About us

The Department of Neurology at Kharkiv National Medical University was founded in 1884 and it is one of the oldest in Europe. The main directions of the department include educational, scientific, medical-diagnostic and advisory work.

The educational activity of the department consists of training students of 4,5 and 6 courses of all faculties and postgraduate training of doctors (specialization, internships and cycles of thematic improvement). Students of the 4th year of medical faculties study the normative discipline “Neurology”. issues of cerebrovascular pathology”; for the specialty “Pediatrics” in the 5th year –”Fundamentals of reflexology” and “Actual problems of pediatric neurology” and in the 6th year –”Pain in pediatric practice”; for the specialty “Dentistry” in the 5th year – “Reflexology in dentistry”. The department trains bachelors in “Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy” and “Medical Diagnostics and Treatment Technologies”. The staff of the department takes part in International multicenter randomized clinical trials.

The clinical bases of the department are the neurological clinic of the scientific and practical medical center “University Clinic” KhNMU for 60 beds, the neurological clinic of the “Regional Clinical Hospital” for 80 beds and the City Children’s Clinic No. 15.

Independence Avenue, 13, Municipal Non-Profit Enterprise of the Kharkiv Regional Council "Regional Clinical Hospital", Kharkiv
Oleksandra Shpeiiera str., 4, Scientific-Practical medical center of KhNMU, Kharkiv
Rybalka str., 11-1, Kharkiv City Council «Сity children's clinic №15», Kharkiv
Head of department
Tovazhnyanska Olena Leonidivna
Doctor of Medical Science, Professor
Responsible persons
Kauk Oksana Ivanyvna
responsible for educational work, Candidate of Medical Science, Associate Professor
Tykhonova L.V.
responsible for scientific work, Candidate of Medical Science, Associate professor
Riznychenko Olena Kostyantinivna
responsible for student scientific society, Candidate of Medical Science, Associate professor
Staff of the department
Некрасова Наталія Олександрівна
Doctor of Medical Science, Professor
Eskin A.R.
Candidate of Medical Science, Associate professor
Soloviova E.T.
Candidate of Medical Science, Assistant
Dariy I.V.
Anna Voitiuk
PhD, Assistant

The Department of Neurology at Kharkiv National Medical University is one of the oldest in Europe. It was founded in 1884 (after Moscow and Paris) at the Faculty of Medicine of Kharkov University. It’s first head was Professor P.I. Kovalevsky. The department was also headed by I.Ya. Platonov, A.M. Grinstein, D.M. Zalkan, E.K. Evzerova. Since 1922, the Department of Neurology was added to the Kharkov Medical Institute.

From 1944 to 1971, the head of the department was famous neurologist Georgy Danilovich Leshchenko, who was one of the first who describe clinical picture of the limbic-reticular complex lesions. From 1971 to 2002, the Department of Nervous Diseases of the Medical University was headed by the Honored Scientist of Ukraine, laureate of the State Prize, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Yevgeniy Grigorievich Dubenko. Under his leadership, the staff of the department became a pioneer in the study of early vascular pathology of the brain.

The educational activity of the department consists of training students of 4,5 and 6 courses of all faculties and postgraduate training of doctors (specialization, internships and cycles of thematic improvement). Students of the 4th year of medical faculties study the normative discipline “Neurology”. Issues of cerebrovascular pathology”; for the specialty “Pediatrics” in the 5th year – “Fundamentals of reflexology” and “Actual problems of pediatric neurology” and in the 6th year – “Pain in pediatric practice”; for the specialty “Dentistry” in the 5th year – “Reflexology in dentistry”. The department trains bachelors in “Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy” and “Medical Diagnostics and Treatment Technologies”. Students of all courses of medical faculties study according to the credit-modular system in accordance with the requirements of the Bologna Declaration with assessments of knowledge level based on the ECTS scale.
For Ukrainian and English-speaking students of all faculties of the 5th year of study, a course on the choice of “Fundamentals of Reflexology” is taught.

Innovative teaching methods are widely used in the training of applicants for education: simulation, contextual, problem-based, modular and distance learning. According to the requirements of the credit-module system, the department has developed and implemented in the pedagogical process a number of methodological materials for students and interns. In order to prepare for the licensed test exams “KROK-2” and “KROK-3” trainings of students and interns are conducted to study the base of test tasks in neurology.
Practical training of applicants for education takes place on the clinical bases of the department: neurological department of the scientific-practical medical center “University Clinic” KhNMU for 60 beds, neurological and other departments of “Regional Clinical Hospital” for 80 beds and City Children’s Polyclinic N 15.

Within the system of postgraduate education, the department trains interns-neurologists, annually conducts pre-certification cycles and cycles of thematic improvement to improve the skills of neurologists.

The methodological work of the department consist with writing of manuals, textbooks, monographs, teaching aids and guidelines on modern approaches to the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of nervous diseases for doctors, interns and students. 7 manuals, 11 textbooks, 40 teaching aids, 50 patents, 55 and 137 guidelines have been published at the department.

The department is a reference department of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

Study of metabolic homeostasis, clinical features of stroke, epilepsy, traumatic brain injury, as well as chronic cerebrovascular disorders, toxic-dysmetabolic encephalopathy, polyneuropathy, neuroendocrinology, autoimmune diseases and methods of their correction.


The medical work of the department is carried out on clinical bases:

  1. Neurological Department of the Municipal Non-Profit Enterprise of Kharkiv Regional Council “Regional Clinical Hospital”
  2. Neurological Department of the Scientific-Practical medical center of KhNMU
  3. Kharkiv City Council «Сity children’s clinic №15»


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Student scientific society

Student scientific group associate Prof. Riznychenko Olena Kostyantinivna

Format: face-to-face and online.

Transfer schedule: once a week.