About us
The department was founded in 1924. The main activities of the department include educational, scientific, methodological and advisory work.
The educational activity of the department includes teaching 1st, 2nd and 3rd year students of Kharkiv National Medical University mainly in the following educational components: “Medical and biological physics; medical information technologies”, “Medical informatics”, “Advertising and information technologies”, “Information policy and digitalization of the health care sector”.
The scientific direction of the department includes research work “Concepts of mathematical modeling of molecular mechanisms of carcinogenesis”.
The department has scientific cooperation with the State Organization «Grigoriev Institute for Medical Radiology and Oncology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine» (supervisor candidate of medical sciences, prof. L. Ya. Vasiliev), with the Educational and Scientific Institute of Postgraduate Education of the KhNMU (responsible person prof., doctor of medical sciences, M. M. Kochueva)

The department was established in 1924. The first head of the department was Abram Slutskin, a well-known scientist in the field of radiophysics graduated in Kharkiv University in 1916. In 1924, A.O. Slutskin created the world’s first magnetron, which was used to obtain the shortest electromagnetic waves at that time, 7 cm long. A sector for the study of electromagnetic oscillations was established at Kharkiv University, which later became the leading department of the Ukrainian Institute of Physics and Technology (1928). For the successes achieved in 1948. prof. A.O. Slutskin was elected a full member of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine.

The department trains students on the following educational and professional programs:
- “Medical and biological physics” – for the 1st year students, specialties 228 “Pediatrics”, 221 “Dentistry”; for the 1st and 2nd year students, specialty 224 “Technologies of medical diagnostics and treatment” of the first (bachelor’s) level of education, full-time education.
- “Medical and biological physics; medical information technologies” for the 1st year students, specialty 222 “Medicine”, for second (master’s) level of education;
- “Medical informatics” – for 1st year students, specialty 228 “Pediatrics” of the second (master’s) level of education; 2nd year students, specialty 221 “Dentistry” of the second (master’s) level of education; for the 1st and 2nd year students, specialty 224 “Technologies of medical diagnosis and treatment” of the first (bachelor) level of education, full-time education.
- “Information technologies in medicine” – for the 1st year students, specialty 224 “Technologies of medical diagnosis and treatment” of the second (master’s) level of education, full-time and part-time forms of education.
- “Information technologies in education” – for the 2nd year students, specialty 011 “Educational, pedagogical sciences” of the second (master’s) level of education”, part-time form of education.
- “Informatization in the field of public health” – for the 1st year students, specialty 229 “Public Health” of the second (master’s) level of education, part-time form of education
- “Computer technology and methods of mathematical statistics” – for the 1st year students, specialty 227 “Physical therapy and occupational therapy” of the first (bachelor’s) level of education, full-time education.
Department proposes the following elective educational components:
- “Logic. Formal logic” – for the 2nd year students, specialties 222 “Medicine” and 221 “Dentistry” of the second (master’s) level of education.
- “Advertising and information technologies” – for the 3rd year students, specialty 231 “Social work”, first (bachelor’s) level of education, full-time and part-time education, for 2nd and 3rd year students, specialties 222 “Medicine”, 228 “Pediatrics” of the second (master’s) level of education.
- “Modern problems of biophysics” – for the 2nd year students, specialty 222 “Medicine”, 228 “Pediatrics” of the second (master’s) level of education.
- “European Standard of Computer Literacy” for the 1st and 2nd year students, specialty 222 “Medicine”, 228 “Pediatrics” of the second (master’s) level of education.
- “Information policy and digitalization of the health care sector” for the 2nd year students, specialty 281 “Public management and administration”
The department has more than 50 computers, which are used for training the 1st, 2nd and 3rd year students on the educational components: “Medical Informatics”, “European Standard of Computer Literacy”, “Information Technologies in Medicine “, “Advertising and information technologies”, “Informatization in the field of public health”, “Information policy and digitalization of the field of health care”; also such a hardware is used for scientific research and maintaining business documentation, the department has 210 educational tables, 7 scientific and visual stands, 145 scientific and educational lectures with multimedia presentations.
Department employees prepared and published: textbooks “Medical and Biological Physics”, “Medical Informatics”, explanatory dictionaries “Medical and Biological Physics” (in Ukrainian and English), educational methodical materials for classroom and independent work of students. It is approved by the Academic Council in 2019. Textbook “Information technologies in medicine” is classified by KhNMU. There are electronic courses on the disciplines: “Advertising and information technologies” and “Modern problems of biophysics”.

Scientific interests of the department:
The sphere of scientific interests of the department’s employees includes:
1) Concepts of mathematical modeling of molecular mechanisms of carcinogenesis
2) Mathematical models of electrophysical and mechanical properties of erythrocyte suspensions under the normal and disease conditions.
3) Study of changes in diagnostic and informative indicators of cancer patients during treatment using methods of mathematical statistics
4) J-aggregates of cyanine dyes with enhanced photostability for biological and optoelectronic applications.
5) Development of the tools for design of software architecture
Participation in research projects: the department has scientific cooperation with the State Organization «Grigoriev Institute for Medical Radiology and Oncology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine» (supervisor candidate of medical sciences, prof. L. Ya. Vasiliev), with the Educational and Scientific Institute of Postgraduate Education of the KhNMU (responsible person prof., doctor of medical sciences, M. M. Kochueva)
Scientific results of the department: patents, monographs, author’s certificates, articles, etc.: employees of the department take an active part in scientific congresses, exhibitions, symposia and scientific conferences of national and international significance. In December 2021, the 14th Interregional Scientific and Methodological Internet Conference “Modern Concepts of Teaching Natural Sciences in Medical Educational Institutions” was held on the basis of the department, which examined and discussed modern scientific issues of teaching medical, biological, natural and pedagogical disciplines and training future doctors. Scientific publications of the department over the past 5 years include about 120 scientific articles in specialized scientific publications, in particular in 2021. 14 articles in journals included in the Scopus database. Over the past 5 years, more than 350 abstracts have been published in collections of scientific works of conferences at the domestic and international levels, 10 invention patents, 7 monographs.
1) The head of the students group: Assoc. prof. Radzishevska Yevgeniya.
2) Format: mixed
3) Schedule: the first Thursday of each month, at 17:10
4) Areas of work: modern problems of Biological Physics and information technologies in Medicine.
5) Student conferences: the department annually holds a student’s scientific abstract Internet conference “Actual problems of medical informatics: innovative technologies in solving problems of modern Medicine”
6) Other student activities: annual publication of abstracts at conferences at all levels.