
- cycles of thematic improvement for dentists of various specialties on topical issues of modern dentistry.
The following disciplines are taught at the department in the specialty “dentistry”: “therapeutic dentistry”; “children’s dentistry”; “orthodontics”; “surgical dentistry”; “orthopedic dentistry”.
The educational process at the department is carried out using modern multimedia and computer equipment, a sufficient number of visual materials, and innovative approaches to the educational process.
In the course of educational activities at the Department, interns and doctors have the opportunity to get acquainted with the work of modern medical and diagnostic equipment that is available to the Department.
A responsible and significant area of pedagogical activity of the department is the preparation of interns for the integrated licensing exam “KROK-3. Dentistry”. In order to optimize its implementation, we have created our own computer program. In addition, the Department’s staff have repeatedly co-authored collections of test tasks for the integrated licensing exam “KROK-3. Dentistry” of the testing center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.
Employees with a Master’s degree in “Tertiary education”:
N.M. Savielieva, I.I. Sokolova, S.I. Herman, O.H. Denysova, O.V. Yelisieieva, I.V. Markovska, K.V. Skydan, M.I. Skydan, O.Iu. Stoian, T.V. Tomilina, O.H. Yaroshenko.

Currently, scientific research is conducted within the framework of the initiative research project “development and implementation of modern algorithms for the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of dental diseases in patients of different age periods”.
Directions of scientific research:
- Development and improvement of medical technologies for the diagnosis and treatment of dental diseases in patients of different age periods.
- Development of methods of primary and secondary prevention, early diagnosis, and effective treatment of dental diseases in patients of different age periods.
- Study of mechanisms and prevention of adverse effects of exogenous factors on the dental condition of patients of different age periods.
- Study of mechanisms and prevention of adverse effects of somatic pathology on the dental condition of patients of different age periods.
The practical implementation of scientific developments of the department is confirmed by implementation acts and their wide use in the activities of medical institutions of Ukraine.
During the period of the Department’s existence (since 2006), 2 doctoral theses, 10 PhD theses, 31 scientific and qualification Master’s theses were defended. 16 utility model patents, 3 copyright certificates were obtained, more than 200 speeches were prepared at Congresses, Conferences, Seminars, and more than 400 scientific papers were published. The department staff has published a number of textbooks.
When conducting scientific research, the Department cooperates with:
- State University “Institute of Dentistry of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”;
- State University “V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University”;
- State University “I.I.Mechnikov Institute of microbiology and immunology of NAMS of Ukraine”
- Department of medical and biological Physics and medical informatics of KHNMU;
- Department of clinical laboratory diagnostics of KHNMU;
- Department of Microbiology, Virology and immunology named after Prof. D. P. Hrynov of KHNMU;
- Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Pediatric gynecology of KHNMU;
- Department of Internal Medicine No. 2, Clinical Immunology and Allergology named after academician L.T. Malaya of KHNMU.

Medical and diagnostic work takes place on the basis of the University Dental Center of KHNMU (director-candidate of Medical Sciences Associate Professor M.M. Biriukova). Every year, the Department’s staff consults and treats more than 2,000 patients (adults and children) with a wide variety of oral diseases. Problems of improving the effectiveness of primary and secondary prevention of oral diseases in children and adolescents are solved together with MNCE (Municipal Noncommercial Enterprise) “City Children’s Dental Clinic No.1” of the Kharkiv City Council, MNCE “City Dental Clinic No. 2” of the Kharkiv City Council, MNCE “City children’s dental Clinic No. 4” of the Kharkiv City Council.
Employees of the department are working on the implementation of modern measures for the prevention and treatment of diseases of hard tissues of teeth in children and adults, as well as improving the effectiveness of treatment and prediction of periodontal diseases.
Employees of the department conduct consultative work with patients in the districts of Kharkiv and the region.
All employees of the department are members of the Association of dentists of Ukraine.

The following employees of the department completed an international medical-scientific internship abroad:
- N.M. Savielieva (Liublin 2017; Warsaw 2019; Republic of Poland);
- I.I. Sokolova (Huittinen, Finland, 2017);
- O.H. Yaroshenko (Warsaw 2019; Republic of Poland).