About us
The Department of Propedeutics of Internal Medicine, Nursing and Bioethics is one of the oldest departments of Kharkiv National Medical University that provides educational process for Ukrainian and foreign students of the 1-6th years.
Research interests of the department include studies of the features of the comorbid course of cardiovascular, respiratory pathology, metabolic disorders and post-COVID syndrome.
The staff of the department provides medical advisory work at the divisions of CNE “City Hospital №13» of Kharkiv City Council and CNE of Kharkiv Regional Council “Regional Clinical Hospital” which are the clinical bases of the department, participate in international clinical trials, national and foreign professional and scientific congresses, trainings and internships.

- History of the department
- Educational process
- Scientific work
- Clinical Activity
- International Activity

Department of Propedeutics of Internal Medicine, Nursing and Bioethics (until February 10, 2006 – Department of Propedeutics of Internal Medicine №1) is one of the oldest departments which was organized in 1894 on the basis of Kharkiv University. Today it is one of the leading departments of Kharkiv National Medical University, known for its research activities not only in Ukraine but also abroad.

The department provides an educational process for the students of the following professional programs: “Medicine”, “Pediatrics”, “Dentistry”, “Laboratory diagnostics” , “Physical therapy, ergotherapy”, “Public Health”, “Nursing” in the following educational components (disciplines): “Propedeutics of Internal Medicine” , “Care of Patients (Practice)”, “Nursing practice” , “Deontology in Medicine” , “Fundamentals of Bioethics and Biosafety”, “Fundamentals of Cardiology and Pulmonology”, “Fundamentals of Cardiac Ultrasound”, “Fundamentals of Ultrasound in Clinical Medicine”, “Fundamentals of Electrocardiography”, “Ethics and Bioethics”, “Palliative and Hospice Medicine”, “Medical Ethics and Deontology”, “Medical Aspects of Bioethics and Biosafety”, “Bioethics”; provides Master’s and Bachelor’s programs in Nursing, and PhD program in Medicine.
The use of phantom learning technologies and 3-D technology for modeling clinical situations has been introduced into the educational process at the department, which allows the students to master practical skills.
Practical training is performed at the clinical bases of the department – CNE “City Clinical Hospital № 13” of Kharkiv City Council and CNE of Kharkiv Regional Council “Regional Clinical Hospital”.
The department created 9 books, 5 textbooks, 19 methodical instructions, etc.
The Department of PIM, Nursing and Bioethics is the reference department of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine for teaching Propedeutics of Internal Medicine discipline in English.

The priority direction of scientific research of the department is the verification and validation of diagnostic and prognostic markers of subclinical lesions of target organs in cardiopulmonary polymorbidity, including post-COVID syndrome, on the basis of laboratory and instrumental studies. The relevance and practical significance of the scientific direction of the department are related to the importance of subclinical lesions of target organs in cardiopulmonary pathology as a potent risk stratification factor that is essential for selecting the treatment strategy to prevent damage to target organs and/or regression of existing lesions, which will provide organ protection and positively affect the individualization of treatment.

The main clinical bases of the department are CNE “City Hospital №13» of Kharkiv City Council and CNE of Kharkiv Regional Council “Regional Clinical Hospital”. In the framework of cooperation in providing medical care to the population of Kharkiv, a renewed City Center for Diagnosis and Treatment of Hypertension has been created on the basis of the department created, which provides medical consulting and performs an extensive list of diagnostic tests, including expert level echocardiographic examination, ultrasound examination of the digestive and urinary systems, carotid and vertebral arteries, thyroid gland. Today, more than 300 patients with hypertension are under dynamic observation at the Center.
Leading employees of the department also provide medical and advisory care to patients undergoing treatment in the basic institutions in cooperation with the National Health Service of Ukraine, working part-time in Pulmonology, Gastroenterology, Cardiology, Thoracic surgery and Diagnostics departments; in 2018-2019, Assoc. Prof. О.V. Honchar was the acting head of the Therapeutic division of the City Clinical Hospital №13 of Kharkiv City Council.

