Department of Operative Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery

About us

The Department of Operative Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery was founded in 1980. The main activities of the department include educational, scientific, methodological, medical–diagnostic and consulting work.

The educational activity of the department consists in teaching students of 3rd, 4th, 5th courses of dental and V faculties of Kharkiv National Medical University on the subject of operative dentistry and maxillofacial surgery. And also postgraduate training (TU, specialization), preparation of postgraduate students.

The scientific direction of the department includes the development and implementation of modern aspects of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of inflammatory processes and injuries of the maxillofacial area.

Nezalezhnosti Ave., 13, KNP CHOIR "Regional Clinical Hospital" 4th floor left wing of the department "Head–neck", Kharkiv
Peremohy Ave, 51, University Dental Center, 6th floor, Kharkiv
Head of department
Grigorov Sergey Nikolaevich
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor
Responsible persons
Rekova Lilyana Petrovna
Responsible for educational work, head of the department, Candidate of Medical Science, Associate professor
Demyanyk Dmytro Serhiyovych
Responsible for student scientific society, Candidate of Medical Science, Associate professor
Staff of the department
Dmytriieva Alia Anuarbekivna
Candidate of Medical Science, Associate professor
Vakulenko Catherine Nikolaevna
Candidate of Medical Science, Associate professor
Storozheva Maryna Viktorivna
Candidate of Medical Science, Associate professor
Poberezhnyk Galina Anatoliyivna
Candidate of Medical Science, Associate professor
Rak Alexander Vladimirovich
Candidate of Medical Science, Associate professor

The modern Department of Surgical Dentistry and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery is a part of the Dental Faculty of Kharkiv National Medical University.

From 1929 to 1951, the first head of the Department was Professor Moisei Borysovych Fabrykant (1863-1951), Honored Scientist, founder of the Department of Surgical Dentistry of Kharkiv Medical Dental Institute, world-renowned scientist in the field of restorative maxillofacial surgery.

From 1951 to 1965, the department was headed by the leading surgeon of the maxillofacial surgeons group, Professor Makar Fedorovych Dotsenko (1898-1968). Also during this period M.F. Dotsenko was the dean of the dental faculty.

In 1967, the faculty was transferred to Poltava Medical Institute.

The newest history of the Department of Surgical Dentistry begins in 1980 with the opening of the Faculty of Dentistry at Kharkiv Medical Institute.

From 1980 to 1996, the Head of the Department was Doctor of Medicine, Professor Yuriy Fedorovych Hryhorchuk (1927-2008). The treatment method developed by Professor Y.F. Hryhorchuk is described in his PhD thesis: “Benign tumors and tumor-like formations of the angular part of the mandible”, received international recognition. In 1987, Yurii Hryhorchuk defended his doctoral dissertation on “Clinic, diagnostics and treatment of phlegmon and maxillofacial abscesses in the elderly and senile”, which contributed to further research of the department staff.

From 1996 to 2014, the department was headed by Doctor of Medicine, Professor Gennadiy Ruzin, who is still a professor at the department. Continuing the ideas of his teacher, L.R. Balon, G.P. Ruzin proposed and developed original methods of bone grafting using fetal bone. The further direction of the research was the study of the peculiarities of traumatic injuries and inflammatory processes of the maxillofacial area in different medical and geographical conditions, the possibilities of medical and physiotherapeutic effects on the course of these processes were studied. Professor G.P. Ruzin has many students who continue these studies in new directions and at new levels.

From 2014 to the present, the department is headed by Doctor of Medicine, Professor Sergiy Mykolaiovych Grigorov. Professor S.M. Grigorov is a laureate of the President of Ukraine Prize for Young Scientists. The main directions of the department’s research are methods of treatment of purulent-inflammatory diseases of soft tissues of the maxillofacial region and study of clinical and pathogenetic mechanisms of complicated course of facial skeleton injuries, their diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Since the beginning of hostilities, the staff of the Department on the basis of the Department of Head and Neck Surgery of the Regional Clinical Hospital under the direction of Professor S.M. Grigorov has been actively involved in medical care for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The Department of Surgical Dentistry and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery has been confidently moving along a worthy path for 43 years in a row and now occupies an authoritative position in the scientific and educational environment.

The department implements effective modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of maxillofacial diseases, developed by the department’s employees. Many useful methods are used in the practice of dental surgeons and in the training of students of higher education, among the new ones are: analysis of dental pathology to assess the quality of life of the patient and improve the treatment of the middle area of the face after traumatic fractures and the creation of a database of the most informative diagnostic criteria for predicting the results of various forms of treatment odontogenic sinusitis using automated computer software. Optimization and improvement of the efficiency of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of post-immobilization, extra-articular contractures in case of fractures of the lower jaw and inflammatory processes of the maxillofacial region are also carried out due to the study of risk factors and the use of reflex prophylaxis.

