About us
The Department of Medical Biology was founded in 1926. Key focus areas of the Department are education, science and methodology.
The education area of the Department involves preparation of the first-year students of all specialties. The Department has made an information package on Medical Biology; in cooperation with the Department of Infectious Diseases a textbook Medical Parasitology with Entomology which bears the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science and a textbook Medical Parasitology: textbook for foreign students of medical universities (in English) have been issued. Educational and methodical materials for students are placed in the Repository of KhNMU and on the website of the Department. In order to implement modern standards for assessing students’ progression there is a bank of test tasks (over 3,000 tests), and there are 320 situational tasks for assessing students’ practical skills.
The research interests of the Department range from biochemistry of human brain, population genetics and embryology to cryobiology. The Department staff led by HoD, Prof. V.V. Miasoiedov participated in implementation of 4 R&D projects. They obtained 10 patents of Ukraine, published 2 monographs, 68 articles and 147 abstracts over the past 5 years. Teachers of the Department took part in 108 scientific conferences and 3 exhibitions; 2 PhD theses were defended. The teaching staff is constantly improving their professional skills, taking various advanced training courses both in Ukraine and abroad.
Every year the Department is involved in arrangement of the Interregional Scientific and Methodological Conference Modern Concepts of Teaching of Natural Sciences in Medical Schools, which discusses topical issues of natural science training of doctors.

The Department of Medical Biology was founded in 1926. Initially, the Department was headed by zoologist Professor O.M. Nikolsky, then – zoologist Professor V.L. Pauli and during the year histologist Professor V.F. Rubashkin.
From 1930 the Department was headed by E.О. Finkelstein (1897-1976). The scientific work of the Department was carried out in several areas. Work on the biology of animals, which are carriers and reservoirs of pathogens of dangerous infections for humans, was carried out by N.H. Miliutin, M.M. Zotyn, V.I. Biriukov. Further research in the field of experimental morphology allowed the staff to move on to study the issue of tumors origin and development.

Medical Biology is the main subject of the Department and one of the basic sciences for the first-year students of all specialties. The Department is equipped with 7 computers with control and training programs, 60 microscopes, more than 500 micropreparations, 800 training tables, 100 visual slides, 10 training stands in accordance with the credit-module system. The Department has made an information package on Medical Biology; in cooperation with the Department of Infectious Diseases a textbook Medical Parasitology with Entomology which bears the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science and a textbook Medical Parasitology: textbook for foreign students of medical universities (in English) have been issued. Educational and methodical materials for students are placed in the Repository of KhNMU and on the website of the Department.
In order to implement modern standards for assessing students’ progression there is a bank of test tasks (over 3,000 tests), and there are 320 situational tasks for assessing students’ practical skills.
The educational process is a constant searching for new methods and forms of teaching, as well as an active implementation of computer testing of students’ progress.
Every year the Department is involved in arrangement of the Interregional Scientific and Methodological Conference Modern Concepts of Teaching of Natural Sciences in Medical Schools, which discusses topical issues of natural science training of doctors.
На кафедрі викладаються курси за вибором (перелік) та авторські курси
– MOLECULAR BIOLOGY IN MEDICINE – 3rd year of study, full-time learning
– FUNDAMENTALS OF MOLECULAR, CELLULAR AND NANOMEDICINE – 6th year of study, full-time learning
– MOLECULAR BIOLOGY IN PEDIATRICS – 3rd year of study, full-time learning
– FUNDAMENTALS OF PRECISION MEDICINE – 6th year of study, full-time learning
speciality “Technologies of medical diagnostics and treatment”:
MEDICAL BIOLOGY – 1st and 3rd year of study
speciality “Nursing”:
MEDICAL BIOLOGY – 1st year of study (full-time and extramural)
Speciality “Physical therapy and occupational therapy”
BIOLOGY – 2nd year of study

The research interests of the Department range from biochemistry of human brain, population genetics and embryology to cryobiology. The teaching staff of the Department works with the method of Polymerase Chain Reaction, histological method of tissue study, methods of studying the gonadotropic and embryotropic effects of chemicals, the method of isolation of preimplantation mouse embryos and their cryopreservation, cytogenetic analysis of total preparations, methods for determining the features of neuroreceptors and determining the activity of transducer systems of cells, general and special clinical and biochemical researches.
The Department staff led by HoD, Prof. V.V. Miasoiedov participated in implementation of 4 R&D projects. They published 2 monographs, 68 articles and 147 abstracts, obtained 10 patents of Ukraine. Teachers of the Department took part in 108 scientific conferences and 3 exhibitions; 2 PhD theses were defended. The teaching staff is constantly improving their professional skills, taking various advanced training courses both in Ukraine and abroad.
The Department has concluded agreements on cooperation in scientific and educational areas with V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, SO “ Grigoriev Institute for Medical Radiology and Oncology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine” and the leading institutions of general secondary education of the city, in particular the Kharkiv gymnasium No. 47.

The Department of Medical Biology participates in the implementation of international projects, in particular “Building capacity for biodiversity conservation in Ukraine: building a network and improving education” (Center for Biodiversity Conservation and Nature Conservation at the American Museum of Natural History (USA), Ukrainian Environmental Club “Green Wave”, Ukrainian Environmental Education Center (Ukraine)), Ukrainian-Swiss project “Development of Medical Education”.
Teachers of the Department regularly undergo internships and trainings abroad and in Ukraine, organized by foreign partners, including the Scientific School for Teachers on the basis of the Experimental Laboratory for Youth XLab (Göttingen, Germany), EMBL-EBI Bioinformatics and Biological Networks Workshop (Kyiv, Ukraine), Third Annual BTRP Ukraine Regional One Health Research Symposium (Kyiv, Ukraine), scientific internships for educators “Academic Integrity: The Challenges of Today” (Warsaw, Republic of Poland), “Medical Education as an Integral Part of the Education System of Ukraine and EU Countries” (Wloclawek, Republic of Poland), “Challenges of Modernization of Medical Education in Ukraine and EU Countries: Scientific and Pedagogic Internship” (Lublin, Republic of Poland), German-Ukrainian autumn school 2021 “Lessons in Biomedicine Derived from Nanotechnology and Artificial Intelligence” (Kharkiv, Kyiv, Ukraine).
Senior Lecturer Yu.O. Sadovnychenko is a member of the European Society of Human Genetics (Vienna, Republic of Austria).
The results of scientific research of the staff of the Department are published in professional publications included in the scientometric databases Scopus, Web of Science, etc., and reported at foreign scientific forums.
The head of the student group – Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Yu.O. Sadovnychenko.
Members of the student scientific group are first-year students of medical faculties. The composition is renewed annually.
The form of the meeting – once a month in online format (ZOOM, Google-meet) or in person at the Department.
At the meetings, the teacher introduces the students to scientific topics of their interest, as well as scientific work to be performed by the students with their supervisors is scheduled.
Annually the Department holds a Scientific Student Conference, where students can present their work. The best works are submitted to participate in the University Conference.
The winners of the Olympiad, which is also held annually at the Department, represent the University at the All-Ukrainian Olympiad in Medical Biology.