The department cooperates with foreign educational and scientific institutions: agreements on international academic mobility have been signed, which include student training, interchangeability of credits with Jan Dlugosz Academy in Częstochowa; online negotiations are carried out and contracts are being prepared with the University of Central Lancashire (Great Britain), Madonna University, Jacksonville University, Arkansas State University, Hartwick College (USA). In 2021, a cooperation agreement was signed between the Institute for Immunological Research of New England (IRINE) Gardner, USA and KhNMU. Employees of the department participate in international events on cooperation and the creation of international programs in nursing. The department concluded agreements on cooperation with the Andijan State Medical Institute (Andijan, Republic of Uzbekistan) on the subject of scientific and pedagogical cooperation, the Kazakh Institute of Professional Development (Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan) on the subject of exchange of experience in the field of postgraduate education, joint research and educational projects, Prague Institute of Advanced Training (Prague, Czech Republic) on the subject of international cooperation in the field of education and medicine.
The scientific and pedagogical staff of the department within the framework of academic mobility have experience of conducting the educational process in foreign institutions:
Prof. Tetyana Ambrosova, educational cycle “International standards of good laboratory practice GLP: basic requirements”, Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan, conducting scientific and teaching work at the invitation of the Kazakh Institute of Professional Development, November 9 – June 10, 2016.
Assoc. Prof. Smirnova Viktoriya, foreign business trip to the city of Karaganda, the Republic of Kazakhstan at the NPP to conduct scientific and teaching work at the invitation of the Kazakh Institute of Professional Development, November 19 – December 02, 2017; foreign business trip for scientific and teaching work at the invitation of the Andijan State Medical Institute, Andijan, Republic of Uzbekistan, December 23–26, 2018.
Assoc. Prof. Bolokadze Yevgenia participated in the educational mobility program for teachers of “Mevlyana” higher school at the invitation of Chukurov University, Adana, Turkey, April 14-28, 2014.
Employees of the department regularly participate in foreign trainings and internships:
Assoc. Prof. Olena Pionova, internship at West Finland College, Huittinen, Finland (Educational system and inclusive studies in Finland), 2019; medical internship TMIOA, Los Angeles, USA (Emerging Standard of Care in The Prevention of Cardiovascular Morbidity and Mortality), 2020
Prof. Galina Yeromenko, grant for internship The 4th European Congress of Immunology, September 6-9, 2015, Vienna, Austria; internship at the Asklepios clinic, Weserbergland-Klinik 18.01.2017-31.01.2017 Hekster and Padeborn, Germany; internship at Salzburg Columbia University College of physicians and surgeons; seminar on diabetes 25.02.2017 – 03.03.2017, Salzburg, Austria.
Internship at Malopolska School of Public Administration University of Economics in Krakow, the international postgraduate practical Internship “New and innovative teaching methods”, May 04-29, 2020.
Internship as part of the Educational Program for Doctors, organized by the Association of French-Ukrainian Cooperation in the Field of Medicine and Pharmacy (ASFUDS) with the assistance of the World Federation of Ukrainian Medical Societies at the clinical bases of René Descartes University and Denis Diderot University (France), January 25 – February 5, 2022, Paris, France
Internship at the University Clinic, Department of Internal Diseases and Allergology University Hospital in Opole June 26, 2023-June 30, 2023, Opole, Poland.
Assoc. Prof. Oleksii Gonchar, medical internship in cardiology at the invitation of the Open Medical Institute of the American-Austrian Foundation, Salzburg, Austria, May 26 – June 1, 2019;
Assoc. Prof. Oksana Kochubiei, internship at the Barcelona International Business School (Spain) as part of the program on the experience of training highly qualified personnel, organization of the educational process and innovative teaching methods, June 29 – July 10, 2017;
Assoc. Prof. Nina Gerasimchuk, internship at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University (Republic of Poland) on the topic “Improving the qualifications of educators in the academic and scientific sphere between Ukraine and Poland”, November 16-19, 2017;
Employees of the department take an active part in the work of professional associations in Ukraine and abroad, hold membership in the European Society of Cardiology, its associations and working groups, European Respiratory Society, national professional associations; participate in the work of scientific forums in Ukraine and the countries of the European Union.
1) Head of the Students’ scientific society – MD, Doctor of medical sciences, professor Ascheulova T.V.
Responsible for the work of the Students’ scientific society – MD, Ph.D., Assist. Prof. Sytina I. V.;
2) CIS members – students of the I, II, III years of the II, IV Medical Faculties, the V Faculty on Training Foreign Students at the Training and Research Institute for Foreigners, the VI and VII Faculties for International Students of KhNMU Education and Research Institute for Foreign Nationals (the list is annually updated)
3) Format – on-line – Zoom, Google Meet; offline – at the department.
4) Schedule – the meeting is held once a month, the schedule is updated annually.
5) Directions – topics of students’ group meetings are developed in accordance with the curriculum of the course of propedeutics of internal medicine. During the meeting, students, under the guidance of experienced teachers, master the basic methods of examination of patients and supervise patients with subsequent clinical analysis. Separate meetings are devoted to the study of electrocardiography, other instrumental and laboratory diagnostic methods in internal medicine (echocardiography, ultrasound of internal organs, daily monitoring of blood pressure and electrocardiographic signaling and external function).
6) Students’ conferences – the schedule is updated annually.