– The department trains students in educational and professional programs Dentistry, and studies the educational components: normative – Operative dentistry and maxillofacial surgery, and elective courses: Surgical preparation of the oral cavity for prosthetics, Plastic and reconstructive surgery and Modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of TMJ diseases In the preparation of students at the department are widely used modern teaching methods case–method, modeling of clinical situations, work on dental phantoms that allows students to master practical skills.
– Practical training of students takes place on clinical bases
– KNP CHORUS “Regional Clinical Hospital” 4th floor left wing of the department “Head–neck”
– University Dental Center, 6th floor
– Educational and scientific medical complex “University Clinic” of Kharkiv National Medical University
– Elective courses are taught at the department: “Surgical preparation of the oral cavity for prosthetics”, “Plastic and reconstructive surgery”, “Modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of TMJ diseases”
– The department has created 4 textbooks, 6 guidelines, etc.
Training of scientific personnel according to the educational–scientific program of training of doctors of philosophy and postgraduate training of specialists is carried out.

– research interests of the department: features of the course and treatment of traumatic injuries and inflammatory processes at different ages; problems of adaptation, the possibility of influencing the nature and course of the purulent wound by medical and physiotherapeutic methods.
– research topics, research department: “Optimization of methods of diagnosis and treatment of major dental diseases” state registration number 0119U002899.
The department trains PhDs, doctors of sciences in Operative Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery.
– During the existence of the department more than 650 works have been published and a large number of reports have been prepared at forums of various levels, including international ones; received 20 copyright certificates and patents; 3 doctoral dissertations and 16 candidate dissertations were defended, 1 PhD dissertation was completed. Due to the practical significance of scientific research, the results of treatment of patients with purulent–inflammatory diseases of the maxillofacial area have been significantly improved, new methods of osteosynthesis have been mastered.

The department has introduced effective modern methods of treatment of diseases of the maxillofacial area, developed by the staff of the department:
• Use of antihomotoxic drugs Lifomyosot and Traumel–C,
• Program for predicting the course of phlegmon,
• Laserophoresis, in the treatment of phlegmon,
• Lymphotropic administration of drugs in inflammatory processes of the lymphatic nodes,
• The use of L–lysine–excinate and myogymnastics in inflammatory contractures,
• The use of gel “Kamident–Health” in the treatment of alveolitis
• The use of modern methods of stress prevention at the dental office,
• Method of analgesia during surgery in patients with toxic osteomyelitis,
• Prediction of the course and complications of odontogenic sinusitis.
Employees of the department take part in conferences and congresses of various levels, in particular in Warsaw, Lublin (Poland), Kyiv, Poltava, Lviv, Odesa, Ivano-Frankivsk and others.

The medical work of the department is carried out on clinical bases. – KNP CHORUS “Regional Clinical Hospital” 4th floor left wing of the department “Head–neck”
– University Dental Center, 6th floor
– Educational and scientific medical complex “University Clinic” of Kharkiv National Medical University

Brief description of clinical bases, logistics
All bases of the department have modern medical and diagnostic equipment and tools for diagnosis and treatment of surgical dental pathology, namely inflammatory processes, injuries, tumors of the maxillofacial area.
Employees of the department constantly participate in providing highly qualified surgical dental care to the population of Kharkiv and Kharkiv region.
All employees of the department are members of the Association of Dentists of Ukraine.

Interuniversity cooperation has been organized between specialized departments of Poltava State Medical University, O.O. Bogomolets Kyiv National Medical University, Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University, Vinnytsia National Medical University named after M.I. Pyrohova on the main topic of the department “Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of organs and tissues of the maxillofacial area”.

The department conducts cycles of thematic improvement and specialization in the specialty “Surgical Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery” and activities of the CPD of doctors:

  • Thematic improvement for doctors with a specialty in dental surgeon and dentist “Modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of abscesses and phlegmon of the maxillofacial area” (2 weeks – 78 hours). Date of the course: 12.01.2024 – 26.01.2024.
  • Thematic advanced training for doctors with a specialty in dental surgery and dentistry “Qualified tooth extraction: typical, atypical. Features of the removal of third molars on the upper and lower jaw” (2 weeks – 78 hours). Date of the course: 12.03.2024 – 26.03.2024.
  • Specialization cycle in the specialty “Surgical Dentistry” (6 months – 786 hours). Date of the course: 02.05.2024 – 27.06.2024 and 02.09.2024 – 30.12.2024.
  • Internship cycle in the specialty “Surgical Dentistry” (1 month – 156 hours). Date of the course: 03.06.2024 – 27.06.2024.
  • Thematic improvement for doctors in the specialty of dental surgeon and dentist “Modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of benign soft tissue tumors of the maxillofacial area” (2 weeks – 78 hours). Date of the course: 04.10.2024 – 18.10.2024.
News and announcements of the department
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Student scientific society

1) The head of the student group: Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Demyanyk Dmytro Serhiiovych

2) Meetings of the circle are held on the basis of KNP CHO “Regional Clinical Hospital” 4th floor left wing of the department “Head–neck” every third Thursday of the month according to the schedule

Students have the opportunity to write research abstracts on the subject of the department, to participate in the diagnosis and treatment of patients.

Students from the group regularly take part in student conferences of various levels and the All–Ukrainian Olympiad in Dentistry